Peer reviewed
Exploiting compositional disorder in collectives of light-driven circle walkersF. Siebers, A. Jayaram, P. Blümler, and T. Speck, submitted
Structure formation of C60 on insulating CaF2 substrates: Matching experiments with simulationsW. Janke, L. Höltkemeier, A. Kühnle, and T. Speck, submitted
Synthetic antibody-derived immunopeptide provides neuroprotection in glaucoma through molecular interaction with retinal protein Histone H3.1K. Nzogang Fomo, C. Schmelter, J. Atta, V.M. Beutgen, R. Schwarz, N. Perumal, G. Govind, T. Speck, N. Pfeiffer, and F.H. Grus, submitted
Employing artificial neural networks to identify reaction coordinates and pathways for self-assemblyJ. Appeldorn, S. Lemcke, T. Speck, and A. Nikoubashman, J. Phys. Chem. B 126, 5007 (2022)[abstract]
Response to "Comment on 'Communication: Is directed percolation in colloid-polymer mixtures linked to dynamic arrest?' " [J. Chem. Phys. 148, 241101 (2018)]D. Richard, C.P. Royall, and T. Speck, J. Chem. Phys. 157, 027102 (2022)[abstract]
Predicting the Supramolecular Assembly of Amphiphilic Peptides from Comprehensive Coarse-Grained SimulationsS. Chakraborty, C.M. Berac, M. Urschbach, D. Spitzer, M. Mezger, P. Besenius, and T. Speck, ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. (2022)[abstract]
Mobilization upon CoolingS. Aeschlimann, L. Lyu, S. Becker, S. Mousavion, T. Speck, H.-J. Elmers, B. Stadtmüller, M. Aeschlimann, R. Bechstein, and A. Kühnle, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (2021)[abstract]
- Back cover of Angewandte
- Press release (in German)
High-order simulation scheme for active particles driven by stress boundary conditionsB. Deußen, A. Jayaram, F. Kummer, Y. Wang, T. Speck, and M. Oberlack, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 33, 244004 (2021)[abstract]
Tip-induced mobilization upon cooling of Ni monolayers on Re(0001)J. Regel, T. Mashoff, T. Speck, and H. J. Elmers, Phys. Rev. B 103, 134114 (2021)[abstract]
Quorum-sensing active particles with discontinuous motilityA. Fischer, F. Schmid, and T. Speck, Phys. Rev. E 101, 012601 (2020)[abstract] [arXiv]
- Erratum Phys. Rev. E 102, 059903 (2020)
Modeling Supramolecular Polymerization: The Role of Steric and Hydrophobic InteractionsS. Chakraborty, C.M. Berac, B. Kemper, P. Besenius, and T. Speck, Macromolecules 52, 7661-7667 (2019)[abstract]
Dynamic facilitation theory: A statistical mechanics approach to dynamic arrestT. Speck, J. Stat. Mech. 084015 (2019)[abstract] [arXiv]
- Special issue: Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics VII
Aggregation and sedimentation of active Brownian particles at constant affinityA. Fischer, A. Chatterjee, and T. Speck, J. Chem. Phys. 150, 064910 (2019)[abstract] [arXiv]
- Special topic: Chemical Physics of Active Matter
Dynamics of Binary Active Clusters Driven by Ion-Exchange ParticlesR. Niu, A. Fischer, T. Palberg, and T. Speck, ACS Nano 12, 10932 (2018)[abstract]
Unfolding dynamics of small peptides biased by constant mechanical forcesF. Knoch and T. Speck, Mol. Syst. Des. Eng. 3, 204 (2018)[abstract]
Nonequilibrium depletion interactions in active microrheologyR. Wulfert, U. Seifert, and T. Speck, Soft Matter 13, 9093 (2017)[abstract]
Self-assembly of colloidal molecules due to self-generated flowR. Niu, T. Palberg, and T. Speck, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 028001 (2017)[abstract] [arXiv]
- Press release (in german)
Gold Nanorods as Plasmonic Sensors for Particle DiffusionV. Wulf, F. Knoch, T. Speck, and C. Sönnichsen, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 4951 (2016)[abstract]
Collective behavior of active Brownian particles: From microscopic clustering to macroscopic phase separationT. Speck, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 225, 2287 (2016)[abstract]
- Topical collection: Microswimmers – From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour
Polydisperse hard spheres: Crystallization kinetics in small systems and role of local structureM. Campo and T. Speck, J. Stat. Mech. 084007 (2016)[abstract] [arXiv]
- Special issue: The Role of Structure in Glassy and Jammed Systems
Transmission of torque at the nanoscaleI. Williams, E.C. Oğuz, T. Speck, P. Bartlett, H. Löwen, and C.P. Royall, Nature Phys. 12, 98 (2016)[abstract] [arXiv]
- Brennpunkt (in german): C. Bechinger, Physik Journal 15, 19 (2016)
- Cover of Nature Physics
- Bristol press release
Application of classical nucleation theory to the formation of adhesion domainsR.L.C. Vink and T. Speck, Soft Matter 9, 11197 (2013)[abstract]
First-order Phase Transition in a Model Glass Former: Coupling of Local Structure and DynamicsT. Speck, A. Malins, and C.P. Royall, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 195703 (2012)[abstract]
Experimental Test of the Fluctuation Theorem for a Driven Two-Level System with Time-Dependent RatesS. Schuler, T. Speck, C. Tietz, J. Wrachtrup, and U. Seifert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 180602 (2005)[abstract]
Dissipated work in driven harmonic diffusive systems: General solution and application to stretching Rouse polymersT. Speck and U. Seifert, Eur. Phys. J. B 43, 543 (2005)[abstract]
Other publications
prefaces and viewpoints
Focus on Active Colloids and NanoparticlesT. Speck, J. Tailleur, and J. Palacci, New J. Phys. 22 060201 (2020)[abstract]
Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics XIVM. Baiesi, A. Rosso, and T. Speck, Physica A (2017)[abstract]
Special Issue on Structure in Glassy and Jammed SystemsC.P. Royall and T. Speck, J. Stat. Mech. 054045 (2016)[abstract]