Skip to content Friederike Schmid: Publications
Relaxation dynamics of entangled linear polymer melts via molecular dynamics simulations
A. F. Behbahani, F. Schmid, to appear in Macromolecules (2024).
doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.4c02168
Ionizable cationic lipids and helper lipids synergistically contribute to RNA packing and protection in lipid-based nanomaterials
D. N. Zimmer, F. Schmid, G. Settanni, J. Phys. Chem. B 128, 10165 (2024).
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.4c05057
Phase separation dynamics in wetting ridges of polymer surfaces swollen with oils of different viscosities
Z. Cai, R. Badr, L. Hauer, K. Chaudhuri, A. Skabeev, F. Schmid, J. Pham,
Soft Matter 20, 7300 (2024).
doi: 10.1039/D4SM00576G
Strong stretching theory of polydisperse curved brushes
M. Giannakou, O. Borisov, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 161, 014903 (2024).
doi: 10.1063/5.0213524
Conditions for the co-existence of promoter and gene-body condensates
A. Changiarath, J. J. Michels, R. Herrera Rodriguez, S. M. Hanson,
F. Schmid, J. Padeken, L. S. Stelzl,
preprint (2024).
doi: 10.1101/2024.03.16.585180
An efficient and accurate SCF algorithm for block copolymer films and brushes using adaptive discretization
Le Qiao, M. Giannakou, F. Schmid,
Polymers 26, 1228 (2024).
doi: 10.3390/polym16091228
Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of ABA-type polymer peptide conjugates: Insights into supramolecular structures and their circular dichroism spectra
M. L. Obenauer, J. A. Dresel, M. Schweitzer, P. Besenius, F. Schmid,
Macromol. Rapid Comm. 45, 2400149 (2024).
doi: 10.1002/marc.202400149
Scalable approach to molecular motor-polymer conjugates for light-driven artificial muscles
X. Yao, J. A. Vishnu, C. Lupfer, D. Hoenders, O. Skarsetz, W. Chen, D. Dattler, A. Perrot, W-Z. Wang, C. Gao, N. Giuseppone, F. Schmid,
A. Walther, Advanced Materials 36, 2403514 (2024).
doi: 10.1002/adma.202403514
Stability and elasticity of ultrathin sphere-patterned block copolymer films
L. Qiao, D. Vega, F. Schmid,
Macromolecules 57, 4629-4634 (2024).
doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.4c00460
Structure and dynamic evolution of interfaces between polymer solutions and gels and polymer interdiffusion: A Molecular dynamics study
J. A. Vishnu, T. Linder, S. Seiffert, F. Schmid,
Macromolecules, 57, 5545 (2024).
doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.4c00459
Dynamics of droplets moving on lubricated polymer brushes
R. Badr, L. Hauer, D. Vollmer, F. Schmid,
Langmuir 40, 12368 (2024).
doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c00400
How boundary interactions dominate emergent driving of passive probes in active matter
J. Shea, G. Jung, F. Schmid,
Journal of Physics A 57, 235006 (2024).
doi: 10.1088/1751-8121/ad4ad7
A comprehensive approach to characterize navigation
instruments for magnetic guidance in biological systems
P. Blümler, F. Raudzus, F. Schmid,
Scientific Reports 14, 7879 (2024).
doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-58091-x
Project RACCOON: Automated construction of PDB files for
polymers and polymer peptide conjugates
M. L. Obenauer, K. N. Spauszus, P. Besenius, F. Schmid,
J. Open Source Software 9, 6293 (2024).
doi: 10.21105/joss.06293
Force renormalization for probes immersed in an active bath
J. Shea, G. Jung, F. Schmid,
Soft Matter 20, 1767 (2024).
doi: 10.1039/D3SM01387A
The effect of electric fields on the structure of water/acetonitrile mixtures
A. I. Sourpis, N. C. Forero-Martinez, F. Schmid,
J. Electrochem. Soc. 170, 083508 (2023).
doi: 10.1149/1945-7111/acef61
Viscosity of flexible and semiflexible ring melts -
molecular origins and flow-induced segregation
R. Datta, F. Berressem, F. Schmid, A. Nikoubashman, P. Virnau,
Macromolecules 56, 7247 (2023).
doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.3c01046
One step closer to the understanding of the relationship
M. Gonçalves-Kulik, F. Schmid, M. A. Andrade-Navarro,
Genes 14, 1711 (2023).
doi: 10.3390/genes14091711
Stability of Branched Tubular Membrane Structures
M. Jung, G. Jung, F. Schmid,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 148401 (2023).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.148401
Understanding and Modeling Polymers: The Challenge of Multiple Scales
F. Schmid, ACS Polymers Au 3, 28 (2023). (Invited Perspective)
doi: 10.1021/acspolymersau.2c00049
Compression and interpenetration of adsorption-active brushes
A.S. Ivanova, A.A. Polotsky, A.M. Skvortsov, L.I. Klushin, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 024902 (2023).
doi: 10.1063/5.0130347
Virtual Issue on Polymers: Recent Advances from a Physical
Chemistry Perspective (Editorial)
F. Schmid, J. Phys. Chem. B. 126, 42, 8359 (2022).
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.2c06378
Cloaking transition of droplets on lubricated brushes
R. Badr, L. Hauer, D. Vollmer, F. Schmid,
J. Phys. Chem. B, 126,36, 7047 (2022).
doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.2c04640
Passive probe particle in an active bath: Can we tell it is out of equilibrium?
J. Shea, G. Jung, F. Schmid,
Soft Matter, 18, 6965 (2022).
doi: 10.1039/D2SM00905F
Low complexity induces structure in protein regions predicted
as intrinsically disordered
M. Gonçalves-Kulik, P. Mier, K. Kastano, J. Cortés,
P. Bernadó, F. Schmid, M. A. Andrade-Navarro,
Biomolecules 12, 1098 (2022).
doi: 10.3390/biom12081098
Editorial: Multiscale simulation methods for soft matter systems
F. Schmid, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 34, 160401 (2022).
doi: 10.1088/1361-648X/ac5071
Adsorption-active polydisperse brush with tunable molecular mass distribution
A.S. Ivanova, A.A. Polotsky, A.M. Skvortsov, L.I. Klushin, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 156, 044902 (2022).
doi: 10.1063/5.0076382
pH-dependent behavior of ionizable cationic lipids in mRNA-carrying lipoplexes investigated by molecular dynamics simulations
G. Settanni, W. Brill, H. Haas, F. Schmid,
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 43, 2100683 (2022).
Highlighted in
Advanced Science News
Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations far from equilibrium: A case study
G. Jung, F. Schmid, Soft Matter 17, 6413 (2021).
Introducing memory in coarse-grained simulations
V. Klippenstein, M. Tripathy, G. Jung, F. Schmid, N. van der Vegt,
J. Phys. Chem. B, 125, 4931 (2021).
Shear-thinning in oligomer melts: Molecular origins and
R. Datta, L. Yelash, F. Schmid, F. Kummer, M. Oberlack,
M. Lukacova-Medvidova, P. Virnau,
Polymers 13, 2806 (2021).
Dynamic coarse-graining of polymer systems using mobility functions
B. Li, K. Daoulas, F. Schmid,
J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 33, 194004 (2021).
Model reduction techniques for the computation of extended
Markov parameterizations for generalized Langevin equations
N. Bockius, J. Shea, G. Jung, F. Schmid, M. Hanke,
J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 33, 214003 (2021).
Adsorption-active diblock copolymers as universal agents for
unusual barrier-free transitions in stimuli-responsive brushes
S. Qi, L.I. Klushin, A.M. Skvortsov, F. Schmid,
Macromolecules 54, 2592 (2021).
Polymer brushes with reversibly tunable grafting density
L.I. Klushin, A.M. Skvortsov, A.A. Polotsky, A.S. Ivanova, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 154, 074904 (2021).
Optimizing the nickel boride layer thickness in a spectroelectrochemical
ATR-FTIR thin-film flow cell applied in glycerol oxidation
S. Cychy, S. Lechler, Z. Huang, M. Braun, A.-C. Brix, P. Blümler,
C. Andronescu, F. Schmid, W. Schuhmann, M. Muhler
Chinese Journal of Catalysis 42, 2206 (2021).
Defects and defect engineering in soft matter
A. Jangizehi, F. Schmid, P. Besenius, K. Kremer, S. Seiffert,
Soft Matter 16, 10809-10859 (2020).
Dynamic self-consistent field approach for studying kinetic processes
in multiblock copolymer melts
F. Schmid, B. Li, Polymers 12, 2205 (2020).
Characteristics of Impactful Computational Contributions to
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
P. Jungwirth, E. J. Maginn, B. Roux, F. Schmid, J.-E. Shea,
J. Phys. Chem. B 124, 5093 (2020).
Using copolymers to design tunable stimuli-reponsive brushes
S. Qi, L.I. Klushin, A.M. Skvortsov, F. Schmid, Macromolecules 53, 13 (2020).
Bottom-up construction of dynamic density functional theories
for inhomogeneous polymer systems from microscopic simulations
S. Mantha, S. Qi, F. Schmid, Macromolecules 53, 3409 (2020).
Featured in
Advances in Engineering
Trans-Cyclooctene-Functionalized PeptoBrushes with Improved Reaction Kinetics of the Tetrazine Ligation for Pretargeted Nuclear Imaging
E. J. Steen, J. T. Jorgensen, K. Johann, K. Norregaard, B. Sohr, D. Svatunek,
A. Birke, V. Shalgunov, P. E. Edem, R. Rossin, C. Seidl, F. Schmid,
M. S. Robillard, J. L. Kristensen, H. Mikula, M. Barz, A. Kjaer, M. M. Herth,
ACS Nano 14, 568 (2020).
Quorum-sensing active particles with discontinuous motility
A. Fischer, F. Schmid, T. Speck,
Phys. Rev. E 101, 012601 (2020).
Erratum: Quorum-sensing active particles with discontinuous motility
A. Fischer, F. Schmid, T. Speck, Phys. Rev. E 102, 059903 (2020).
Shear modulus of an irreversible diblock copolymer network
from self-consistent field theory
S. Qi, J. Zhou, F. Schmid,
Macromolecules 52, 9569 (2019).
Order-order phase transitions induced by supercritical carbon dioxide
in triblock copolymer thin films
A. Abate, G. Vu, C. Piqueras, M.C. del Barrio, L. Gomez, G. Catalini,
F. Schmid, D. Vega,
Macromolecules 52, 7786 (2019).
Anomalous Slowdown of Polymer Detachment Dynamics on Carbon Nanotubes
D.A. Vega, A. Milchev, F. Schmid, M. Febbo,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 218003 (2019).
The molecular Lego movie
A. Nikoubashman, F. Schmid, Nature Chemistry 11, 298 (2019).
Invited News and Views article.
Frequency-dependent dielectric polarizability of flexible
polyelectrolytes in electrolyte solution: A Dissipative
Particle Dynamics simulation
G. Jung, S. Kasper, F. Schmid, J. Electrochem. Soc. 166, B3194-B3202 (2019).
Polydispersity effects on interpenetration in compressed brushes
L.I. Klushin, A.M. Skvortsov, S. Qi, T. Kreer, F. Schmid,
Macromolecules 52, 1810 (2019).
Structure of lateral heterogeneities in a coarse-grained model for
multicomponent membranes
S. Meinhardt, F. Schmid, Soft Matter 15, 1942 (2019).
Featured on the
of the journal.
How ill-defined constituents produce well-defined nanoparticles:
Effect of polymer dispersity on the uniformity of copolymeric micelles
S. Mantha, S. Qi, M. Barz, F. Schmid,
Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 026002 (2019).
Highlighted as Editor's Suggestion.
Structure and dynamics of B2O3 melts and glasses: From ab initio to
classical molecular dynamics simulations
C. Scherer, F. Schmid, M. Letz, J. Horbach,
Computational Materials Science 159, 73-85 (2019).
Theoretical approaches to amphiphilic polymer conetworks
F. Schmid,
Chapter 11 in
Amphiphilic polymer co-networks: Synthesis, properties,
modelling and application
pp. 239-261,
Edt. Costas Patrickios,
RSC publishing (2019).
Generalized Brownian dynamics: Construction and numerical integration
of non-Markovian particle-based models
G. Jung, M. Hanke, F. Schmid, Soft Matter 14, 9368 (2018).
Polysarcosine and poly(ethylene-glycol) interactions with
proteins investigated using molecular dynamics simulations
G. Settanni, T. Schäfer, C. Muhl, M. Barz, F. Schmid,
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 16, 543 (2018).
Polydisperse brush with the linear density profile
L.I. Klushin, A.M. Skvortsov, S. Qi, F. Schmid,
Polymer Science, Series C 60, Suppl. 2, pp. S84-S94 (2018).
Curvature as a guiding field for patterns in thin block copolymer films
G.T. Vu, A.A. Abate, L.R. Gomez, A.D. Pezzutti, R.A. Register,
D.A. Vega, F. Schmid, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 087801 (2018).
Featured in
Tuning transition properties of stimuli-responsive brushes by polydispersity
S. Qi, L.I. Klushin, A.M. Skvortsov, M. Liu, J. Zhou, F. Schmid,
Adv. Func. Mater. 28, 1800745 (2018).
Critical behavior of active Brownian particles
J.T. Siebert, F. Dittrich, F. Schmid, K. Binder, T. Speck, P. Virnau,
Phys. Rev. E 98, 03061(R) (2018).
Phase transitions in single macromolecules: Loop-stretch transition versus
loop-adsorption transition in end-grafted polymer chains
S. Zhang, S. Qi, L.I. Klushin, A.M. Skvortsov, D. Yan, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 148, 044903 (2018).
Hybrid particle-continuum simulations coupling Brownian dynamics and local
dynamic density functional theory
S. Qi, F. Schmid, Soft Matter 13, 7938 (2017).
Frequency-dependent hydrodynamic interactions between two solid spheres
G. Jung, F. Schmid, Physics of Fluids 29, 126101 (2017).
Potassium triggers a reversible specific stiffness transition of polyethylene
L. Tüting, W. Ye, G. Settanni, F. Schmid, B. Wolf, R. Ahijado-Guzman, C.
Sönnichsen, J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 22396 (2017).
Dynamic density functional theories for inhomogeneous polymer systems
compared to Brownian dynamics simulations
S. Qi, F. Schmid, Macromolecules 50, 9831 (2017).
Anomalous critical slowdown at a first order phase transition
in single polymer chains
S. Zhang, S. Qi, L.I. Klushin, A.M. Skvortsov, D. Yan, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 147, 064902 (2017).
Simulating Copolymeric nanoparticle assembly in the co-solvent method:
How mixing rates control final particle sizes and morphologies
S. Keßler, K. Drese, F. Schmid, Polymer 126C, 9-18 (2017).
Iterative reconstruction of memory kernels
G. Jung, M. Hanke, F. Schmid,
J. Chemical Theory and Computation 13, 2481 (2017).
Interactions between proteins and poly(ethylene-glycol)
investigated using Molecular Dynamics simulations
G. Settanni, J. Zhou, F. Schmid, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 921, 012002 (2017).
Self-assembly of polymeric particles in Poiseuille flow:
A hybrid Lattice Boltzmann / External Potential Dynamics
simulation study
J. Heuser, G. J. A. Sevink, F. Schmid,
Macromolecules 50, 4474 (2017).
The influence of block ionomer microstructure on polyplex properties:
Can simulations help to understand differences in transfection efficiency?
P. Heller, B. Weber, J. Zhou, D. Hobernik, M. Bros, F. Schmid, M. Barz,
Small 13, 1603694 (2017).
Physical mechanisms of micro- and nanodomain formation
in multicomponent lipid membranes
F. Schmid, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1859, 509 (2017).
Combining cell-based hydrodynamics with hybrid particle-field simulations:
Efficient and realistic simulation of structuring dynamics
G. J. A. Sevink, F. Schmid, T. Kawakatsu, G. Milano,
Soft Matter 13, 1594 (2017).
Protein corona composition of PEGylated nanoparticles correlates strongly with amino acid composition of protein surface
G. Settanni, J. Zhou, T. Suo, S. Schöttler, K. Landfester, F. Schmid,
V. Mailänder, Nanoscale 9, 2138 (2017).
Negative thermal expansion of quartz glass at low temperatures:
An ab initio simulation study
C. Scherer, J. Horbach, F. Schmid, M. Letz,
J. Non-crystalline Solids 468, 82 (2017).
Polydisperse polymer brushes: Internal structure, critical behavior,
and interaction with flow
S. Qi, L.I. Klushin, A.M. Skvortsov, F. Schmid,
Macromolecules 49, 9665 (2016).
Shear-aligned block copolymer monolayers as seeds
to control the orientational order in cylinder-forming
block copolymer thin films
A. Abate, G. Vu, A. Pezzutti, N. Garcia, R. Davis,
F. Schmid, R. Register, D. Vega, Macromolecules 49, 7588 (2016).
A hybrid particle-continuum resolution method and its application
to a homopolymer solution
S. Qi, H. Behringer, T. Raasch, F. Schmid,
Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 225, 1527 (2016).
Computing bulk and shear viscosities from simulations of fluids
with dissipative and stochastic interactions
G. Jung, F. Schmid, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 204104 (2016).
Complex formation between polyelectrolytes and oppositely
charged oligoelectrolytes
J. Zhou, M. Barz, F. Schmid, J. Chem. Phys. 144, 164902 (2016).
Modeling size controlled nanoparticle precipitation with the
co-solvency method by spinodal decomposition
S. Keßler, F. Schmid, K. Drese, Soft Matter 12, 7231 (2016).
Collective behavior of quorum-sensing run-and-tumble particles
in confinement
M. Rein, N. Heinß, F. Schmid, T. Speck,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 058102 (2016).
Molecular dynamics simulations of the initial adsorption stages of fibrinogen
on mica and graphite surfaces
S. Köhler, F. Schmid, G. Settanni,
Langmuir 48, 13180 (2015).
Statistical properties of linear-hyperbranched graft copolymers prepared via
''hypergrafting'' of ABm monomers from linear B-functional core chains:
A Molecular Dynamics simulation
H. Rabbel, H. Frey, and F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 143, 243125 (2015).
Interplay of curvature-induced micro- and nanodomain
structures in multicomponent lipid bilayers
L. Brodbek, F. Schmid,
Int J Adv Eng Sci Appl Math 8, 111 (2016).
SharedIt link
Computer simulations of single particles in external electric fields
J. Zhou and F. Schmid,
Soft Matter 11, 6728 (2015).
Stimuli-responsive brushes with active minority components:
Monte Carlo study and analytical theory
S. Qi, L.I. Klushin, A.M. Skvortsov, A.A. Polotsky, F. Schmid,
Macromolecules 48, 3775 (2015).
The internal dynamics of fibrinogen and its implications for
coagulation and adsorption
S. Köhler, F. Schmid, G. Settanni,
PLOS Comput. Biol. 11, e1004346 (2015).
Solvent determines nature of effective interactions between
nanoparticles in polymer brushes
Z. Lian, S. Qi, J. Zhou, F. Schmid,
J. Phys. Chem. B 119, 4099 (2015).
Morphology control in biphasic hybrid systems of
semiconducting materials
F. Mathias, A. Fokina, K. Landfester, W. Tremel, F. Schmid,
K. Char, R. Zentel,
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 36, 959 (2015).
An efficient dissipative particle dynamics-based algorithm
for simulating electrolyte solutions
S. Medina, J. Zhou, Z.-G. Wang, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 142, 024103 (2015).
Flows and mixing in channels with misaligned superhydrophobic walls
T. V. Nizkaya, E. S. Asmolov, J. Zhou, F. Schmid, O. I. Vinogradova,
Phys. Rev. E 91, 033020 (2015).
The structure of cholesterol in lipid rafts
L. Toppozini, S. Meinhardt, C. L. Armstrong, Z. Yamani,
N. Kuvcerka, F. Schmid, M. Rheinstädter,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 228101 (2014).
Sharp and fast: Sensors and switches based on polymer brushes
with adsorption-active minority chains
L.I. Klushin, A.M. Skvortsov, A.A. Polotsky, S. Qi, F. Schmid,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 068303 (2014).
See also APS focus story in
Physics 7, 83 (2014).
Strategy for good dispersion of well-defined tetrapods in
semiconducting polymer materials
J. Lim, L. zur Borg, S. Dolezel, F. Schmid, K. Char, R. Zentel,
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 35, 1685 (2014).
Computational studies of biomembrane systems: Theoretical considerations,
computer simulation models, and applications
M. Deserno, K. Kremer, H. Paulsen, C. Peter, F. Schmid,
Advances in Polymer Science 260, 237 (2014).
On ripples and rafts: Curvature induced nanoscale structures in lipid membranes
F. Schmid, S. Dolezel, O. Lenz, S. Meinhardt,
J. Physics: Conference Series 487, 012004 (2014).
Computer simulation of flow past superhydrophobic striped surfaces
J. Zhou, A. V. Belyaev, E. S. Asmolov, O. I. Vinogradova, F. Schmid,
NIC Series 47, 407 (2014).
The flexibility of fibrinogen and its initial adsorption stages
at graphite and mica surfaces
S. Köhler, F. Schmid, G. Settanni,
NIC Series 47, 117 (2014).
A Dissipative-Particle-Dynamics model for simulating dynamics of charged colloids
J. Zhou, F. Schmid,
in 'High performance computing in Science and Engineering' 13,
W. E. Nagel et al eds., Springer (2014).
Computer simulations of charged colloids in alternating electric fields
J. Zhou, F. Schmid,
Eur. Phys. J.: Special topics 222, 2911 (2013).
Effective slippage on superhydrophobic trapezoidal grooves
J. Zhou, E.S. Asmolov, F. Schmid, O.I. Vinogradova,
J. Chem. Phys. 139, 174708 (2013).
Self-consistent field approach for crosslinked copolymer materials
F. Schmid,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 028303 (2013).
Elastic properties and line tension of self-assembled bilayer membranes
J. Li, K.A. Pastor, A.-C. Shi, F. Schmid, J. Zhou,
Phys. Rev. E 88, 012718 (2013).
Hyperbranched graft-copolymers by "Hypergrafting" of ABm monomers
from polydisperse macroinitiator cores: Theory meets synthesis
C. Schüll, H. Rabbel, F. Schmid, H. Frey,
Macromolecules 46, 5823 (2013).
Dynamic and dielectric response of charged colloids in electrolyte solutions
to external electric fields
J. Zhou, R. Schmitz, B. Dünweg, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 139, 024901 (2013).
Using field theory to construct hybrid particle-continuum simulation schemes
with adaptive resolution for soft matter systems
S. Qi, H. Behringer, F. Schmid,
New J. Physics 15, 125009 (2013).
A hybrid particle-continuum model in soft-condensed matter simulations
S. Qi, H. Behringer, F. Schmid,
NIC Series 46, 193 (2013).
Effective slip-length tensor for a flow over weakly stripping stripes
E.S. Asmolov, J. Zhou, F. Schmid, O.I. Vinogradova,
Phys. Rev. E 88, 023004 (2013).
Monolayer curvature stabilizes nanoscale raft domains in mixed lipid bilayers
S. Meinhardt, R.L.C. Vink, F. Schmid,
PNAS 110, 4476 (2013).
AC-field induced polarization for uncharged colloids in salt
solution: A Dissipative Particle Dynamics simulation
J. Zhou, F. Schmid,
Eur. Phys. J. E 36, 33 (2013).
A model for rod-coil block copolymers
S. Dolezel, H. Behringer, F. Schmid,
Polymer Science, Ser. C 55, 70 (2013).
Interactions of membranes with coarse-grain proteins: A comparison
J. Neder, P. Nielaba, B. West, F. Schmid,
New J. Physics 14, 125017 (2012).
Exploiting seeding of random number generators for efficient domain
decomposition parallelization of dissipative particle dynamics
Y. Afshar, F. Schmid, A. Pishevar, S. Worley,
Comp. Phys. Comm. 184, 1119 (2013).
A new algorithm for simulating flows of conducting fluids in the
presence of electric fields
M. Joulaian, A. Pishevar, S. Khajepor, F. Schmid, Y. Afshar,
Comp. Phys. Comm. 183, 2405 (2012).
Fluctuations in lipid bilayers: Are they understood?
F. Schmid,
Biophys. Rev. and Lett. 8, 1 (2013).
Anisotropic flow in striped superhydrophobic channels
J. Zhou, A. Belyaev, F. Schmid, O. Vinogradova,
J. Chem. Phys. 136, 194706 (2012).
Dielectric response of nanoscopic spherical colloids in alternating
electric fields: A dissipative particle dynamics simulation
J. Zhou, F. Schmid, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 24, 464112 (2012).
Mesoscopic simulation methods for studying flow and transport in
electric fields in micro- and nanochannels
J. Smiatek, F. Schmid,
Advances in Microfluidics , Chapter 5 (invited), pp. 97-126,
InTech Open Access Publisher (2012).
Separation of chiral particles in nanofluidic channels
S. Meinhardt, J. Smiatek, R. Eichhorn, F. Schmid,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 214504 (2012).
Reply to Comment on: ''Are stress-free membranes really 'tensionless'?''
F. Schmid,
EPL 97, 18002 (2012).
Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann / Dynamic Self-Consistent Field simulations
of microphase separation and vesicle formation in block copolymer systems,
L. Zhang, G. J. A. Sevink, F. Schmid,
Macromolecules 44, 9434 (2011).
Membrane-mediated protein-protein interaction: A Monte Carlo study
J. Neder, P. Nielaba, B. West, F. Schmid,
Current Nanoscience 7, 656 (2011).
Are stress-free membranes really 'tensionless'?
F. Schmid,
EPL 95, 28008 (2011).
Theory and simulation of multiphase polymer systems
F. Schmid,
chapter 3 in Handbook of Multiphase Polymer Systems ,
Eds. A. Boudenne, L. Ibos, Y. Candau, S. Thomas, pp. 31-80
(Wiley, 2011).
Analytical model for the long-distance tracer transport in plants
J. Bühler, G. Huber, F. Schmid, P. Blümler,
Journal of Theoretical Biology 270, 70 (2011).
Mesoscopic simulations of electroosmotic flow and electrophoresis
in nanochannels
J. Smiatek, F. Schmid,
Computer Physics Communications 182, 1941 (2011).
A method to compute absolute free energies or enthalpies of fluids
F. Schmid, T. Schilling,
Physics Procedia 4, 131 (2010).
Polyelectrolyte electrophoresis in nanochannels: A Dissipative
Particle Dynamics simulation
J. Smiatek, F. Schmid,
J. Phys. Chem. B 114, 6266 (2010).
Coarse-grained simulations of membranes under tension
J. Neder, B. West, P. Nielaba, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 132, 115101 (2010).
Membrane-protein interactions in lipid bilayers:
Molecular simulations versus elastic theory
B. West, F. Schmid,
IAS Series Vol. 3, 279 (2010).
Fluctuations and elastic properties of lipid membranes in the
fluid and gel state: A coarse-grained Monte Carlo study
B. West, F. Schmid,
Soft Matter 6, 1275 (2010).
Computing absolute free energies of disordered structures
by molecular simulations
T. Schilling, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 131, 231102 (2009).
Random copolymer adsorption: Morita approximation compared to
exact numerical calculations
A.A. Polotsky, A. Degenhard, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 131, 04903 (2009).
Mesoscopic simulations of the counterion-induced electroosmotic flow in
nanochannels - a comparative study
J. Smiatek, M. Sega, C. Holm, U.D. Schiller, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 130, 244702 (2009).
Toy amphiphiles on the computer: What can we learn from generic models?
F. Schmid,
Macromolecular Rapid Communications 30, 741 (2009).
Membrane-protein interactions in a generic coarse-grained model for lipid bilayers
B. West, F.L.H. Brown, F. Schmid,
Biophysical Journal 96, 101 (2009).
Influence of correlations on molecular recognition
H. Behringer, F. Schmid,
Phys. Rev. E 78, 031903 (2008).
Correlation effects in protein-protein recognition
H. Behringer, F. Schmid,
NIC-Series Vol. 40, 165-168 (2008).
Spontaneous formation of complex micelles from homogeneous solution
X. H. He, F. Schmid,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 137802 (2008).
See also
Physical Review Focus, Vol. 21, Story 12.
Effective protein interactions in a coarse-grained model for lipid
B. West, F. Schmid,
NIC-Series Vol. 39, 271-278 (2008).
Kinetically driven helix formation during homopolymer collapse processes
S. A. Sabeur, F. Hamdache, F. Schmid,
Phys. Rev. E 77, 020802(R) (2008).
Tunable-slip boundaries for coarse-grained simulations of fluid flow
J. Smiatek, M. P. Allen, F. Schmid,
Eur. Phys. J. E 26, 115 (2008).
Coarse-grained lattice model for molecular recognition
H. Behringer, A. Degenhard, F. Schmid,
NIC-Series Vol. 36, 83-85 (2007).
Coarse-grained lattice model for investigating the role of cooperativity in molecular recognition
H. Behringer, A. Degenhard, F. Schmid,
Physical Review E 76, 031914 (2007).
Fluctuating interfaces in liquid crystals
F. Schmid, G. Germano, S. Wolfsheimer, T. Schilling,
Macromolecular Symposia 252, 110 (2007).
Using prenucleation to control complex copolymeric vesicle formation in solution
X. H. He, F. Schmid, Macromolecules 39, 8908 (2006).
A generic model for lipid monolayers, bilayers, and membranes
F. Schmid, D. Düchs, O. Lenz, B. West,
Comp. Phys. Comm. 177, 168 (2007).
Developing and analyzing idealized models for molecular recognition
H. Behringer, T. Bogner, A.A. Polotsky, A. Degenhard, F. Schmid
J. Biotechnology 129, 268 (2006).
Structure of symmetric and asymmetric ripple phases in lipid bilayers
O. Lenz, F. Schmid,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 058104 (2007).
A thermostat for molecular dynamics of complex fluids
M. P. Allen, F. Schmid,
Mol. Simulations 33, 21 (2007).
A coarse-grained lattice model for molecular recognition
H. Behringer, A. Degenhard, F. Schmid,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 128101 (2006).
Bistable anchoring of nematics on rough substrates
F. Schmid, D. L. Cheung,
Europhys. Lett. 76, 243 (2006).
Stabilization of membrane pores by packing
D. Bicout, F. Schmid, E. Kats,
Phys. Rev. E 73, 060101(R) (2006).
Dynamics of spontaneous vesicle formation in dilute solutions of
amphiphilic diblock copolymers
X. H. He, F. Schmid,
Macromolecules 39, 2654 (2006).
Coarse-grained models of complex fluids at equilibrium and
under shear
F. Schmid,
in Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter:
from Materials to Chemical Biology ,
Vol. 2, pp. 211-258,
Eds. K. Binder, G. Ciccotti, M. Ferrario (Springer, Berlin, 2006).
Isotropic-nematic transition in liquid crystals confined between
rough walls
D. Cheung, F. Schmid,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 418, 392 (2006).
Approaching criticality in polymer/polymer systems
C. Carelli, R. A. L. Jones, R. N. Young, R. Cubitt,
R. Dalgliesh, F. Schmid, M. Sferrazza,
Phys. Rev. E 72, 031807 (2005).
The effects of long-ranged and short-ranged forces in confined
near-critical polymeric liquids
C. Carelli, R. A. L. Jones, R. N. Young, R. Cubitt,
R. Krastev, T. Gutberlet, R. Dalgliesh, F. Schmid, M. Sferrazza,
Europhys. Lett. 71, 763 (2005).
Nematic-isotropic interfaces under shear: A Molecular Dynamics
G. Germano, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 123, 214703 (2005).
Nematic liquid crystals at rough and fluctuating interfaces
J. Elgeti, F. Schmid,
Eur. Phys. J. E 18, 407 (2005).
Fluctuations and defects in lamellar stacks of amphiphilic bilayers
C. Loison, M. Mareschal, F. Schmid,
Comp. Phys. Comm. 169, 99 (2005).
Monte Carlo simulations of liquid crystals near rough walls
D. Cheung, F. Schmid, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 074902 (2005).
Molecular recognition in a lattice model: An enumeration study
T. Bogner, A. Degenhard, F. Schmid, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 268108 (2005).
Two-state migration of DNA in a structured Microchannel
M. Streek, F. Schmid, T. T. Duong, D. Anselmetti, A. Ros,
Phys. Rev. E 71, 011905 (2005).
Incorporating fluctuations and dynamics in Self-Consistent Field theories for polymer
M. Müller, F. Schmid,
in Advances in Polymer Science 185 , pp. 1-85 (Springer
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Polymer adsorption onto random planar surfaces:
Interplay of polymer and surface correlations
A.A. Polotsky, F. Schmid, A. Degenhard,
J. Chem. Phys. 121, 4853 (2004).
Formation and structure of the microemulsion phase in
ternary AB + A + B polymeric emulsions
D. Düchs, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 121, 2798 (2004).
Pores in bilayer membranes of amphiphilic molecules:
Coarse-grained Molecular Dynamics simulations compared with simple
mesoscopic models
C. Loison, M. Mareschal, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 121, 1890 (2004).
A density functional theory study of the confined soft ellipsoid
D. Cheung, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 120, 9185 (2004).
Influence of sequence correlations on the adsorption of random
copolymers onto homogeneous planar surfaces
A.A. Polotsky, F. Schmid, A. Degenhard,
J. Chem. Phys. 120, 6246 (2004).
A simple computer model for liquid lipid bilayers
O. Lenz, F. Schmid, J. Mol. Liquids 117, 147 (2005).
Mechanisms of DNA separation in entropic trap arrays: A Brownian Dynamics simulation
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J. Biotechnology 112, 79 (2004).
Amphiphiles at interfaces: Simulation of structure and phase behavior
F. Schmid, D. Düchs, O. Lenz, C. Loison,
in ``Computational Soft Matter: From Synthetic Polymers to Proteins'',
Lecture Notes, NIC-Series Vol. 23, 323 (2004).
Fluctuations in polymer blends
D. Düchs, F. Schmid,
NIC-Series Vol. 20, 343 (2004).
Simulation of nematic-isotropic phase coexistence in liquid crystals under shear
G. Germano, F. Schmid,
NIC-Series Vol. 20, 311 (2004).
Size dependent free solution DNA electrophoresis in structured microfluidic
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J. Brugger, A. Ros, D. Anselmetti,
Microelectronic Engineering, 67, 905 (2003).
Gel-free electrophoresis of lambda- and T2-DNA in structured
microfluidic devices
T. T. Duong, M. Streek, F. Schmid, A. Ros, D. Anselmetti,
Proceedings of μ-TAS 2003 1, 749-752 (2003).
Fluctuation effects in ternary AB+A+B polymeric emulsions
Dominik Düchs, Venkat Ganesan, Glenn H. Fredrickson, Friederike
Macromolecules, 36, 9237 (2003).
Thermal fluctuations in a lamellar phase of a binary amphiphile-solvent
mixture: a molecular dynamics study
Claire Loison, Michel Mareschal, Kurt Kremer, Friederike Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 119, 13138 (2003).
Local structure in nematic and isotropic liquid crystals
Nguyen Hoang Phuong, Friederike Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 119, 1214 (2003).
Density functional for anisotropic fluids
G. Cinacchi, F. Schmid,
J. Physics: Cond. Matter, 14, 12223 (2002).
Simulations of liquid crystals: bulk structure and interfacial properties
N. Akino, G. Germano, N. H. Phuong, F. Schmid, M. P. Allen,
NIC-Series Vol. 9, 335 (2002).
Surface anchoring on layers of grafted liquid-crystalline chain
molecules: A computer simulation
H. Lange, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 117, 362 (2002).
Spatial order in liquid crystals: Computer simulations of systems of ellipsoids
F. Schmid, Nguyen H. Phuong,
in ``Morphology of Condensed Matter: Physics and Geometry of Spatially
Complex Systems'', p. 172,
Lecture Notes in Physics,
K. Mecke and D. Stoyan eds., Springer Verlag (2002).
An anchoring transition at surfaces with grafted liquid-crystalline
chain molecules
H. Lange, F. Schmid,
Eur. Phys. J. E 7, 175 (2002).
Wetting of a symmetrical binary fluid on a wall
N. Wilding, F. Schmid,
Computer Physics Communication 147, 149 (2002).
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Surface anchoring on liquid crystalline polymer brushes
H. Lange, F. Schmid,
Computer Physics Communication 147, 276 (2002).
The direct correlation function in nematic liquid crystals from
computer simulation
N. H. Phuong, G. Germano, F. Schmid,
Computer Physics Communication 147, 350 (2002).
Elastic constants from direct correlation functions in nematic
liquid crystals: A computer simulation study
N. H. Phuong, G. Germano, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys 115, 7227 (2001).
Critical phenomena at the surface of systems undergoing a bulk first
order transition: Are they understood?
K. Binder, F. F. Haas, and F. Schmid,
"Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics" XIV,
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Phase behaviour of amphiphilic monolayers: Theory and simulation
D. Düchs, F. Schmid,
J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 13, 4853 (2001).
Molecular Dynamics study of the nematic-isotropic interface
N. Akino, F. Schmid, M. P. Allen,
Phys. Rev. E 63, 041706 (2001).
Computer simulations of self-assembled monolayers
F. Schmid, C. Stadler, D. Düchs,
J. Phys: Cond. Matter 13, 8653 (2001).
Wetting of a symmetrical binary fluid mixture on a wall
F. Schmid, N. B. Wilding,
Phys. Rev. E 63, 031201 (2001).
"Intrinsic" profiles and capillary waves at interfaces
between coexisting phases in polymer blends
K. Binder, M. Müller, F. Schmid,
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Surface tension of the isotropic-nematic interface
A. J. McDonald, M. P. Allen, F. Schmid,
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Surface induced disorder in body-centered cubic alloys
F.F. Haas, F. Schmid, K. Binder,
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Order and disorder phenomena at surfaces of binary alloys
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Systems involving surfactants
F. Schmid, Chapter 13 of
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Phase behavior of grafted chain molecules:
Effect of head size and chain length
C. Stadler, F. Schmid,
J. Chem. Phys. 110, 9697 (1999).
Short grafted chains: Monte Carlo simulations of a model for monolayers
of amphiphiles
C. Stadler, H. Lange, F. Schmid,
Phys. Rev. E 59, 4248 (1999).
How simulations can clarify phase transitions of complex materials
K. Binder, M. Müller, F. Schmid,
Computing in Science and Engineering 1, Vol. 3, 10 (1999).
Interfacial profiles between coexisting phases in thin films:
Cahn Hilliard treatment versus capillary waves
K. Binder, M. Müller, F. Schmid, A. Werner,
J. Stat. Phys. 95, 1045 (1999).
Monte Carlo simulations of copolymers at homopolymer interfaces:
Interfacial structure as a function of the copolymer density
A. Werner, F. Schmid, M. Müller,
J. Chem. Phys. 110, 5370 (1999).
Intrinsic profiles and capillary waves at homopolymer
interfaces: A Monte Carlo study
A. Werner, F. Schmid, M. Müller, K. Binder,
Phys. Rev. E 59, 728 (1999).
Effect of long range forces on the interfacial profiles in thin
binary polymer films
A. Werner, M. Müller, F. Schmid, K. Binder,
J. Chem. Phys. 110, 1221 (1999).
Self-consistent field theories for complex fluids
F. Schmid,
Topical review, Journ. of Physics: Cond. Matt. 10, 8105 (1998).
Interfaces in immiscible polymer blends: A Monte Carlo simulation approach on
the CRAY T3E.
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in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, 176,
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Monte Carlo simulations of interfaces in polymer blends
M. Müller, F. Schmid,
Annual Reviews in Computational Physics VI, pp. 59-127,
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Liquid-vapour phase behaviour of a symmetrical binary fluid mixture
N.B. Wilding, F. Schmid, P. Nielaba, Phys. Rev. E 58, 2201 (1998).
Simulation of interfaces between coexisting phases in materials
K. Binder, M. Müller, F. Schmid, A. Werner,
Journal of Computer aided Materials Design 4, 137 (1998).
Theoretical modeling of Langmuir monolayers
F. Schmid, C. Stadler, H. Lange,
Colloids and Surfaces A 149, 301 (1999).
Interfaces between coexisting phases in polymer mixtures:
What can we learn from Monte Carlo Simulations?
K. Binder, M. Müller, F. Schmid and A. Werner,
Macromolecular Symposia 139, 1, (1999).
Interfaces in partly compatible polymer mixtures: A Monte Carlo simulation
K. Binder, M. Müller, F. Schmid, and A. Werner,
Physica A 249, 293 (1998).
Was kann die Computersimulation für die Materialwissenschaft leisten?
K. Binder, W. Kob, M. Müller, P. Nielaba, W. Paul, F. Schmid,
in ``Forschungsmagazin der Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz''
13, 6 (1997).
Anomalous size-dependence of interfacial profiles between
coexisting phases of polymer mixtures in thin film geometry:
A Monte-Carlo simulation
A. Werner, F. Schmid, M. Müller, and K. Binder,
J. Chem. Phys. 107, 8175 (1997).
Monte Carlo simulation of Langmuir monolayer models
F. Schmid, C. Stadler, H. Lange,
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Influence of the head group size on the direction of tilt in Langmuir
F. Schmid, H. Lange, J. Chem. Phys. 106, 3757 (1997).
Stabilization of tilt order by chain flexibility in Langmuir monolayers
F. Schmid, Phys. Rev. E. 55, 5774 (1997).
Simulation von Phasengrenzflächen in Polymermischungen
F. Schmid, M. Müller, A. Werner, K. Binder,
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Diblock copolymers at a homopolymer-homopolymer - interface:
A Monte Carlo simulation
A. Werner, F. Schmid, K. Binder, M. Müller, Macromolecules 29, 8241 (1996).
Grafted rods: A tilting phase transition
F. Schmid, D. Johannsmann, A. Halperin, J. Physique II 6, 1331 (1996).
A Self consistent field approach to surfaces of compressible
polymer blends
F. Schmid, J. Chem. Phys. 104, 9191 (1996).
Surface ordering and surface segregation in binary alloys
F. Schmid, in "Stability of Materials", 173,
NATO-ASI Series (1996).
Errors in Monte Carlo simulations using shift register random number
F. Schmid, N.B. Wilding, Intn. Journ. Mod. Phys C 6, 781 (1995).
Quantitative comparison of self consistent field theories for polymers
near interfaces with Monte Carlo simulations
F. Schmid, M. Müller, Macromolecules 28, 8639 (1995).
Effect of fluctuations on the wetting transition in amphiphilic systems
F. Schmid, M. Schick, J. Chem. Phys. 102, 7197 (1995).
Effect of capillary wave fluctuations on wetting transitions in
balanced amphiphilic systems
F. Schmid, M. Schick, Zeitschr. f. Physik B 97, 189 (1995).
Liquid phases of Langmuir monolayers
F. Schmid, M. Schick, J. Chem. Phys. 102, 2080 (1995).
Spinodal phase separation in complex fluids
F. Schmid, R. Blossey, J. Physique II (France) 4, 1195 (1994).
Monte Carlo study of interfacial properties in an amphiphilic system
F. Schmid, M. Schick, Phys. Rev. E 49, 494 (1994).
Phase transitions of a confined complex fluid
F. Schmid, M. Schick, Phys. Rev. E 48, 1882 (1993).
Surface order in body-centered cubic alloys
F. Schmid, Zeitschr. f. Phys. B 91, 77 (1993).
Monte Carlo Simulations of body centered cubic alloys
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Monte Carlo investigation of interface roughening in a bcc-based
binary alloy
F. Schmid, K. Binder, Phys. Rev. B 46, 13565 (1992).
Rough interfaces in a bcc-based binary alloy
F. Schmid, K. Binder, Phys. Rev. B 46, 13553 (1992).
Modelling order-disorder and magnetic transitions in iron-aluminium
F. Schmid, K. Binder, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 4, 3569 (1992).
Lattice-distortion-mediated local jumps of hydrogen in niobium from
diffuse neutron scattering
H. Dosch, F. Schmid, P. Wiethoff, J. Peisl, Phys. Rev. B 46, 55 (1992).