Kurt Binder: Publications

      1. K. Binder, H. Rauch: “Berechnung der Richtungsverteilung von Neutronen hinter einem gekrümmten totalreflektierenden Kollimatorschlitz” ATKE 12 (1967), p. 145-158.
      2. K. Binder, H. Rauch: “Berechnung der spektralen Verteilung von Neutronen hinter einem gekrümmten totalreflektierenden Kollimatorschlitz” ATKE 12 (1967), p. 337-342.
      3. K. Binder, H. Rauch: “Spinumklappung bei der Streuung kalter Neutronen an orientierten Atomkernen”, Nukleonik 11 (1968), p. 113-116.
      4. K. Binder, H. Rauch: “Calculation of Spin Correlation Functions in a Ferromagnet with a Monte Carlo Method”, Phys. Lett. 27 A (1968), p. 247-248
      5. K. Binder, H. Rauch: “Numerische Berechnung von Spin-Korrelationsfunktionen und Magnetisierungskurven von Ferromagnetika”, Z. Physik 219 (1969), p. 201-215.
      6. K. Binder: “High Temperature Expansions of Spin Correlation Functions for Ising and Heisenberg Ferromagnets”, Phys. Stat. Sol. 32 (1969), p. 891-903. K. Binder: “A Monte Carlo Method for the Calculation of the Magnetization of the Classical Heisenberg Model”, Phys. Lett. 30 A (1969), p. 273-274.
      7. K. Binder, H. Rauch, V. Wildpaner: “Monte Carlo Calculation of the Magnetization of Superparamagnetic Particles”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 31 (1970), p. 391-397.
      8. K. Binder, H. Rauch: “Spin-Korrelationseffekte oberhalb des Curie-Punktes und ihre Wirkung auf Neutronen”, Z. Angew. Phys. 28 (1970), p. 325-331.
      9. K. Binder: “Total Coherent Cross Sections for the Scattering of Neutrons from Crystals”, Phys. stat. sol. 41 (1970), p. 767-779.
      10. K. Binder: “Numerische Methoden in der Thermodynamik ferromagnetischer und superparamagnetischer Systeme”, Z. Angew. Phys. 30 (1970), p. 51-55.
      11. K. Binder: “Cross Sections for “Ultracold” Neutrons I. Theory of Magnetic Scattering”, Z. f. Naturforschung 26a (1971), p. 432-441.
      12. K. Binder: “Thermodynamics of Finite Spin Systems”, Phys. Stat. Sol. 46(b) (1971),
        p. 567-577.
      13. K. Binder: “Discussions of Methods to Determine the Spin Diffusion Parameter by Neutron Scattering”, Z. Angew. Phys. 32 (1971), p. 178-183.
      14. K. Binder, D. Stauffer: “Monte Carlo Study of the Surface Area of Liquid Droplets”, J. Stat. Phys. 6 (1972), p. 49-59.
      15. K. Binder: “Statistical Mechanics of Finite Ising Models”, Physica 62 (1972),
        p. 508-526.
      16. H. Müller-Krumbhaar, K. Binder: “A “Self-Consistent” Monte Carlo Method for the Heisenberg Ferromagnet”, Z. Physik 254 (1972), p. 269-280.
      17. H. Müller-Krumbhaar, K. Binder: “Computer Simulation of a Heisenberg-Ferromagnet Magnetization and Static Susceptibilities”, Intern. J. Magnetism 3 (1972), p. 113-118.
      18. K. Binder, P. C. Hohenberg: “Phase Transitions and Static Spin Correlations in Ising Models with Free Surfaces”, Phys. Rev. B 6 (1972), p. 3461-3487.
      19. E. Stoll, K. Binder, T. Schneider: “Evidence for Fisher’s Droplet Model in Simulated Two-Dimensional Cluster Distributions”, Phys. Rev. B 6 (1972), p. 2777-2780.
      20. T. Schneider, E. Stoll, K. Binder: “Critical Slowing Down in the Two-Dimensional Kinetic Ising Model; Evidence for the Failure of the Dynamical Scaling Hypothesis”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 29 (1972), p. 1080-1083.
      21. V. Wildpaner, H. Rauch, K. Binder: “Classical Heisenberg Ferromagnets with Defects”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 34 (1973), p. 925-935.
      22. K. Binder, H. Müller-Krumbhaar: “Monte Carlo Calculation of the Scaling Equation of Sate for the Classical Heisenberg Ferromagnet”, Phys. Rev. B 7 (1973), p. 3297-3306.
      23. H. Müller-Krumbhaar, K. Binder: “Dynamical Properties of the Monte Carlo Method in Statistical Mechanics”, J. Stat. Phys. 8 (1973), p. 1-24.
      24. K. Binder: “Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Theory of Non-equilibrium Relaxation”, Phys. Rev. B 8 (1973), p. 3423-3438.
      25. E. Stoll, K. Binder, T. Schneider: “Monte Carlo Investigation of Dynamic  Phenomena in the Two-Dimensional Kinetic Ising Model”, Phys. Rev. B 8 (1973), p. 3266-3289.
      26. K. Binder, E. Stoll: “Scaling Theory of Metastable States and Their Lifetimes”, Phys. Rev. Letters 31 (1973), p. 47-51.
      27. H. Müller-Krumbhaar, K. Binder: “Critical Properties of Ferromagnets: Comparison of Computer Simulation with Experiments”, Intern. J. Magnetism 5 (1973), p. 115-118.
      28. K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Study of Thin Magnetic Ising Films”, Thin Solid Films 20 (1974), p. 367-381.
      29. K. Binder, H. Müller-Krumbhaar: “Investigation of Metastable States and Nucleation in the Kinetic Ising Model”, Phys. Rev. B 9 (1974), p. 2328-2353.
      30. K. Binder, P. C. Hohenberg: “Surface Effects on Magnetic Phase Transitions”, Phys. Rev. B 9 (1974), p. 2194-2214.
      31. H. Müller-Krumbhaar, K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Calculations with Self-Consistent Field Boundary Condition: A Method for the Determination of Critical Exponents”, Proc. “Third Colloquium on Advanced Computing Methods in Theoretical Physics, Marseille, France, June 1973”, Vol. 1, p. B IX-1 (A. Visconti, Ed.), Centre de Physique Theorique CNRS, Marseille 1974.
      32. K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Investigations of Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena” (Reviewartikel, published in “Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena”, Vol. 5b, C. Domb and M. S. Green, Eds.), p. 1-105, Academic Press, New York, 1976.
      33. K. Binder, H. Müller-Krumbhaar: “Determination of Magnetic Critical Exponents by Computer Experiments”, Proc. Int. Conf. Magnetism, Moscow 1973, Vol. IV, p. 604-607.
      34. K. Binder, H. Müller-Krumbhaar: “Theory for the Metastable States of an Ising Ferromagnet”, Proc. Int. Conf. Magnetism, Moscow 1973, Vol. III, p. 336-339.
      35. K. Binder, H. Rauch, V. Wildpaner: “Monte Carlo Study of the Magnetization Distribution in small Particles, Thin Films and Near Defects”, Proc. Int. Conf. Magnetism, Moscow 1973, Vol. VI, p. 157-160.
      36. K. Binder: “Kinetic Ising Model Study of Phase Separation in Binary Alloys”, Z. Physik 267 (1974), p. 313-322.
      37. K. Binder: “Computer Experiments on Nucleation Processes in the Lattice Gas Model”  (Reviewartikel, published in “Nucleation”, Vol. 2, A. C. Zettelmoyer, Hrsg.), Adv. in Coll. and Interface Sci. 7 (1977), p. 279-324.
      38. K Binder, D. Stauffer, H. Müller-Krumbhaar: “Calculation of Dynamic Critical Properties from a Cluster Reaction Theory”, Phys. Rev. B 10 (1974), p. 3853-3858.
      39. D. Stauffer, K. Binder, and V. Wildpaner: “Structure of Binary Solution Droplets: Continuum Theory and Monte Carlo Simulation”, Water-Air Soil Pollution 3 (1974), p. 515-525.
      40. K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Computer Experiments on Critical Phenomena and Metastable States”, Advances of Physics 23 (1974), p. 917-939.
      41. P. C. Hohenberg, K. Binder: “Magnetic Ordering and Critical Behavior near Surfaces”  (invited review for the Conference Magnetism, San Francisco, Dec. 1974; published in AIP Conf. Proc. 24 (1975), p. 300-303.
      42. K. Binder, D. Stauffer: “Theory for the Slowing Down of the Relaxation and Spinodal Decomposition of Binary Mixtures”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 33 (1974), p. 1006-1010.
      43. K. Binder, D. Stauffer, H. Müller-Krumbhaar: “Theory for the Dynamics of Clusters near the Critical Point I. Relaxation of the Glauber Kinetic Ising Model”, Phys. Rev. B12 (1975), p. 5261-5287.
      44. K. Binder, D. Stauffer, V. Wildpaner: “Theory of Surface Enrichment and Surface Disorder Effects Binary Alloys”, Acta Met. (1975), p. 1191-1204.
      45. K. Binder: “Computer Simulation of Physical Clusters of Water Molecules”,
        J. Chem. Phys. (1975), p. 2265-2266.
      46. K. Binder: “Dynamics of First Order Phase Transitions” (invited lectures at the Nato
        Advances Study Institute “Physics of Non-Equilibrium Systems: Fluctuations, Instabilities
        and Phase Transitions”, Geilo, Norway, April 11-20 (1975), publ. in Fluctuations,
        Instabilities and Phase Transitions, (T. Riste, ed.) Plenum Press, New York (1975) p. 53-86.
      47. K. Binder, P. C. Hohenberg: “Monte Carlo and Series Expansion Investigations of Magnetic Surfaces” (invited paper at the 7th International Colloquium on Magnetic Films, Regensburg, April 22-25, 1975; Proceedings published in IEEE Trans. Magn., 12 (1976), p. 66-74.
      48. G. Meißner, K. Binder: “Debye-Waller Factor, Compressibility Sum Rule, and Central Peak at Structural Phase Transitions”, Phys. Rev. B 12 (1975), p. 3948-3955.
      49. K. Binder, D. P. Landau: “Critical Properties of the Two-Dimensional Anisotropic Heisenberg Model”, Phys. Rev. B 13 (1976), p. 1140-1155.
      50. K. Binder: “Clusters” in the Ising Model, Metastable States and Essential Singularity, Annals of Physics 98 (1976), p. 390-417.
      51. K. Binder: “Statistical Mechanics of Nucleation and Phase Separation” (invited review for the IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Budapest, August 25-29, 1975; p. 219-244. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest 1976.
      52. K. Binder, D. Stauffer: “Statistical Theory of Nucleation, Condensation and Coagulation”, Advances of Physics 25 (1976), p. 343-396.
      53. K. Binder, M. H. Kalos, J. L. Lebowitz, J. Marro: “Computer Experiments on Phase Separation in Binary Alloys” (review article, published in Adv. in Colloid and Interface 10 (1979), p. 173-214.
      54. K. Binder, K. Schröder: “Monte Carlo Study of a Two-Dimensional Ising “Spin-Glass”, Solid State Comm. 18 (1976), p. 1361-1364.
      55. D. P. Landau, K. Binder: “Bicritical Behavior in an Anisotropic Heisenberg Antiferromagnet”, AIP Conf. Proc. 29 (1976), p. 461-462.
      56. K. Binder, G. Meissner, H. Mais: “Equation of State, Debye-Waller-Factor and Electrical Resistivity of Ferroelectrics near their Critical Point”, Phys. Rev. B 13 (1976), p. 4890-4898.
      57. R. Kretschmer, K. Binder, D. Stauffer: “Linear and Nonlinear Relaxation and Cluster Dynamics near Critical Points”, J. Statist. Phys. 15 (1976), p. 267-297.
      58. G. Meissner, K. Binder: “Low-Lying Vibrational Modes and the Theory of Local and Transport Properties at Ferroelectric and Other Structural Phase Transitions”, Ferroelectrics 16 (1977), p. 281-283.
      59. K. Binder, K. Schröder: “Phase Transitions of a Nearest-Neighbor Ising “Spin Glass”, Phys. Rev. B 14 (1976), p. 2142-2152.
      60. K. Binder, D. Stauffer: “Behavior of the Electrical Resistivity at Phase Transitions in Binary Alloys”, Z. Physik B 24 (1976), p. 407-415.
      61. K. Binder, D. P. Landau: “Multicritical Phenomena at Surfaces Stauffer: “Behavior of the Electrical Resistivity at Phase Transitions in Binary Alloys”, Surface Science 61 (1976), p. 577-602.
      62. K. Binder, D. Stauffer: “Monte Carlo Simulation of a Three-Dimensional Spin Glass”, Phys. Lett. 57A (1976), p. 117-179.
      63. K. Binder: “Computer Simulation of Spin Glasses”, Physica 86-88 B (1977), p. 871-872.
      64. K. Binder: “Effective Field Distribution and Time-Dependent Order Parameter of Ising and Heisenberg Spin Glasses”, Z. Physik B 26 (1977), p. 339-349.
      65. K. Binder: “Theory of Spin Glasses: A Brief Review”, Festkörperprobleme (Advances in Solid State Physics) 17 (1977), p. 55-84.
      66. C. Kawabata, K. Binder: “Evidence for Vortex Formation in Monte Carlo Studies of the Two-Dimensional XY-Model”, Solid State Comm. 22 (1977), p. 705-710.
      67. K. Binder: “Theory for the Dynamics of “clusters”. II. Critical diffusion in binary systems and the kinetic of phase separation”, Phys. Rev. B 15 (1977), p. 4425-4447.
      68. K. Binder, P. Mirold and M. H. Kalos: “ “Critical Clusters” and Cluster Growth Kinetics in the Two-Dimensional Lattice Gas Model”, Le Vide 185 (Suppl.), p. 112-117 (1977).
      69. P. Mirold, K. Binder: “Theory for the Initial Stages of Grain Growth and Unmixing Kinetics of Binary Alloys”, Acta Met. 25 (1977), p. 1435-1444.
      70. K. Binder: “Dynamics of Clusters near a Critical Point, Central Peak and EPR Spectra”, Solid State Comm. 24 (1977), p. 401-405.
      71. K. Binder: “Theory of Static and Dynamic Critical Phenomena at Order-Disorder and Unmixing Transitions” (invited review for the Internat. Symp. on “Order and Disorder in Solids”, Paris, July 4-8, 1977, published in J. de phys. 38 (1977), p. C7-396-C7-403.
      72. A. Baumgärtner, K. Binder: “One-Dimensional Kinetic Ising Model in a Field”, Proc. of the Internat. Conf. on Statist. Physics, Haifa, August 24-30, 1977, published in Annals of the Israel Physical Society 2 (1978) p. 594-597.
      73. A. Baumgärtner, K. Binder: “Dynamics of the Generalized Glauber-Ising Chain in a Magnetic Field”, J. Statist. Phys. 18 (1978), p. 423-444.
      74. D. P. Landau, K. Binder: “Phase Diagrams and Multicritical Behavior of a Three-Dimensional Anisotropic Heisenberg Antiferromagnet”, Phys. Rev. B 17 (1978), p. 2328-2342.
      75. K. Binder: “Introduction: Theory and “Technical” Aspects of Monte Carlo Simulations” (review, published in “Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics” (K. Binder, Ed.) Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1979, p. 1-45.
      76. K. Binder, M. H. Kalos: “Monte Carlo Studies of Relaxation Phenomena: Kinetics of Phase Changes and Critical Slowing Down” in “Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics” (K. Binder, Ed.) p. 225-260, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1979.
      77. K. Binder, D. Stauffer: “Monte Carlo Studies of Systems with Disorder” in “Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics” (K. Binder, Ed.) p. 301-336, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 1979.
      78. D. Stauffer, K. Binder: “On the Nature of Ordering in Ising Spin Glasses”, Z. Physik B 30, (1978), p. 313-324.
      79. K. Binder, C. Billotet, P. Mirold: “On the Theory of Spinodal Decomposition in Solid and Liquid Binary Mixtures”, Z. Physik B 30 (1978), p. 183-195.
      80. A. Baumgärtner, K. Binder: “Dynamics of the Helix-Coil Transition in Biopolymers”, J. Chem. Phys. 70 (1979), p. 429-437.
      81. C. Kawabata, K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Studies of Classical d = 2, 3 XY-Models”, Proc. of the Internat. Conf. on Statist. Physics, Haifa, August 24-30, 1977, published in Annals of the Israel Physical Society 2 (1978) p. 988-991.
      82. K. Binder, D. P. Landau: “Model Calculations for Phase Diagrams of Adsorbed Monolayers”, Proc. 7th Int. Vac. Congr., Vienna, Austria, p. 811-814 (R. Berger & Sons, Vienna, Austria 1978).
      83. K. Binder, M. H. Kalos: “Critical Clusters in a Supersaturated Vapor: Theory and Monte Carlo Simulation”, J. Stat. Phys. 22 (1980), p. 363-396.
      84. K. Binder: “Recent Progress in Numerical Simulation of Spin Glasses”, J. Phys. (Paris) 39, C 6 p. 1527-1534 (1978) (Proceedings LT 15).
      85. G. Eiselt, J. Kötzler, H. Maletta, D. Stauffer, K. Binder: “Magnetic Blocking in Very Dilute (EuxSr1x)S: Experiment versus Theory”, Phys.Rev. B 19 (1979), p. 2664-2676.
      86. C. Billotet, K. Binder: “Nonlinear Relaxational First-Order Phase Transitions: A Ginzburg-Landau Theory Including Fluctuations”, Z. Physik B 32 (1979), p. 195-2313.
      87. I. Morgenstern, K. Binder, A. Baumgärtner: “Statistical Mechanics of Ising Chains in Random Magnetic Fields”, J. Chem. Phys. 69 (1978), p. 253-262.
      88. K. Binder: “Phasenumwandlungen in idealen und ungeordneten Systemen”, Phys. Blätter 34 (1978), p. 693-703.
      89. K. Binder: “Theory of phase transitions in simple models of adsorbate layers”, 4th EPS Gen. Conf. Proc. 164-175, Inst. Phys.; London 1979.
      90. R. Kretschmer, K. Binder: “Surface Effects on Phase Transitions in Ferroelectrics and Dipolar Magnets”, Phys. Rev. B 20 (1979), p. 1065-1076.
      91. K. Binder and D. P. Landau: “Phase Diagrams and Critical Behavior in Ising Square Lattices with Nearest and Next Neighbor Interactions”, Phys. Rev. B 21 (1980), p. 1941-1962.
      92. D. Stauffer, K. Binder: “Comparative Monte Carlo Study of Ising Spin Glasses in Two to Five Dimensions”, Z. Physik B 34 (1979), p. 97-105.
      93. K. Binder: “Spin Glasses - A brief review of experiments, theories and computer simulations” (review article, published in “Ordering in Strongly-Fluctuating Condensed-Matter Systems”  (T. Riste, Ed.), Plenum Press, New York 1980, p. 423-444).
      94. K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Simulation of Dilute Systems and of Two-Dimensional Systems” (review article, published in “Ordering in Strongly-Fluctuating Condensed-Matter Systems” (T. Riste, Ed.), Plenum Press, New York 1980, p. 343-355).
      95. G. Eiselt, J. Kötzler, H. Maletta, K. Binder, D. Stauffer: “Complex Susceptibility of Blocked Spins in Dilute EuxSr1-xS” J. Magn. Mag. Materials 13 (1979), p. 146-148.
      96. A. Baumgärtner, K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Studies on the freely jointed polymer chain with excluded volume interaction”, J. Chem. Phys. 71 (1979), p. 2541-2545.
      97. R. Kretschmer, K. Binder: “Ordering and Phase Transitions in Ising Systems with Competing Short Range and Dipolar Interactions”, Z. Physik B 34 (1979), p. 375-392.
      98. D. Stauffer, K. Binder: “Does Edwards-Anderson Ordering Occur in Five-Dimensional Spin Glasses” (Proceedings of ICM 79 München, published in J. Magn. Mag. Mat. 15-18 (1980)) p. 113-114.
      99. A. Aharony, K. Binder: “Concentration Expansions for a Dilute Spin Glass at Zero
        Temperature” (Proceedings of ICM 79 München, published in J. Magn. Mat. Mat. 15-18 (1980)), p. 137-138.
      100. K. Binder, W. Kinzel, H. Maletta, D. Stauffer: “Magnetic Ordering in Diluted Ising and Heisenberg Systems with Competing Interactions: Theory and Application to EuxSr1-xS” (Proceedings of ICM 79 München, published in J. Magn. Mag. Mat. 15-18 (1980)), p. 189-190.
      101. U. Köbler, K. Binder: “Paramagnetic Susceptibility of EuxSr1-xS: Experiment and Comparison with High-Temperature Series Expansion” (Proceedings of ICM 79 München, published in J. Magn. Mag. Mat. 15-18 (1980)), p. 313-314.
      102. K. Binder: “Computer Simulations of Magnetic Model Systems” (invited review, Proceedings of ICM 79 München, published in J. Magn. Mag. Mat. 15-18 (1980)), p. 210-215.
      103. I. Morgenstern, K. Binder: “Evidence against Spin-Glass Order in the Two-Dimensional Random Bond Ising Model”, Phys. Rev. Letts. 43 (1980)), p. 1615-1618.
      104. K. Binder, W. Kinzel, D. Stauffer: “Phase Diagrams and Magnetic Properties of Diluted Ising and Heisenberg Magnets with Competing Interactions”, Z. Physik B 36 (1979), p. 161-177.
      105. I. Morgenstern, K. Binder: “Magnetic Correlations in Two-Dimensional Spin Glasses” , Phys. Rev. B 22 (1980), p. 288-303.
      106. A. Aharony, K. Binder: “Low-concentration series expansions for dilute spin glasses at zero temperature”, J. Phys. C 13 (1980), p. 4091-4108.
      107. K. Binder: “Static and Dynamic Critical Phenomena of the Two-Dimensional q-State Potts Model”, J. Statist. Phys. 24 (1981), p. 69-86.
      108. K. Binder: “Nucleation theory and Dynamics of First-Order Phase Transitions near a Critical Point”, J. de Phys. 41 (1980), p. C4-51-C4-62.
      109. K. Binder: “Is Laser-Induced Nucleation Due to a Bulk Long-Wavelength Instability?”, J. de Phys. 41 (1980), p. C4-75-C4-78.
      110. K. Binder: “Percolation Effects in the Kinetics of Phase Separation”, Solid State Communications 34 (1980), p. 191-194.
      111. K. Binder, W. Kinzel, S. Sarbach, D. Stauffer: “Theory of Phase Transitions in Diluted Systems with Competing Interactions”, Faraday Discussion 69 (1980) p. 261-272.
      112. I. Morgenstern, K. Binder, R. M. Hornreich: “Two-Dimensional Ising Model in Random Magnetic Fields”, Phys. Rev. B 23 (1981), p. 287-297.
      113. K. Binder: “Recent Advances in the Theory of Spin Glasses” (Invited paper at the EPS Conference on Condensed Matter, Antwerpen, 9-11 April 1980), p. 695-709, J. T. Devreese (ed.), Plenum Press 1981
      114. C. Billotet, K. Binder: “Dynamic Correlations of Fluctuations During Spinodal Decomposition” , Physica 103 A (1980), p. 99-118.
      115. K. Binder: “Ordering of the Face-Centered Cubic Lattice with Nearest-Neighbor Interaction”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45 (1980), p. 811-814.
      116. F. Scholl, K. Binder: “Selective Sublattice Dilution in Ordered Magnetic Compounds: A New Kind of Percolation Problem”, Z. Physik B 39 (1980), p. 239-247.
      117. I. Morgenstern, K. Binder: “Magnetic Correlations in Three-Dimensional Ising Spin Glasses”, Z. Physik B 39 (1980), p. 227-232.
      118. K Binder: “Statistical Mechanics of Ising Spin Glasses” (invited lectures, in “Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics V” (E. G. D. Cohen, Ed.), North-Holland, Amsterdam 1980, p. 21-51.
      119. K. Binder: “Spinodal Decomposition”  (invited lectures, in “Systems Far from Equilibrium”, Sitges International School on Statistical Mechanics), p. 76-90, L. Garrido (Ed.), Springer 1980.
      120. Kremer, A. Baumgärtner, K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Renormalization of Hard Sphere Polymer Chains in Two to Five Dimensions”, Z. Physik B 40 (1981), p. 331-341.
      121. K. Binder: “Kinetics of Phase Separation”, in Stochastic Nonlinear Systems (L. Arnold and R. Lefever, Ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1981, p. 62-72.
      122. I. Morgenstern, K. Binder: “ “Exact” Calculations for Finite Ising Spin Glass Lattices”, J. Appl. Phys., 52 (1981), p. 1692-1696.
      123. K. Binder, J. L. Lebowitz, M. K. Phani, M. H. Kalos: “Monte Carlo Study of the Phase Diagrams of Binary Alloys with Face-Centered Cubic Lattice Structure”, Acta Metallurgica 29 (1981), p. 1655-1665.
      124. K. Binder, M. H. Kalos: “ “Critical Clusters” in a Supersaturated Vapor: Theory and Monte Carlo Simulation”, J. of Stat. Phys. 22 (1980), p. 363-396.
      125. K. W. Kehr, R. Kutner, K. Binder: “Diffusion in Concentrated Lattice Gases. I. Self-Diffusion of Non-Interacting Particles in Three-Dimensional Lattices”, Phys. Rev. B23 (1981), p. 4931-4945.
      126. K. Binder, D. P. Landau: “Square Lattice Gases with Two- and Three-Body Interactions: A Model for the Adsorption of Hydrogen on Pd (100)”, Surface Science 108 (1981), p. 503-525.
      127. A. Baumgärtner, K. Binder: “Dynamics of Entangled Polymer Melts: A Computer Simulation”, J. Chem. Phys. 25 (1981, p. 2994-3005.
      128. W. Kinzel, K. Binder: “Distribution of Magnetic Short Range Order in Spin Glasses”, Phys. Rev. B 24 (1981), p. 2701-2710.
      129. D. Richter, A. Baumgärtner, K. Binder, B. Ewen, J. B. Hayter: “Dynamics of Collective Fluctuations and Brownian Motion in Polymer Melts”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47 (1981), p. 109-113.
      130. K. Binder, Y. Imry, E. Pytte: “Interface Roughening and Random-Field Instabilities in Ising Systems in Three or Less Dimensions”, Phys. Rev. 24 (1981), p. 6736-6739.
      131. K. Binder: “Critical Properties from Monte-Carlo Coarse-Graining and Renormalization”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47 (1981), p. 693-696.
      132. De Raedt, K. Binder, K. H. Michel: “On the Phase Transition in Alkali Cyanides”, J. Chem. Phys. 75 (1981), p. 2977-2986.
      133. K. Binder, W. Kinzel: “Spin Glass Models with Short-Range Interactions: A Short Review of Numerical Studies”, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on “Disordered Systems”, Rome 1981; publ. in Springer Lecture Notes in Physics I 49 (1981), p. 124-144.
      134. K. Binder: “Finite Size Scaling Analysis of Ising Model Block Distribution Functions” , Z. Physik, B 43 (1981), p. 119-140
      135. D. Stauffer, K, Binder: “Order Parameters for n-Vector Spin Glasses in d Dimensions”, Z. Phys. B 41 (1981), p. 237-242.
      136. K. Binder: “Surface Effects on Phase Transitions in Ferroelectrics and  Antiferroelectrics”, Invited paper for the Fifth International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF-5), Univ. Park, Pennsylvania, USA; published in Ferroelectrics, 35 (1981), S. 99-104.
      137. D. P. Landau, K. Binder: “Phase diagrams and critical behavior of a two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet”, Phys. Rev. B 24 (1981), p. 1391-1403.
      138. K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Study of Entropy for Face-Centered Cubic Ising Antiferromagnets” Z. Physik, B 45 (1981), p. 61-69.
      139. K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Calculation of the Surface Tension for Two- and Three-Dimensional Lattice Gas Models” Phys. Rev. A 25 (1982), p. 1699-1709.
      140. K. Binder, W. Kinzel, D. P. Landau: “Theoretical aspects of order-disorder transitions in adsorbed layers” (Invited paper for the 4th European Conference on Solid Surfaces, Münster, 14. - 16. September 1981) Surface Science 117 (1982), p. 232-244.
      141. K. W. Kehr, R. Kutner, K. Binder: “Tracer diffusion in nonstoichiometric crystals” in Proc. of the Conference on “Point Defects and Defect Interactions in Metals”, University of Tokyo Press (ed. by J.-I. Takamura, M. Doyama, M. Kiritari), 1982, p. 582-585.
      142. H. Furukawa, K. Binder: “Two-phase equilibria and nucleation barriers near a critical point”, Phys. Rev. A 26 (1982), p. 556-566.
      143. K. Binder: “Susceptibility of mixed magnetic systems and spin glasses in the presence of chemical short range order” Solid State Comm. 42 (1982), p. 377-380.
      144. W. Kinzel, W. Selke, K. Binder: “Phase transitions on centered rectangular lattice gases: a model for the adsorption of H on Fe (100)” Surface Science 121 (1982), p. 13-31.
      145. R. Kutner, K. Binder, K. W. Kehr: “Diffusion in concentrated lattice gases II. Particles with attractive nearest-neighbor interaction on three-dimensional lattices”,  Phys. Rev. B 26 (1982), p. 2967-2980.
      146. K. Binder, I. Morgenstern: “Comment on Canonical-ensemble results for the Ising model with random bonds in two dimensions”  Phys. Rev. B 27 (1983), p. 5826-5828.
      147. K. Kremer, A. Baumgärtner, K. Binder: “Collapse transition and cross-over scaling for self-avoiding walks on the diamond lattice” J. Phys. A.: Math. Gen. 15 (1981), p. 2879-2897.
      148. E. Eisenriegler, K. Kremer, K. Binder: “Adsorption of polymer chains at surfaces: scaling and Monte Carlo analyses” J. Chem. Phys. 77 (1982), p. 6296-6320.
      149. D. Richter, A. Baumgärtner, K. Binder, B. Ewen, J. B. Hayter: “Coherent scattering from polymer melts” - Richter et al. - respond  Phys. Rev. Lett. 48 (1982), p. 1695.
      150. K. Binder: “Critical behavior at surfaces” in Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Vol. X, 8 (1983) (C. Domb and J. L. Lebowitz, eds.), p. 1-144.
      151. K. Binder: “Statics and dynamics of phase transitions: a brief introduction” Cohesive Properties of Semiconductors under Laser Irritation, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Cargése, Korsika 1982, (L. D. Laude, ed.), p. 171-196. Martinus Nyhoff Publishers (1983)
      152. K. Binder, D. Stauffer. “A simple introduction to Monte Carlo simulation and some specialized topics” in Applications of the Monte Carlo method in Statistical Physics, (K. Binder, ed.) Springer , Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, (1984), p. 1-36.
      153. W. Selke, K. Binder, W. Kinzel: “Lattice gas models with competing interactions” (invited paper for the 2nd Trieste International Symposium on Statistical Mechanics of Adsorption, July 1982) Surface Science 125 (1983), p. 74-93.
      154. K. Binder, W. Kinzel: “Spin glass models with short-range forces” Proceedings of the International Meeting on New Types of Ordered Phases, Kyoto, Sept. 1982, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 52 (1983) Suppl. p. 209-216.
      155. K. Binder, W. Kinzel: “Susceptibility and spin correlations in spin glasses with short-range interactions”  J. Magn. Mag. Mat. 31-34 (1983), p. 1309-1310.
      156. K. Binder, W. Kinzel, W. Selke: “Model calculations of phase diagrams of Ising systems with competing interactions”  J. Magn. Mag. Mat. 31-34 (1983), p. 1445-1446.
      157. K. Binder: “On the behavior of static susceptibilities in spin glasses” Z. Physik B 48 (1982), p. 319-334.
      158. K. Binder: “Random-field induced interface widths in Ising systems” Z. Physik B 50 (1983), p. 343-352.
      159. K. Binder, D. Stauffer: “Monte Carlo studies of “random” systems: spin glasses percolation, etc.”  In “Applications of the Monte Carlo method in statistical physics” (K. Binder, ed.) Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York (1984), p. 241-275.
      160. A. Sadiq, K. Binder: “Diffusion of adsorbed atoms in ordered and disordered monolayers at surfaces” Surface Science 128 (1983), p. 350-382.
      161. K. Kaski, K. Binder, J. D. Gunton: “A study of a coarse-grained free energy functional for the three-dimensional Ising model” J. Phys. A 16 (1983) p. L623-L627.
      162. R. Kutner, K. Binder, K. W. Kehr: “Diffusion in concentrated lattice gases. V. Particles with repulsive nearest-neighbor interaction on the face-centered cubic lattice” Phys. Rev. B 28 (1983), p. 1846-1858.
      163. W. Kinzel, K. Binder: “Static and dynamic critical magnetic fields in Ising spin glasses” , Phys. Rev. Lett. 50, (1983), p. 1509-1511.
      164. K. W. Kehr, K. Binder: “Simulation of Diffusion in Lattice Gases and Related Kinetic Phenomena” in “Applications of the Monte Carlo method in Statistical Physics” (K. Binder, ed.) Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, (1984), p. 181-221.
      165. K. Binder: “Collective diffusion, nucleation and spinodal decomposition in polymer mixtures” J. Chem. Phys. 79 (1983), p. 6387-6409.
      166. B. Ewen, B. Stühn, K. Binder, D. Richter, J. B. Hayter: “Hydrodynamic interactions and the dynamics of polymer solutions”, Polymer communications 25 (1984) p. 133-13.
      167. A. Sadiq, K. Binder: “Kinetics of domain growth in two dimensions”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51 (1983), p. 674-677.
      168. K. Binder: “Nucleation barriers, spinodal, and the Ginzburg criterion” Phys. Rev. A 29 (1984), p. 341-349.
      169. K. Binder, W. Kinzel: “The spin glass transition: a comparison of Monte Carlo Simulations of nearest-neighbor Ising Edwards-Anderson models with experiments”, Heidelberg Colloquium on Spin Glasses, Lecture notes in Physics 192 (1983), p. 279-304 (J. L. van Hemmen und I. Morgenstern, Eds.)
      170. W. Kinzel, K. Binder: “Static and dynamic magnetic response of spin glass models with short-range interactions”, Phys. Rev. B 29 (1984), p. 1300-1309.
      171. K. Binder: “Monte Carlo ‘Computer Experimente’: ein vielseitiges ‘Werkzeug’ der Festkörperphysik”, Physikalische Blätter 40 (1984), p. 53-58.
      172. A. Baumgärtner, K. Kremer, K. Binder: “Dynamics of entangled flexible polymers: Monte Carlo Simulations and their interpretation”, Faraday Symp. Chem. Soc., 18 (1984), p. 37-47.
      173. K. Binder: “A test of crossover scaling in the two-dimensional random-field Ising model”, Phys. Rev. B 29 (1984), p. 5184-5186.
      174. W. Selke, K. Binder: “Ising models for ferroelectric and ferromagnetic transitions” Invited paper for the 5th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity, Benalmadena, Spain, Sept. 1983 - Ferroelectrics 53 (1984), p. 7-13..
      175. K. Binder, H. L. Frisch: “Phase stability of weakly crosslinked interpenetrating polymer networks” J. Chem. Phys. 81 (1984), p. 2126-2136
      176. K. Binder, A. P. Young: “Logarithmic Dynamic Scaling in Spin Glasses” Phys. Rev. B 29 (1984), p. 2864-2867.
      177. K. Binder, D. P. Landau: “Crossover scaling and critical behavior at the “surface-bulk” multicritical point” Phys. Rev. Lett. 52 (1984), p. 318-321.
      178. A. Sadiq, K. Binder: “Dynamic of the formation of two-dimensional ordered structures”  J. Statistical Physics 35 (1984), p. 517-585.
      179. D. Stauffer, C. Hartzstein, K. Binder, A. Aharony: “Monte Carlo evidence of non-equilibrium effects for Ising model in a random field” Z. Phys. B 55 (1984), p. 325-333.
      180. K. Kaski, K. Binder, J. D. Guton “Study of cell distribution functions of the three-dimensional Ising model” Phys. Rev. B 29 (1984), p. 3996-4009.
      181. K. Binder, D. P. Landau: “Finite-size scaling at first-order phase transitions” Phys. Rev. B 30 (1984), p. 1477-1485.
      182. K. Binder, H. L. Frisch: “Interfacial Profile between coexisting phases of a polymer mixture” Macromolecules 17 (1984), p. 2928-2830
      183. K. Binder, M. Nauenberg, V. Privman, A. P. Young “Finite size tests of hyperscaling” Phys. Rev. B 31 (1985), p. 1498-1502.
      184. K. Binder: “Mechanisms for the Dynamics of Phase Transitions” Invited Lectures at NATO ARW “Condensed Matter Research Using Neutrons, Today and Tomorrow” Abingdon, England, March 26-29, 1984 (Plenum Press, p. 1-38) Ed. by S. W. Lovesey and R. Scherm)
      185. K. Binder: “Kinetics of Phase Separation in Mixtures of Linear and Branched Polymers”  Invited paper for the 1st International Conference on the Kinetics of Aggregation and Gelation, Athens, Georgia, USA, April 1-3, 1984 Elsevier Science Publ. B. V., p. 209-217.
      186. D. Richter, K. Binder, B. Ewen, B. Stühn: “Screening of hydrodynamic interactions in dense polymer solutions: a phenomenological theory and neutron scattering investigation”, J. Phys. Chem. 88 (1984) p. 6618-6633
      187. K. Kremer, K. Binder: “Dynamics of polymer chains confined into tubes: scaling theory and Monte Carlo simulations”,  J. Chem. Phys. 81 (1984), p. 6381-6394
      188. K. Binder: “The Monte Carlo method for the study of phase transitions: a review of some recent progress” J. Comput. Phys. 59 (1985) 1-55.
      189. I. Sega, W. Selke, K. Binder: “Wetting Phenomena in the (31) Phase of H on Fe (110)” Surface Science 154 (1985) 331-345.
      190. K. Binder, D. P. Landau: “Monte Carlo simulation of wetting transitions in the ferromagnetic Ising model” J. Appl. Phys. 57 (1985) 3306-3308.
      191. K. Binder, D. P. Landau: “An Ising model with an antiferromagnetic surface layer: a simple model for magnetic surface reconstruction”  Surface Science 151 (1985) 409-429.
      192. J. Reger, W. Kinzel, K. Binder: “Investigation of the validity of the “slow-cooling” iterative mean-field method for the study of ground-state properties of spin-glasses” Phys. Rev. B 30 (1984) 4028-4030.
      193. D. P. Landau, K. Binder: “Phase diagrams and critical behavior of Ising square lattices with nearest, next-nearest- and third-nearest neighbor coupling” Phys. Rev. B 31 (1985) 5946-5953.
      194. K. Binder: “Critical properties and finite-size effects of the five-dimensional Ising model” Z. Physik B 61 (1985) 13-23.
      195. J. D. Reger, K. Binder: “Dynamics of Ising spin glasses far below the lower critical dimension: the one-dimensional case and small clusters”, Z. Phys. B 60 (1985) 137-150.
      196. K. Binder, K Kremer: “Simulations of Polymers in Confined Geometries” in “Scaling Phenomena in Disordered Systems” (ed. by R. Pynn and A. Skjeltorp) Plenum Press, New York (1985) 525-536.
      197. K. Binder, D. W. Heermann: “Growth of Domains and Scaling in the Late Stages of Phase Separation and diffusion-controlled ordering phenomena” in “Scaling Phenomena in Disordered Systems” (ed. By R. Pynn and A. Skjeltorp) Plenum Press, New York (1985) p. 207-230.
      198. K. Binder: “Critical Behavior at Surfaces of Ferromagnets” in “Polarized Electrons in Surface Physics” (R. Feder, ed.) World Scientific, Singapore (1985) p. 93-123.
      199. I. Schmidt, K. Binder: “Model Calculations for wetting transitions in polymer mixtures”, J. Physique 46 (1985) p. 1631-1644.
      200. K. Binder: “Finite Size Effects on Phase Transitions” Ferroelectrics 73 (1987) p. 43-67
      201. K. Binder, D. P. Landau, D. M. Kroll: “Critical and Tricritical Wetting Transitions in Ising Ferromagnets with a Surface Field” J. Magn. Magn. Materials 54-57 (1986) p. 669-670
      202. A. Milchev, K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Study of a Lattice gas Model with Non-additive Lateral Interactions”, Surface Science 164 (1985) p. 1-18
      203. P. Wagner, K. Binder: “Competition between submonolayer ordering and multilayer adsorption: Studies of simple lattice gas models” Surface Science 175 (1986) p. 421-443
      204. K. Binder: “Recent Trends in the Development and Application of the Monte Carlo Method”, Chapter 10 in “Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physics”, 2nd edition (K. Binder, ed.) Springer, Berlin (1986) p. 357-392
      205. K. Binder, D. P. Landau, D. M. Kroll: “Critical Wetting with Short-Range Forces: Is Mean-Field Theory Valid?” Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 (1986) p. 2272-2275
      206. K. Binder: “Kinetics of the Formation of Ordered Domains on Surfaces: Theoretical Considerations and Monte Carlo Simulation” Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 90 (1986) p. 257-266
      207. A. Milchev, K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Study of a Lattice Gas Model with Nonadditive Lateral Interactions” Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 90 (1986) p. 267-268
      208. K. Binder, H. L. Frisch, J. Jäckle: “Kinetics of Phase Separation in the Presence of Slowly Relaxing Structural Variables” J. Chem. Phys. 85 (1986) p. 1505-1512
      209. K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Simulation of Alloy Phase Diagrams and Short Range Order” in “Atomic Transport and Defects in Metals by Neutron Scattering” (ed. by C. Janot, W. Petry, D. Richter, T. Springer) Springer, Berlin (1986) p. 12-16
      210. K. Binder, A. P. Young: “Spin Glasses: Experimental Facts, Theoretical Concepts and Open Questions” Rev. Mod. Phys. 58 (1986) p. 810-976
      211. M. S. S. Challa, D. P. Landau, K. Binder: “Finite-Size Effects at Temperature-Driven First-Order Transitions” Phys. Rev. B 34 (1986) p. 1841-1852
      212. A. Milchev, D. W. Heermann, K. Binder: “Finite-Size Scaling Analysis of the 4 Field Theory on the Square Lattice”, J. Stat. Phys. 44 (1986) p. 749-784
      213. A. Milchev, K. Binder, D. W. Heermann: “Fluctuations and Lack of Self-Averaging in the Kinetics of Domain Growth” Z. Physik B 63 (1986) p. 521-535
      214. K. Binder: “Calculation of Phase Diagrams for Models of Metallic Alloys” in Festkörperprobleme (Advances of Solid State Physics) Vol. XXVI (p. Grosse, ed.) Vieweg (1986) p. 133-168
      215. H. O. Carmesin, D. W. Heermann, K. Binder: “Influence of a continuous quenching procedure on the initial stages of spinodal decomposition” Z. Physik B 65 (1986) p. 89-102
      216. A. Sariban, K. Binder, D. W. Heermann: “A Monte Carlo test of the Flory-Huggins theory for polymer mixtures” Phys. Rev. B 35 (1987) p. 6873-6876
      217. K. Binder, D. W. Heermann, A. Milchev, A. Sadiq: “Dynamics of the Formation of ordered domains out of initially disordered configurations” in “Heidelberg Colloquium on Glassy Dynamics and Optimization” (J. L. van Hemmen and I. Morgenstern, eds.) Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg (1987) p. 154-189
      218. K. Binder: “Theory of First-order Phase Transitions” Rep. Progr. Phys. 50 (1987) p. 783-859
      219. K. Binder: “Recent progress with the Theory of First-Order Phase Transitions: Statics and Dynamics” Invited Lectures, International Meeting on Advances on Phase Transitions and Disorder Phenomena” (G. Busiello, L. De Cesare, F. Mancini, M. Marinaro, eds.) World Scientific, Singapore 1987, p. 1-71
      220. K. Binder: “Decay of Metastable and Unstable States: Mechanisms, Concepts and Open Problems” (invited paper, Statphys. XVI, Boston 1986) Physica 140 A (1986) p. 35-43
      221. K. K. Mon, K. Binder, D. P. Landau: “Monte Carlo Simulation of the Growth of Wetting Layers” Phys. Rev. B 35 (1987) p. 3683-3685
      222. A. Sariban, K. Binder, D. W. Heermann: “Critical Phenomena and Phase Separation Kinetics in Polymer Mixtures: Monte Carlo Simulation of a Lattice Model” Colloid & Polymer Sci. 265 (1987) p. 424-431
      223. K. Binder: “Critical Phenomena and Phase Separation Kinetics in Polymer Mixtures” Colloid & Polymer Science 265 (1987) p. 273-288
      224. K. K. Mon, K. Binder, D. P. Landau: “Dynamic Monte Carlo Simulation of Depinning of Domain Walls” J. Appl. Phys. 61 (1987) p. 4409-4410
      225. A. Sariban, K. Binder: “Critical Properties of the Flory-Huggins Lattice Model of Polymer Mixtures” J. Chem. Phys. 86 (1987) p. 5859-5873
      226. A. Milchev, D. W. Heermann, K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Simulation of the Cahn-Hilliard Model of Spinodal Decomposition” Acta Metall 36 (1988) p. 377-383
      227. T. E. Schichtel, K. Binder: “Kinetics of Phase Separation” in Polydisperse Polymer Mixtures Macromolecules 20 (1987) p. 1671-1681
      228. K. Binder, A. Baumgärtner, J. P. Hansen, M. H. Kalos, K. W. Kehr, D. P. Landau, D. Levesque, H. Müller-Krumbhaar, C. Rebbi, Y. Saito, K. E. Schmidt, D. Stauffer, J. J. Weis: “Applications of the Monte Carlo Method in Statistical Physics, 2nd Edition” (K. Binder, ed.) Springer, Berlin (1987) p. 299-324
      229. D. W. Heermann, K. Binder: “Formation of Ordered Structures in Quenching Experiments: Scaling Theory and Simulations” in The Physics of Structure Formation, Theory and Simulation (W. Güttinger u. G. Dangelmayr, eds.) Springer, Berlin 1987, p. 42-51
      230. D. W. Heermann, K. Binder, S. Hayward: “Non-Equilibrium Percolation” Phil. Mag. B 56 (1987) p. 843-851
      231. I. Schmidt, K. Binder: “Dynamics of Wetting Transitions: A Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Treatment” Z. Physik B 67 (1987) p. 369-386
      232. K. Binder, D. P. Landau: “Wetting and Layering in the Nearest-Neighbor Simple Cubic Ising Lattice: A Monte Carlo Investigation” Phys. Rev. B 37 (1988) p. 1745-1766
      233. H.-O. Carmesin, K. Binder: “Isotropic Edwards-Anderson Models for Quadrupolar Glasses: A Monte Carlo Simulation” Europhysics Letters 4 (1987) p. 269-274
      234. B. Dünweg, K. Binder: “Model Calculations of Phase Diagram of Magnetic Alloys on the Body-Centered Cubic Lattice” Phys. Rev. B 36 (1987) p. 6935-6952
      235. S. Hayward, D. W. Heermann, K. Binder: “Dynamic Percolation Transition Induces by Phase Separation: A Monte Carlo Analysis” J. Stat. Phys. 49 (1987) p. 1053-1081
      236. K. Binder: “Mechanisms for the Decay of Unstable and Metastable States: Spinodal Decomposition, Nucleation, and Late-Stage Coarsening” in Proceedings of NATO ASI on “Alloy Phase Stability”, p. 233-262 (G. M. Stocks, A. Gonis, eds.) Kluwer Acad. Publ. 1989, Dordrecht)
      237. H.-O. Carmesin, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Investigation of a Model for a Three-Dimensional Orientational Glass with Short-Range Gaussian Interaction” Z. Phys. B 68, (1987) 375-390
      238. N. Pistoor, K. Binder: “Scattering Function and the Dynamics of Phase Separation in Polymer Mixtures under Shear Flow” Colloid & Polymer Science, 266 (1988) p. 132-140
      239. A. Sariban, K. Binder “Phase Separation of Polymer Mixtures in the Presence of Solvent” Macromolecules 21 (1988) 711-726
      240. B. Dünweg, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Calculations of Phase Diagrams of Magnetic Alloys on the Body-Centered Cubic Lattice” in Alloy Phase Stability (G. M. Stocks, A. Gonis, eds.) Kluwer Akad. Publishers, Dordrecht 1989, p. 263-268
      241. N. Pistoor, K. Binder “Concentration Fluctuations in Polymer Mixtures Under Shear Flow: A Phenomenological Theory” Polymer Motion in Dense Systems, S. 285-289 (ed. by D. Richter and T. Springer), Springer, Berlin 1988
      242. A. Sariban, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulation of Thermodynamic and Structural Properties of Polymer Mixtures Including Solvent”, p. 301-389, Springer Proceedings in Physics 29 (ed. by D. Richter and T. Springer) Springer, Berlin 1988
      243. K. Binder, D. W. Heermann “Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics: An Introduction”, p. 1-127, Springer, Berlin 1988
      244. K. Binder, H. Sillescu “Diffusion, Polymer-Polymer”, Encyclopaedia of Polymer Science and Engineering, Supplement Volume, p. 297-315 (J. Wiley & Sons, New York 1989)
      245. K. Kremer, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulation of Lattice Models for Macromolecules” Computer Physics Reports 7, 259-310 (1988)
      246. K. Ohno, K. Binder “Scaling theory of star polymers and general polymer networks in bulk and semi-infinite Good Solvent” J. de Physique 49, 1329-1351 (1988)
      247. D. P. Landau, K. Binder “Surface and Size Effects in Magnetic Phase Transitions”, J. Appl. Phys. 63, 3077-3081 (1988)
      248. K. K. Mon, S. Wansleben, D. P. Landau, K. Binder “Anisotropic Surface Tension, Step Free Energy and Interfacial Roughening in the 3D Ising Model”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 708-711 (1988)
      249. H.-O. Carmesin, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Study of the Potts glass with nearest-neighbor random Gaussian interaction”, J. Phys. A21 (1988) 4053-4065
      250. A. Sariban, K. Binder “Interaction effects on polymer chain linear dimensions in polymer mixtures” Makromol. Chem. 189, 2357-2365 (1988)
      251. K. Binder, D. P. Landau “Monte Carlo Calculations on Phase Transitions in Adsorbed Layers” in: Advances in Chemical Physics: Molecule-Surface Interaction (K. P. Lawley, ed.) J. Wiley, N. Y., p. 91-152 (1989)
      252. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulations of Polymer Systems” in Computer Simulations Studies in Condensed Matter Physics (ed. by D. P. Landau, K. K. Mon, H. B. Schüttler) Springer, Berlin p. 84-97 (1988)
      253. P. M. Lam, K. Binder “Adsorption of branched polymers at surfaces: Scaling and Monte Carlo analysis”, J. Phys. A21, L405-409 (1988)
      254. A. Sariban, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulation of a Lattice Model for Ternary Polymer Mixtures” J. Coll. & Pol. Sci. 266, 389-397 (1988)
      255. M. Rovere, D. W. Heermann, K. Binder “Block density distribution function analysis of two-dimensional Lennard-Jones fluids” Europhys. Lett. 6, 585-590 (1988)
      256. K. Binder “Computer simulation of macromolecular materials” Colloid & Polymer Sci. 266, 871-885 (1988)
      257. H. L. Frisch, N. Pistoor, A. Sariban, K. Binder and S. Fesjian “Polymer chain dynamics derived from the Kramers potential: A treatment of the Rouse model with and without excluded volume interaction” J. Chem. Phys. 89, 5194-5201 (1988)
      258. R. C. Desai, D. W. Heermann, K. Binder “Finite-Size Scaling in a Microcanonical Ensemble” J. Stat. Phys. 53, 795-823 (1988)
      259. K. K. Mon, S. Wansleben, D. P. Landau, K. Binder “Monte Carlo studies of anisotropic surface tension and interfacial roughening in the 3D Ising Model” Phys. Rev. B39, 7089-96 (1989)
      260. K. Binder, J. S. Wang “Finite-size Effects at Critical Points with Anisotropic Correlations: Phenomenological Scaling Theory and Monte Carlo Simulations”. J. Stat. Phys. 55, 87-126 (1989)
      261. M. S. S. Challa, D. P. Landau, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Studies of Finite-Size effects at First-Order Transitions”, Phase Transitions 24-26, (1990) 343-369
      262. K. W. Kehr, K. Binder, S. M. Reulein “Mobility, Interdiffusion and Tracer Diffusion in Lattice Gas Models of Two-Component Alloys” Phys. Rev. B39, 4891-4910 (1989)
      263. A. Sariban, K. Binder “Scattering from Concentration Fluctuations in Polymer Blends: A Monte Carlo Investigation” Colloid & Polymer Sci. 267, 469-479 (1989)
      264. K. Binder, K. Kremer, I. Carmesin, A. Sariban “Theory of Dense Polymer Systems” in Chemistry and Physics of Macromolecules (E. W. Fischer, R. C. Schulz, H. Sillescu, eds.) VCH, Weinheim, p. 499-531
      265. J. S. Wang, K. Binder, J. L. Lebowitz “Computer Simulation of Driven Diffusive Systems with Exchanges” J. Stat. Phys. 56, 783-819 (1989)
      266. A. Sariban, K. Binder “Computer Simulation of Spinodal Decomposition of Polymer Blends”, Polymer Commun. 30, 205-209 (1989)
      267. D. Hammes, H. O. Carmesin, K. Binder “Two-Dimensional Isotropic Orientational Glasses: A Computer Simulation” Z. Physik B76, 115-126 (1989)
      268. W. Paul, D. W. Heermann, K. Binder “Relaxation of Metastable States in Finite Mean-Field Kinetic Ising Systems”, J. Phys. A22, 3325-3337 (1989)
      269. D. P. Landau, R. Pandey, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Study of Surface Critical Behaviour in the XY-Model” Phys. Rev. B39, 12302-12305 (1989)
      270. E. V. Albano, K. Binder, D. W. Heermann, W. Paul “The Ising Square Lattice in a L  M Geometry: A Model for the Effect of Surface Steps on Phase Transitions in Adsorbed Monolayers”, Z. Physik B77, 445-460 (1989)
      271. E. V. Albano, K. Binder, D. W. Heermann, W. Paul “Adsorption on Stepped Surfaces: A Monte Carlo Simulation” Surface Science 223, 151-178 (1989)
      272. K. Binder “Some Recent Progress in the Phenomenological Theory of Finite Size Scaling and Application to Monte Carlo Studies of Critical Phenomena” in Finite Size Scaling and Numerical Simulation of Statistical Systems (V. Privman, ed.) World Scientific Singapore, 1990, 173-221.
      273. K. Binder “Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Amorphous Polymers” in Computational Modeling of Polymers (1992); 221-295 (J. Bicerano, ed.) Marcel Dekker, New York.
      274. E. V. Albano, K. Binder, D. W. Heermann, W. Paul “Shift of First-Order Phase Transitions in Thin Films Due to Boundary Fields: A Computer Simulation”, J. Chem. Phys. 91, 3700-3706 (1989)
      275. D. P. Landau, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Study of Surface Phase Transitions in the Three-Dimensional Ising Model”, Phys. Rev. B41, 4633-4645 (1990)
      276. K. Binder, D. P. Landau, S. Wansleben “Wetting Transitions Near the Bulk Critical Point: Monte Carlo Simulations For the Ising Model”, Phys. Rev. B40, 6971-6979 (1989)
      277. M. D’Onorio de Meo, D. W. Heermann, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Study of the Ising Model Phase Transition in Terms of the Percolation Transition of “Physical Clusters” ”, J. Stat. Phys. 60, (1990) 585-618
      278. R. M Nowotny and K. Binder: “Classical Heisenberg antiferromagnets with nearest and next nearest-neighbor interactions on the face-centered cubic lattice: a model for EuTe” Z. Phys. B77, 287-301 (1989)
      279. G. H. Fredrickson, K. Binder “Kinetics of Metastable States in Block Copolymer Melts” J. Chem. Phys. 91, 7265-7275 (1989)
      280. K. Binder “Statistical Theory of Phase Transitions” in Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 5, Phase Transformations in Materials (P. Haasen, ed.) VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim, 143-212 (1990)
      281. B. Minchau, B. Dünweg, K. Binder: “The Microphase Separation Transition in Block Copolymers: A test of Leibler’s Theory by Monte Carlo Simulation” Polymer Comm. 31, (1990) 348-350
      282. K. Binder, D. P. Landau “Critical Phenomena at Surfaces” (invited paper for STATPHYS 17) Physica A163, 17-30 (1990)
      283. K. K. Mon, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Calculation of Free Energy for a FCC Lattice Gas Model” Phys. Rev. B42, 675-679 (1990)
      284. M. Kreer, M. Kremer, K. Binder “Orientational Order in Lipid Monolayers – A One-Dimensional Model” J. Chem. Phys. 92, 6195-6209 (1990)
      285. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Methods and Glassy Systems” (invited paper for IMF-7) Ferroelectrics 104, 3-19 (1990)
      286. H.-P. Wittmann, K. Kremer, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulations of a Lattice Model for the Glass Transition of Polymers in Basic Features of the Glassy State” (J. Colmenero, A. Alegria, eds) World Scientific, Singapore 1990, p. 225-230.
      287. K. Binder “Spinodal Decomposition” in Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 5, Phase Transformations in Materials (P. Haasen, ed.) VCH Verlagsgesellschaft Weinheim (1990) 405-471
      288. K. Binder “Growth Kinetics of Wetting Layers at Surfaces” in Kinetics of Ordering and Growth at Surfaces (invited paper for NATO ARW at Acquafredda di Maratea, Italy, September 1989) M. Lagally, ed., Plenum Press, New York 1990, 31-44.
      289. M. Rovere, D. W. Heermann, K. Binder “Gas-Liquid Transition of the Two-Dimensional Lennard-Jones Fluid” J. Phys: Condens. Matter 2, (1990) 7009-7032.
      290. M. Scheucher, J. D. Reger, K. Binder, A. P. Young: “Finite-Size Scaling Study of the Simple-Cubic Three-States Potts Glass: Possible lower critical dimension d = 3” Phys. Rev. B42 (1990) 6881-6884.
      291. G. Lironis, D. W. Heermann, K. Binder “Finite-Size Scaling Study of Nonequilibrium Percolation”, J. Phys. A23 (1990) L329-334.
      292. W. Jilge, I. Carmesin, K. Kremer, K. Binder “A Monte Carlo Simulation of Polymer-Polymer Interdiffusion” Macromolecules 23 (1990) 5001-5013
      293. D. P. Landau, K. Binder “Critical Behavior of the Surface-Layer Magnetization at the Extraordinary Transition in the 3d Ising Model” Phys. Rev. B41, 4786-4788 (1990)
      294. E. V. Albano, K. Binder, D. W. Heermann, W. Paul “Critical Wetting in the Square Ising Model with a Boundary Field” J. Stat. Phys. 61, 161-178 (1990)
      295. A. L. Rodriguez, H. P. Wittmann, K. Binder “Orientational ordering in Two-Dimensional Polymer Solutions: Monte Carlo Simulations of a Bond Fluctuation Model” Macromolecules 23 (1990) 4327-4335
      296. K. Yaldram, K. Binder “Spinodal Decomposition of a Two-Dimensional Model Alloy with Mobile Vacancies” Acta Metallurgica 39 (1991) 707-717
      297. A. M. Ferrenberg, D. P. Landau, K. Binder “Statistical and systematic errors in Monte Carlo sampling” Journal of Statistical Physics 63, 867-882 (1991)
      298. K. Binder “Simulation of Order-Disorder Phenomena and Diffusion in Metallic Alloys” in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter III (D. P. Landau, K. K. Mon, H. B. Schüttler, eds.) Springer, Berlin 1991 (Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 53), p. 4-15.
      299. A. Sariban, K. Binder: “Spinodal Decomposition of Polymer Mixtures: A Monte Carlo Simulation”, Macromolecules 24, (1991) 578-592.
      300. K. Yaldram, K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Simulation of Phase Separation and Clustering in the ABV Model”, Journal of Statistical Physics 62 161-175 (1991)
      301. W. Helbing, B. Dünweg, K. Binder, D. P. Landau: “Surface-Induced disordering at First-Order Transitions in Body-Centered Cubic Binary Alloys: A Monte Carlo Simulations” Z. Phys. B80 (1990) 401-413
      302. M. Scheucher, J. D. Reger, K. Binder, A. P. Young: “Finite-Size Scaling Study of the Simple Cubic Three-State Potts-Glass” in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter III (D. P. Landau, K. K. Mon, H. B. Schüttler, eds.) Springer, Berlin 1991
      303. A. Patrykiejew, D. P. Landau, K. Binder: “Lattice Gas Models for Multilayer Adsorption: Variation of Phase Diagrams with the Strength of the Substrate Potential”, Surface Science 238 (1990) 317-329
      304. W. Schweika, K. Binder, D. P. Landau “Surface-Induced Ordering in Models for ‚Frustrated’ Face-Centered Cubic Alloys” Physical Review Letters 65, 3321-3324 (1990)
      305. M. Scheucher, J. D. Reger, K. Binder, and A. P. Young: “Evidence for a Disordered Ground State in the Potts Glass with Gaussian Couplings” Europhysics Letter 14, 119-123 (1991)
      306. W. Paul, K. Binder, D. W. Heermann, K. Kremer: “Crossover scaling in semidilute polymer solutions: a Monte Carlo test” J. Physique II 1 (1991) 37-60.
      307. K. Binder “Computer Simulation of Models for Orientational Glasses” (Invited paper at the International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, 18-29 June 1990, Iraklion, Crete, Greece) J. Noncryst. Solids 131-133, 262-268 (1991).
      308. W. Paul, K. Binder, D. W. Heermann, K. Kremer “Self-Diffusion in Polymer Solutions Using the Bond-Fluctuation MC-Algorithm” (Proc. Int. Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems, 18-29 June 1990, Iraklion, Crete, Greece) J. Noncryst. 131-133 (1991) 650-653.
      309. K. Binder, H. P. Deutsch, A. Sariban “Monte Carlo Studies of Polymer Interdiffusion and Spinodal Decomposition”: a review (Invited paper at the International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, 18-29, June 1990, Iraklion, Crete, Greece) J. Noncryst. Solids 131-133 (1991) 635-642.
      310. P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Lattice Deformations in a N2-Ar Mixture Model in the Diluted Limit” Europhysics Letters 13 (1990) 327-333
      311. H. P. Deutsch, K. Binder “Interdiffusion and selfdiffusion in polymer mixtures: A Monte Carlo Study” J. Chem. Phys. 94 (1991) 2294-2304
      312. J. S. Wang, K. Binder “Wetting Transitions in Polymer Blends: A Monte Carlo Lattice Simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 95 (1991) 8537-8541
      313. K. Binder “Simulation of Dense Polymer Systems in Two and Three Dimensions” Proc. Europhys. Conf. Computational Physics, Amsterdam, 10-14 Sept. 1990 (CP90), Int. J. Mod. Phys. C2 (1991) 263-266.
      314. H. Fried, K. Binder “The Microphase Separation Transition in Symmetric Diblock Copolymer Melts: A Monte Carlo Study” J. Chem. Phys. 95 (1991) 8349-8366.
      315. K. Ohno, K. Binder “Scaling Theory for Radial Distributions of Star Polymers in Dilute Solution in the Bulk and at a Surface, and Scaling of Polymer Networks near the Adsorption Transition” J. Chem. Phys. 95 (1991) 5444-5438.
      316. H. P. Deutsch, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Investigation of Polymer Mixtures” ACS Polymer Preprints 32 (1991) 499-500.
      317. H. Fried, K. Binder “Nongaussian Conformational Behavior in Diblock Copolymer Melts: Is the RPA valid?” Europhys. Lett. 16 (1991) 237-242.
      318. K. Yaldram, K. Binder “Unmixing of binary alloys by a vacancy mechanism of diffusion: a computer simulation” Z. Physik B82, 405-418 (1991)
      319. K. Ohno, K. Binder ”Monte Carlo Simulation of Many-Arm Star Polymers in Two-Dimensional Good Solvents in the Bulk and at a Surface” J. Statist. Phys. 64 (1991) 781-806.
      320. K. Binder “The Monte Carlo Method in Condensed Matter Physics”, Chapter 1: Introduction” Springer, Berlin 1992, 1-22
      321. A. P. Young, J. D. Reger, K. Binder “Spin Glasses, Orientational Glasses and Random Field Systems” in The Monte Carlo Method in Condensed Matter Physics (K. Binder, ed.) Springer, Berlin 1992, 355-383.
      322. K. Ohno, K. Binder ”Scaling theory for radial distributions of star polymers in dilute solution in the bulk and at a surface II –  -expansion for monomer densities” – J. Chem. Phys. 95 (1991) 5459-5473.
      323. W. Helbing, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Quantum Monte Carlo treatment of a rotator impurity in a crystal” Phys. Rev. B44 (1991) 4200-4205.
      324. K. Binder, H. L. Frisch: “Dynamics of Surface Enrichment: A Theory Based on the Kawasaki Spin-Exchange Model in the Presence of a Wall” Z. Physik B84 (1991) 403-418.
      325. D. Marx, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Phase Transitions in Two-Dimensional Fluids with Internal Quantum States” Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 (1991) 3124-3127
      326. M. Kreer, M. Scheringer, K. Binder, K. Kremer, R. Hilfer “Modelling of Orientational Ordering in Lipid Monolayers” in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter IV (D. P. Landau, K. K. Mon, H. P. Schüttler, eds.) Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 72, p. 159-164.
      327. A. O. Parry, R. Evans, K. Binder “Critical Amplitude Ratios for Critical Wetting in Three Dimensions: Observations of Non-Classical Behavior in the Ising Model” Phys. Rev. B43, 11535 (1991)
      328. W. Paul, K. Binder, K. Kremer, D. W. Heermann: “Structure Property Correlations of Polymers, A Monte Carlo Approach” Macromolecules 24 (1991) 6332-6334
      329. K. Binder and D. P. Landau “Phase Transition Shifts in Films“ Physics A177, 483-488 (1991)
      330. K. K. Mon, K. Binder “Finite-Size Effects for the Simulation of Phase Coexistence in the Gibbs Ensemble near the Critical Point” 96, 6989-6995 (1992)
      331. S. Puri, K. Binder “Phenomenological Theory for the Formation of Interfaces via the Interdiffusion of Layers” Phys. Rev. B44 (Rapid Comm.) (1991) 9735-9738.
      332. S. Puri, K. Binder “Surface-directed spinodal decomposition: Phenomenology and numerical results”, Phys. Rev. A46, R4487-R4489 (1992)
      333. H.-P. Wittmann, K. Kremer, K. Binder “Glass Transition of Polymer Melts – A 2-D Monte Carlo Study in the Framework of the Bond Fluctuation Method” J. Chem. Phys. 96, 6291-6306 (1992)
      334. J.-S. Wang, K. Binder “Enrichment of the Chain Ends in Polymer Melts at Interfaces” J. Phys. I (France) 1 (1991) 1583-1590
      335. P.-Y. Lai, K. Binder “Structure and Dynamics of Grafted Polymer Layers: A Monte Carlo Simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 95, 9288-9299 (1991)
      336. S. Puri, K. Binder, S. Dattagupta “Dynamic scaling in anisotropic phase-separating systems in a gravitational field” Phys. Rev. B46, 98-105 (1992)
      337. H.-P. Deutsch, K. Binder “Evidence against the integral equation theory of polymer blends” Europhys. Lett. 17, 697-702 (1992)
      338. W. Paul, K. Binder, D. W. Heermann, K. Kremer “Dynamics of Polymer Solutions and Melts – Reptation Predictions and Scaling of Relaxation Times” J. Chem. Phys. 95 (1991) 7726-7740.
      339. J. Baschnagel, K. Binder, W. Paul, M. Laso, U. Suter, I. Batoulis, W. Jilge, T. Bürger “On the construction of coarse-grained models for linear flexible polymer chains: distribution functions for groups of consecutive monomers” J. Chem. Phys. 95 (1991) 6014-6025.
      340. J. Baschnagel, K. Qin, W. Paul, K. Binder “Monte Carlo simulation of Models for Simple Polyethylene Coils” Macromolecules 25, 3117-3124 (1992)
      341. M. Scheringer, R. Hilfer, K. Binder “Orientational Ordering in Lipid Monolayers: A Two-Dimensional Model of Rigid Rods Grafted to a Lattice” J. Chem. Phys. 96, 2269-2277 (1992)
      342. K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Simulation in Polymer Physics: Some Recent Developments” (invited paper at BPS 91, Bayreuth, April 1991). Makromol. Chem., Macromol. Symp. 50, 1-17 (1991)
      343. K. Binder and D. P. Landau: “Capillary condensation in the lattice gas model: A Monte Carlo Study” J. Chem. Phys. 96, 1444-1454 (1992)
      344. K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Studies of unconventional phase transitions”, in Physics at HLRZ (1990) Proceedings (M. Kremer, ed.) p. 1-24 (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich 1990)
      345. K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Simulation von Polymermischungen und Blockcopolymerschmelzen” in Werkstoffe für die Bedürfnisse von morgen, Schweizerische Nationalfonds und Technische Rundschau, p. 2-10 (Hallwag, Bern 1991)
      346. K. Binder: “Mirkophasenseparation in Block-Copolymeren: Experiment, Theorie, und Computer-Simulation” in Physik der Polymere (22. IFF-Ferienkurs 1991) 17.1 – 17.46 (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich 1991)
      347. S. Puri, K. Binder “Surface” Effects on Kinetics of Ordering” Z. Physik B-Condensed Matter 86, 263-271 (1992).
      348. K. Binder, S. Puri, S. Dattagupta “Anisotropic Segregation in a gravitational field” in From Phase Transitions to Chaos (ed. by Györgyi, I. Kondor, L. Sasvari, T. Tel) World Scientific, Singapore 1992, p. 16-24
      349. D. P. Landau, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulation of Phase Transitions in Thin Ising Films” J. Magn. Mag. Mater. 104-107, 841-842 (1992)
      350. D. Marx, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “On the Calculation of the Heat Capacity in Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulations” Int. J. Modern Phys. C3, 337-346 (1992)
      351. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Studies of Collective Phenomena in Dense Polymer Systems” in Computer Simulation of Polymers (E. A. Colbourn, ed.) Chapter 3, Longmans, Harlow, Essex 1994, pp. 91-129
      352. K. Binder, D. P. Landau “Wetting versus Layering near the Roughening Transition in the 3d-Ising Model” Phys. Rev. B46, 4844-4854 (1992)
      353. A. Patrykiejew, K. Binder “Dynamics of Multilayer Adsorption: A Monte Carlo Simulation” Surface Science 273, 413-426 (1992)
      354. F. Schmid, K. Binder “Modelling Order-Disorder and Magnetic Transitions in Iron-Aluminium Alloys” J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 4, 3569-3588 (1992)
      355. K. Binder “Phase Transitions in Reduced Geometry” Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 43 (1992) 33-59.
      356. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Methods for Polymer Chains at Surfaces and Interfaces” Polymer Preprints 33, 605 (1992)
      357. H. P. Deutsch, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Investigation of Dense Asymmetric Polymer Mixtures” Polymer Preprints 33, 698 (1992)
      358. J. Batoulis, K. Binder, F. T. Gentile, D. W. Heermann, W. Jilge, K. Kremer, M. Laso, P. J. Ludovice, L. Morbitzer, W. Paul, B. Pittel, R. Plaetschke, K. Reuter, K. Sommer, U. W. Suter, R. Timmermann, G. Weymans, “Theoretical and experimental correlation between primary chemical structure and property phenomena of polycondensates” Advanced materials 3 (1991) 590-599
      359. J. S. Wang, K. Binder “Chain Linear Dimensions in the Surface-Enriched Layer of Polymer Mixtures” Die Makromolekulare Chemie, Theory and Simulations 1, 49-53 (1992)
      360. K. Binder, W. Paul, H.-P. Wittmann, J. Baschnagel, K. Kremer, D. W. Heermann “Computer simulation of the glass transition of polymer melts” (invited paper at the 27th EPS Conference on Physics of Macromolecules, Iraklion, Crete, Sept. 24-29, 1991) Prog. Coll. & Polymer Sci. 91, 5-7 (1993)
      361. P.-Y. Lai, K. Binder “Structure and Dynamics of Grafted Polymer Layers: A Monte Carlo Simulation” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Polymer Solid-Interfaces, Namur, Belgium, 2-6 Sept. 1991, IOP Publ. Ltd., Bristol 1992, p. 371-378.
      362. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulations of Polymeric Materials – Still a Challenge?” (invited paper at the 6th Yukawa Memorial Symposium Nishinomiya, Japan, 24./25.10.91), in Springer Proceedings in Physics Vol. 70 Computational Approaches in Condensed Matter Physics, S. Miyashita, M. Imada, and H. Takayama, Eds., p. 249-259 (Springer, Berlin 1992)
      363. K. Binder “Simulations of Models for Isotropic Anisotropic Orientational Glasses” (invited paper at the meeting “Computational Physics for Condensed Matter Phenomena – Methodolgy and Applications, Osaka, 21-23 Oct. 91) in Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 70, Computational Approaches in Condensed-Matter Physics, S. Miyashita, M. Imada, and H. Takayama, Eds., p. 230-235 (Springer, Berlin 1992)
      364. P.-Y. Lai, K. Binder “Structure and dynamics of polymer brushes near the  -point: a Monte Carlo simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 97, 586-595 (1992)
      365. P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulations of Growth Kinetics and Phase Transitions at Interfaces: Some Recent Results” Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 237 (Mat. Res-Soc., Pittsburgh 1992) p. 37-48.
      366. W. Paul, K. Binder, J. Batoulis, B. Pittel, K. H. Sommer, “Monte Carlo Modelling of the Polymer Glass Transition” Polymer Preprints 33, 535 (1992)
      367. P.-Y. Lai, K. Binder “Grafted Polymer Layers near the  -point: A Monte Carlo simulation” Polymer Preprints 33, 696 (1992)
      368. K. Binder, H. P. Deutsch “Crossover Phenomena and Finite-Size Scaling Analysis of Numerical Simulations” Europhysics Letters 18 (1992) 667-672
      369. K. Binder “Large-Scale Simulations in Condensed Matter Physics – The Need for a Teraflop Computer” International Journal of Modern Physics C3, 565-581 (1992)
      370. P.-Y. Lai, K. Binder “Grafted Polymer Layers under variable Solvent Conditions: A Monte Carlo Simulation” Makromol. Chem., Macromol. Symp. 65, 189-198 (1993)
      371. H.-P. Deutsch, K. Binder “Simulation of First and Second Order Transitions in Asymmetric Polymer Mixtures” Makromol. Chem., Macromol. Symp. 65, 59-68 (1993)
      372. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Methods for Polymer Chains in Two-Dimensional Geometries (Polymers at Surfaces and Interfaces)” Makromol. Chem., Makromol. Symp. 65, 175-187 (1993)
      373. H.-P. Wittmann, K. Kremer, K. Binder “Evidence for the Time-Temperature Superposition Principle from Monte Carlo Simulations of the Glass Transition in Two-Dimensional Polymer Melts” Macromolecular Chemistry, Theory and Simulations 1, 275-286 (1992)
      374. K. Binder “Finite Size Effects at Phase Transitions” in Computational Methods in Field Theory (H. Gausterer, C. B. Lang (eds)) Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 1992, 59-125.
      375. E. V. Albano, K. Binder, D. W. Heermann, W. Paul “Kinetics of domain growth in finite Ising strips” Physica A183, 130-147 (1992)
      376. K. Binder “Atomistic Modelling of Material Properties by Monte Carlo Simulation” Advanced Materials 4, 540-547 (1992)
      377. K. Binder “Spinodal decomposition – some recent developments” in Immiscible Liquid Metals and Organics,  Proceedings of the International Workshop” “Systems with a Liquid Miscibility Gap”, Bad Honnef, May 4-6, 1992 (DGM Informationsges., Oberursel, Germany 1993), pp. 47-64
      378. J. Wittmer, W. Paul, K. Binder “Rouse and Reptation Dynamics at Finite Temperature: a Monte Carlo Simulation” Macromolecules 25 (1992) 7211-7219
      379. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulations of Alloy Phase Transitions” in Statics and Dynamics of Alloy Phase Transformations (Proc. of the  NATO Adv. Study Inst., Rhodes, Greece, June  21 – July 3rd, 1992, P. E. A. Turchi and A. Gonis, Eds.), Plenum Press, New York (1994), pp. 467-493
      380. P.-Y. Lai, K. Binder “Grafted Polymer Layers under Shear: A Monte Carlo Simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 98, 2366-2375 (1993)
      381. K. Binder “How computer simulations can help to settle complex scientific questions” in Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, Teaching Modern Physics (Proceedings of the 4th IUPAP Teaching Modern Physics Conference), Ed. by M. G. Velarde and F. Cuadros, World Scientific, Singapore 1995, pp. 45-66.
      382. M. Schulz, K. Binder “The Microphase Separation Transition in Symmetric Interpenetrating Networks: A Monte Carlo Study” J. Chem. Phys. 98, 655-661 (1993)
      383. K. Binder, K. Vollmayr, H.-P. Deutsch, J. D. Reger, M. Scheucher, D. P. Landau: “Monte Carlo Methods for First Order Phase Transitions: Some recent Progress” Int. J. Mod. Phys. C3 (1992) 1025-1058
      384. M. Kikuchi, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Study of thin films of the symmetric diblock copolymer melt” Europhysics Letters 21 (1993) 427-432
      385. J. Baschnagel, W. Paul, K. Binder, H.-P. Wittmann “Monte Carlo Simulation of the glass transition in dense three-dimensional polymer melts” in “Trends in Non-Crystalline solids” (Proc. 3rd Int. workshop on Noncrystalline Solids, Matalascanas, Spain, 5-8 Nov. 91) A. Conde, C. F. Conde and M. Millan, eds, World Scientific, Singapore 1992, p. 285-288
      386. K. Binder, J. D. Reger: “Theory of Orientational Glasses: Models; Concepts; Simulations” Advances in Physics 41, 547-627 (1992)
      387. J. Baschnagel, K. Binder, H.-P. Wittmann: “Influence of the cooling rate on the glass Transition and glassy state in three-dimensional dense polymer melts: A Monte Carlo Study” J. Phys: Condensed Matter, 5, 1597-1618 (1993)
      388. W. Paul, K. Binder, J. Batoulis, B. Pittel, K. H. Sommer “Monte Carlo Modelling of the Polymer Glass Transition” Makromol. Chem., Macromol. Symp. 65, 1-10 (1993)
      389. H.-P. Deutsch, K. Binder “Critical Behavior and Crossover Scaling in Symmetric Polymer Mixtures: A Monte Carlo Investigation” Macromolecules 25, 6214-6230 (1992)
      390. F. Schmid, K. Binder “Monte Carlo investigation of interface roughening in a bcc-based binary alloy” Phys. Rev. B46, 13565-13570 (1992)
      391. F. Schmid, K. Binder “Rough interfaces in a bcc-based binary alloy” Phys. Rev. B46, 13553-13564 (1992)
      392. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulation of Polymeric Materials: Recent Progress” Macromolekulare Chemie, Makromol. Symposia (Proceedings of the 4th International EPF Symposium on Polymeric Materials, Baden-Baden, Sept. 27 – Oct. 2nd, 1992) 69, 213-227 (1993)
      393. K. Binder, D. P. Landau, D. M. Kroll: “Interfacial Stiffness and the Wetting Parameter: The Simple Cubic Ising Model” Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 3655 (1992)
      394. M. Rovere, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Simulation studies of gas-liquid transitions in two dimensions via a subsystem-block-density distribution analysis” Z. Physik B90 (1993) 215-228
      395. D. Marx, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Path-integral Monte Carlo study of a model adsorbate with internal quantum states” Phys. Rev. B47, 7788-7804 (1993)
      396. I. Gerroff, A. Milchev, K. Binder, W. Paul “A New Off-Lattice Monte Carlo Model for Polymers: A Comparison of Static and Dynamic Properties with the Bond-Fluctuation Model and Application to Random Media” J. Chem. Phys. 98, 6526-6539 (1993)
      397. D. Marx, O. Opitz, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Quantum Effects on the Herringbone Ordering of N2 on Graphite” Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2908-2911 (1993)
      398. K. Binder “Phase Transitions in Polymer Blends and Block-Copolymer Melts: Some Recent Developments” Advances of Polymer Science 112, 181-299 (1994)
      399. J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Structural aspects of a three-dimensional lattice model for the glass transition of polymer melts. A Monte Carlo Simulation” Physica A204, 47-75 (1994)
      400. K. Vollmayr, J. D. Reger, M. Scheucher, K. Binder “Finite Size Effects at Thermally-Driven First Order Transitions: A Phenomenological Theory of the Order Parameter Distribution” Z. Physik B: Condensed Matter 91, 113-125 (1993)
      401. K. Binder, H. L. Frisch: “Linear Dynamics of Surface Enrichment: A Theory Based on the Kawasaki Spin-Exchange Model in the Presence of a Wall” in Dynamical Phenomena at Interfaces, Surfaces and Membranes (Nova Science Publ. Inc., Commack, N. Y., 1993, p. 435-447 (D. Beysens, N. Boccara, G. Forgacs, eds.)
      402. A. Milchev, W. Paul, K. Binder “Off-Lattice Monte Carlo Simulation of Dilute and Concentrated Polymer Solutions Under Theta Conditions” J. Chem. Phys. 99, 4786-4798 (1993).
      403. K. K. Mon, K. Binder “Finite-size scaling and the crossover to mean-field critical behavior in the two-dimensional Ising model with medium-ranged interactions” Physical Review E48, 2498-2506 (1993)
      404. P. Ray, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Dynamics near the glass transition in two-dimensional polymer melts: A Monte Carlo simulation study” J. Phys: Condensed Matter 5, 5731-5742 (1993)
      405. M. D’Onorio De Meo, J. D. Reger, K. Binder “Diluted Heisenberg Ferromagnets with Competing Ferro- and Antiferromagnetic Interactions: Evidence for a New Universality Class?” in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter VI (D. P. Landau, K. K. Mon, and H. B. Schuttler, eds.) Springer, Berlin 1993, p. 193-198.
      406. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulation of Polymers at Interfaces” Physica A200, 722-729 1993)
      407. F. M. Haas, P.-Y. Lai, K. Binder “Linear Chain Surfactants at a Planar Interface: A Comparative Monte Carlo Study of Several Lattice Models” Makromol. Chem., Theory and Simulations 2, 889-899 (1993)
      408. K. Binder: “Phase Transitions at Surfaces” in Cohesion and Structure of Surfaces (D. Pettifor, ed.) Chapter 3, p. 121-282, Elsevier, Amsterdam 1995
      409. A. Milchev, W. Paul, K. Binder “Polymer Chains Confined into Tubes with Attractive Walls: A Monte Carlo Simulation” Makromol. Chem., Theory and Simulation 3, 305-324 (1994)
      410. D. Marx, S. Sengupta, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Clarification of the Head-Tail Ordering of CO on Graphite: A Monte Carlo Study” Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 262-265 (1994)
      411. K. Binder “Monte Carlo methods” Encyclopedia of Applied Physics” (G. L. Trigg, ed.) VCH, Weinheim (1994) Vol. 10, p. 567-590.
      412. K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Simulation – Experimentierlabor der Statistischen Physik” Physikalische Blätter 49, 627-632 (1993)
      413. H.-P. Deutsch, K. Binder: “The mean-field to Ising crossover in the critical behavior of polymer mixtures: a finite size scaling analysis of Monte Carlo simulations” Journal de Physique (Paris) II 3, 1049-1073 (1993)
      414. K. Vollmayr, G. Schreider, J. D. Reger, K. Binder “Static Magnetic Response of the three-state Potts-glass” J. Non-Cryst. Solids 172-174, 488-490 (1994)
      415. P. Ray, K. Binder “Glass transition relaxations in 2D polymer melts – a Monte Carlo simulation study” J. Non-Cryst. Solids 172-194, 204-208 (1994)
      416. B. Lobe, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Monte Carlo simulation of the glass transition in two- and three dimensional polymer melts” J. Non-Cryst. Solids 172-174, 384-390 (1994)
      417. J. Wittmer, W. Paul, K. Binder “The intermediate coherent scattering function of entangled polymer melts: a Monte Carlo test of Des Cloizeaux’ Theory” Journal de Physique II (Paris) 4, 873-879 (1994)
      418. F. Schmid, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulations of Body-Centered Cubic Alloys” (Proc. of the NATO ARW” Metallic Alloys: Experimental and Theoretical Perspectives”) July 16-21, 1993, Florida, p. 216-271 (1994)
      419. O. Opitz,  D. Marx S. Sengupta, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “On the Order of the Herringbone Transition of N2 on Graphite: A Monte Carlo Study” Surface Science Letters 297, L122-L126 (1993)
      420. V. Pereyra, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Random-Field Induced Rounding of the Ising-Type Transition in Physisorbed (CO)1-x(N2)x Mixtures: Monte Carlo Studies of a Simple Model” J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 5, 6631-6646 (1993)
      421. K. Binder, H. Fried “Microphase separation in asymmetric diblock melts: A Monte Carlo simulation”, Macromolecules 26, 6878-6883 (1993)
      422. P. Ray, K. Binder “Finite size effect in the dynamics near the glass transition” Europhys. Lett.  27, 53-58 (1994)
      423. M. Müser, W. Helbing, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Low Temperature Anharmonic Lattice Deformations near Rotator Impurities: A Quantum Monte Carlo Approach” Physical Review E49, 3956-3962 (1994)
      424. S. Sengupta, D. Marx, P. Nielaba, and K. Binder “Phase diagram of a model anticlustering binary mixture in two dimensions: A semi-grandcanonical Monte Carlo study” Physical Review E49, 1468-1477 (1994)
      425. D. Marx, S. Sengupta, O. Opitz, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “N2 Monolayers Physisorbed on Graphite: The Herringbone Transition Revisited” Molecular Physics 83, 31-62 (1994)
      426. S. Puri and K. Binder “Surface Effects on Spinodal Decomposition in Binary Mixtures and the Interplay with Wetting Phenomena” Phys. Rev. E49, 5359-5377 (1994)
      427. S. Puri and K. Binder “Surface-Directed Spinodal Decomposition in a Thin Film Geometry: A Computer Simulation” Journal of Statistical Physics 77, 145-172 (1994)
      428. K. Binder, A. M. Ferrenberg, and D. P. Landau “Wetting and capillary Transitions at Interfaces”, Bad Herrenalb, Sept. 22-24,93) Berichte der condensation of lattice gases in thin film geometry” (invited paper for  “Phase Bunsengesellschaft f. Physikal. Chemie 98 340-345 (1994)
      429. K. Binder: “Introduction: General aspects of computer simulation techniques and their applications in polymer physics” in Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Polymer Science (K. Binder, ed.) Oxford University Press, New York (1995) pp. 3-46
      430. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Studies of Polymer Blends and Block Copolymer Thermodynamics” in Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Polymer Science (K. Binder, ed.) Oxford University Press, New York (1995) pp. 356-432.
      431. M. Kikuchi, K. Binder “Microphase separation in thin films of the symmetric diblock copolymer melt” Journal of Chemical Physics 101 3367-3377 (1994)
      432. B. Lobe, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Glass transition in polymer melts: Study of chain length effects by Monte Carlo simulation” Macromolecules 27, 3654-3665 (1994)
      433. J. Wittmer, A. Johner, J.-F. Joanny and K. Binder: “Chain desorption from a Semi-dilute Polymer Brush: A Monte Carlo Simulation” Journal of Chemical Physics 101, 4379-4390 (1994)
      434. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulation of the Glass Transition of Polymer Melts” Progr. Colloid & Polymer Sci. 96, 7-15 (1994)
      435. K. Binder “Nucleation Phenomena in Polymeric Systems” Physica A213, 118-129 (1995)
      436. K. Binder “Monte Carlo simulation of wetting transitions” in Thin Films and Phase Transitions on Surfaces (ed. by M. Michailow and I. Gutzow), p. 61-88, Inst. Phys. Chem., Bulg. Acad. Sci., Sofia 1994
      437. A. Milchev, K. Binder „Osmotic pressure, atomic pressure, and the virial equation of state of polymer solutions: Monte Carlo simulations of a bead-spring model” Macromelecular Theory and Simulations 3, 915-930
      438. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Anomalous diffusion and relaxation of collapsed polymer chains” Europhysics Letters 26, 671-676 (194)
      439. M. Müller, K. Binder “An Algorithm for the Semi-Grand-Canonical Simulation of Asymmetric Polymer Mixtures” Computer Phys. Commun. 84 (1994) 173-185
      440. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulation of Polymeric Materials” Physica Scripta T55, 206-211 (1994) [invited paper for EPS Conf. Condens. Matter, Madrid, 27.3. – 31.3.1994]
      441. K. Binder, D. P. Landau, A. M. Ferrenberg „Character of the Phase Transition in Thin Ising Films with competing walls” Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 298-301 (1995)
      442. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulations of Spin Systems and Lattice Gases” (Proc. CP 94, Lugano, 22.-26.8.1994), R. Gruber and M. Tomassini, eds. European Physical Society Geneva, 1994, p. 9-16.
      443. D. W. Heermann, L. Yiue, K. Binder “Scaling solutions and finite size Effects in the Lifshitz-Slyozov theory” Physica A230 (1996) 132-134
      444. J. Baschnagel, K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Simulation of the Glass Transition in Polymeric Systems: Recent Developments” Phil. Mag. B71, 583-596 (1995)
      445. A. Sariban, K. Binder “Phase separation of symmetric polymer mixtures in a Common good solvent in the semidilute concentration regime” Colloid & Polymer Sci. 272, 1474-1485 (1994)
      446. S. Stepanow, M. Schulz, K. Binder “The effects of inhomogeneities of cross-links on the microphase separation in polymer mixtures” J. Phys. (Paris) II 4 (1994) 819-824.
      447. K. Binder “Theory of glass transition in spin glasses, orientational glasses and structural glasses” (invited paper for Sitges Conference, 25 Years of Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, June 13-18, 1994) J. J. Brey, J. Marro, J. M. Rubi, M. San Miguel (eds.) Sprinter, Berlin, 1995, p. 143-160.
      448. K. Ohno, M. Schulz, K. Binder, H. L. Frisch “Dynamics of star polymers in a good solvent: A Kramers potential treatment”, J. Chem. Phys. 101, 4452-4460 (1994)
      449. D. Marx, S. Sengupta, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Monte Carlo investigation of head-tail ordering of CO monolayers on graphite”, Surface Science 321 (1994) 195-216
      450. Igor M. Neelov, Kurt Binder “Brownian dynamics simulation of grafted polymer bruhes”
        Macromol. Theory Simul. 4, 119-136 /1995)
      451. D. Marx, S. Sengupta, P. Nielaba and K. Binder “The phase diagram of a two-dimensional fluid with internal quantum states” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 6 (1994) A175-A180
      452. M. H. Müser, P. Nielaba, and K. Binder “Path-integral Monte Carlo study of crystalline Lennard-Jones systems” Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 51, 5, 1995, 2723-2731
      453. K. Binder “Selfdiffusion of polymer chains in solutions and melts”
      454. F.M. Haas, R. Hilfer, K. Binder “Layers of  Semiflexible Chain Molecules Endgrafted at Interfaces: An Off-Lattice Monte Carlo Simulation”, J. Chem. Phys. 102, 2960-2969 (1995)
      455. Ch. Rickwardt, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “A finite size scaling study of the five-dimensional Ising model” Annalen der Physik. 3, 483-493 (1994)
      456. V. Pereyra, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Spin-One-Ising model for (CO)1-x(N2)x mixtures: A finite size scaling study of random-field type critical phenomena”, Zeitschrift für Physik B97, 179-187 (1995)
      457. K. Binder, H.-P. Deutsch, M. Müller, H. Fried, M. Kikuchi “Monte Carlo Studies of Phase Transitions in Polymer Blends and Block Copolymer Melts”, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Scaling Concepts and Complex  Fluids, Catanzaro, July 4-8, 1994 Il Nuovo Cimento 16D, 653-660 (1994)
      458. K. Binder “Phase Transitions in Polymeric Systems, in Observation, Prediction and Simulation of Phase Transitions in Complex Fluids” Proc. Fermi Summer School, Varenna, July 25. -Aug.5, 94, M. Baus, L. F. Rull, and J. P. Ryckaert, eds. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht 1995, p. 503-556.
      459. R. Hilfer, F. M. Haas, K. Binder “Continuum Monte Carlo Simulation of Phase Transitions in Rodlike Molecules at Surfaces”, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Scaling Concepts and Complex Fluids, Catanzaro, July 4-8, 1994 Il Nuovo Cimento 16D, 1297-1303 (1994)
      460. K. Binder, P.-Y. Lai, J. Wittmer “Monte Carlo Simulations of Chain Dynamics in Polymer Brushes” Faraday Discussions 98 (Proc. Faraday Discussion, Bristol, 12.-15. Sept. 94, Polymers at Surfaces and Interfaces) 97-109 (1994)
      461. U. Micka, K. Binder “Unusual finite size effects in the Monte Carlo simulation of microphase formation of block copolymer melts” Macromol. Theory & Simul., 4, 419-447 (1995)
      462. K. Binder “Surface Effects on Polymer Blends and Block Copolymer Melts: Theoretical Concepts on Surface Enrichment, Surface Induced Phase Separation and Ordering” Acta Polymerica 46, 204-225 (1995)
      463. K. Binder, H.-P. Deutsch, U. Micka, M. Müller “Phase Transitions in Polymeric Systems: A Challenge for Monte Carlo Simulation”, Proc. Lattice 94 (Bielefeld, Sept. 94), Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 142, 27-41 (1995)
      464. H. Weber, D. Marx, K. Binder “Melting transition in two dimensions: a finite size scaling analysis of bond orientational order in hard disks” Phys. Rev. B51, 14636  14651 (1995)
      465. Y. Rouault, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Phase Separation of Symmetrical Mixtures in Thin Film Geometry” J. Statist. Phys. 80, 1009-1031 (1995)
      466. S. Enders, B. A. Wolf, K. Binder “Interfacial tension of phase-separated polymer
        solutions and relation to their equation of state” J. Chem. Phys. 103, 3809 3819 (1995)
      467. K. Binder, D. P. Landau, A. M. Ferrenberg: “Thin Ising Films with competing walls: A Monte Carlo study”, Phys. Rev. E51, 2823-2838 (1995)
      468. K. Binder “Statics and Dynamics of Dense Polymer Systems Studied by Monte Carlo simulation” Makromol. Chem., Makromol. Symp. 90, 65-84 (1995)
      469. I. M. Neelov, K. Binder “Mathematical Modeling of Polymer Layers by the Method of Brownian Dynamics” Polymer Science (Russia) Ser. A, Vol. 38, 407-417 (1996)
      470. M. Müller, K. Binder “Computer Simulation of Asymmetric Polymer Mixtures” Macromolecules 28, 1825-1834 (1995)
      471. M. Müller, K. Binder, W. Oed “Structural and Thermodynamic properties of interfaces between coexisting phases in polymer blends: A Monte Carlo investigation” J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Transactions 91, 2369-2379 (1995)
      472. K. Binder, A. Baumgärtner, A. N. Burkitt, D. Ceperley, A. M. Ferrenberg, D. W. Heermann, H. J. Herrmann, D. P. Landau, W. von der Linden, H. De Raedt, K. E. Schmidt, W. Selke, D. Stauffer and A. P. Young “Recent Developments in the Monte Carlo Simulation of Condensed Matter” In The Monte Carlo Method in Condensed Matter Physics, K. Binder (ed.), 2nd ed. (Springer, Berlin 1995) p. 385-410
      473. F. F. Haas, K. Vollmayr, K. Binder “The Potts glass in uniform and random fields: a Monte Carlo investigation” Z.Physik B99, 393-400 (1996)
      474. K. Eichhorn, K. Binder “First Versus Second Order Phase Transitions in the Three-Dimensional Three-State Potts Model in Random Fields” in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics VIII (D. P. Landau, K. K. Mon, and H. B. Schuettler, eds.) Springer, Berlin, p.153-158 (1995)
      475. K. Binder, J. Baschnagel, W. Paul, H.-P. Wittmann, M. Wolfgardt: “What can we learn from Monte Carlo Simulations of the Glass Transition of Polymers” Journal of Computational Materials Science 4, 309-316 (1995)
      476. K. Eichhorn, K. Binder “The three dimensional three-state Potts ferromagnet exposed to random fields: Evidence for a second order transition” Z. Physik B99, 413-423 (1996)
      477. A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolowski, T. Zientarski, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Study of Melting and Disordering in Monolayer Films Formed on the (100) Face of fcc Crystals” Journal of Chem. Phys., 102, 8221-8234 (1995)
      478. K. Eichhorn, K. Binder “Finite Size Scaling Study of the Three-State Potts Model in Random Fields. Evidence for a Second Order Transition" Europhys. Letters 30, 331 336 (1995)
      479. M. Wolfgardt, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder: “Monte Carlo Simulation of 3-Dimensional Glassy Polymer Melts: Reptation versus Single Monomer Dynamics” J. Phys. (France) II 5 (1995) 1035-1052
      480. K. Vollmayr, W. Kob, K. Binder “Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulation of Cooling Rate Effects in a Lennard-Jones Glass” in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics VIII (D. P. Landau, K. K. Mon, and H. B. Schuettler, eds.) Springer, Berlin 1995, p.117-121
      481. I. M. Neelov, K. Binder “Brownian dynamics of grafted polymer chains: Time-dependent properties” Macromol. Theory & Simul. 4, 1063-1084 (1995)
      482. M. D'Onorio De Meo, J. D. Reger, K. Binder “Critical Behavior of Diluted Heisenberg Ferromagnets with Competing Interactions” Physica A 220, 628-647 (1995)
      483. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Static and Dynamic Properties of Adsorbed Chains at urfaces: Monte Carlo Simulation of a Bead-Spring Model”, Macromolecules 29 (1996) 343-354
      484. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Dynamics of Polymers in Slit-Like Pores”, J. Phys. II (Paris) 6 (1996) 21-31
      485. S. Stepanow, A. V. Dobrynin, T. A. Vilgis, K. Binder “Copolymer melts in disordered media”, J. Phys.I (Paris) 6 837-857 (1996)
      486. T. Flebbe, B. Dünweg, K. Binder “Phase separation versus wetting: a mean-field theory for symmetrical polymer mixtures confined between selectively attractive walls” J. Phys. II (Paris) 6 (1996) 667-695
      487. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulations of Surfaces and Interfaces in Materials” (invited lectures at NATO-ASI “Stability of Materials”, Corfu, Greece, June 25 – July 8, 1995) A. Gonis, P. A. Turchi and J. Kudrnovsky, eds. (Plenum Press, New York (1996)) p. 3 -37
      488. Y. Rouault, B. Dünweg, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Concentration Profile Near the Surface of Polymer Mixtures: A Monte Carlo Study” Polymer, 37, 297 (1996)
      489. S. Kämmerer, B. Dünweg, K. Binder, M. D' Onorio De Meo: “The Nearest-Neighbor Ising Antiferromagnet on the FCC Lattice Revisited-Evidence for a New Type of Multicritical Behavior” Phys. Rev. B 53, 2345-2351 (1996)
      490. K. Binder: “Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods I” in K. Binder and G. Ciccotti (Eds) Conf. Proc. Vol. 49 “Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics of Condensed Matter Systems” SIF, Bologna 1996, p. 123-146
      491. W. Schweika, D. P. Landau, K. Binder “Continuous phase transitions at surfaces of CuAu alloy models - a Monte Carlo study of surface induced order and disorder” (in “Stability of Materials”, NATO-ASI, Series B) Ed. by A. Gonis, P.E. A. Turchi, and J. Kudrnovsky (Plenum Press, N. Y., 1996) p. 165-171
      492. M. Wolfgardt, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “On the Equation of State for Thermal Polymer Solutions and Melts” J. Chem. Phys. 103, 7166-7179 (1995)
      493. K. Binder, J. Baschnagel, I. Neelov: “Studies of the Shear Properties of the Interface between Polymeric and Other Solids as Modes for Fiber Matrix-Interactions” in Advanced Composite Materials: Computer Simulations”, Proc. of the German-Israeli (BMBF-MOSA) meeting on Materials Research, March 20-22, 95, Dresden, p. 101-123 (H.-J. Clar, ed.) PLR-KFA, Jülich 1995.
      494. H. L. Frisch, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Surface effects on spinodal decomposition in the framework of a linearized theory” Phys. Rev. E52, 2848-2859 (1995)
      495. J. Baschnagel, K. Binder: “On the Influence of  Hard Walls on Structural Properties in Polymer Glass Simulation” Macromolecules 28, 6808-6818 (1995)
      496. D. P. Landau, K. Binder “Large Scale Simulations of Lattice Gas Models of Capillary Condensation and Wetting Transitions in Confined Fluids” (Invited paper, Statphys. XIX, China, Aug. 1-7, 95) STATPHYS 19, B. Hao (World Scientific, Singapore 1996) pp. 440-449.
      497. A. Kopf, J. Baschnagel, J. Wittmer, K. Binder: “On the Adsorption Process in Polymer Brushes: A Monte Carlo Study” Macromolecules 29, 1433-1441 (1996)
      498. K. Binder, A. Milchev, J. Baschnagel “Simulation Studies on the Dynamics of Polymers at Interfaces” Annual Reviews of  Materials Science, Vol. 26, 107 134 (1996)
      499. W. Schweika, D. P. Landau, K. Binder “Surface Induced Ordering and Disordering in Face-Centered-Cubic Alloys: A Monte Carlo Study” Phys.Rev. B53,8937-8955(1996)
      500. A. Patrykiejew, T. Zientarski, K. Binder “On the Melting of Two-Dimensional Monolayer Films” Acta Phys. Polonica 89 (1996) 735-742
      501. M. Wolfgardt, K. Binder “On the Equation of  State for Thermal Polymer Solutions and Melts with Attractive Interaction” Macromol. Theory Simul. 5, 699-712 (1996)
      502. K. Binder, R. Evans, D. P. Landau, and A. M. Ferrenberg: “The interface localization transition in Ising films with competing walls: Ginzburg criterion and crossover scaling” Phys. Rev. E53, 5023-5034 (1996)
      503. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Polymer solutions confined in slit-like pore with attractive walls: An off-lattice Monte Carlo study of static properties and chain dynamics” Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design 2, 167-182 (1996)
      504. M. Müller, K. Binder “Temperature dependence of single chain properties in a binary polymer blend” J. Phys. (Paris) II 6, 187-194 (1996)
      505. M. Wolfgardt, J. Baschnagel, W. Paul, K. Binder “Entropy of Glassy Polymer Melts: Comparison between Gibbs DiMarzio Theory and Simulation” Phys. Rev. E54, 1535-1543 (1996)
      506. K. Vollmayr, W. Kob, K. Binder “Cooling Rate Dependence of the Internal Structure of a Lennard-Jones Glass” Europhysics Letters 32 (1995) 715-719.
      507. J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Interfacial properties of glassy polymer melts: A Monte Carlo Study” (Proc. Symposium on Nano-Structures and Self-Assemblies in Polymer Systems, St. Petersburg/Moscow, Russia, May 18-26, 1995) Macromol. Symposia 106, 41-54 (1996)
      508. J. Baschnagel, E. Andrejew, B. Lobe, K. Binder: “Cooling Rate, Chain Length and Aging Effects in Monte Carlo Simulations of Glassy Polymer Melts” Chem. Eng. Progress
      509. K. Vollmayr, W. Kob, K. Binder “How do the properties of a glass depend on the cooling rate? A computer simulation study of a Lennard-Jones system”. Journal of Chemical Physics 105, 4714-4728 (1996)
      510. J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Monte Carlo simulation studies of the interfaces between polymeric and other solids as models for fiber-matrix interactions in advanced composite materials” Macromolecular Theory & Simulations 5, 417-448 (1996)
      511. J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Dynamics of Glassy Polymer Melts in Confined Geometry: A Monte Carlo Simulation” J. Phys. (France) I 6 (1996) 1271-129
      512. T. Kerle, J. Klein, K. Binder “Evidence for Size Effects on Interfacial Widths in Confined Thin Films” Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 1318-1321
      513. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Dewetting of Thin Polymer Films Adsorbed on Solid Substrates: A Monte Carlo Simulation of the Early Stages” J. Chem. Phys. 106 (1997) 1978 -1988
      514. B. O. Peters, B. Dünweg, K. Binder, M. d' Onorio de Meo, K. Vollmayr “Finite Size Scaling in the p-State Mean Field Potts Glass: Exact Statistical Mechanics for Small Samples” J. Phys. A. Math. Gen. 29 (1996) 3503-3519
      515. F. M. Haas, R. Hilfer, K. Binder “Phase Transitions in Dense Lipid Monolayers Grafted to a Surface: Monte Carlo Investigation of a Coarse-Grained Off-Lattice Model” J. Phys. Chem. 100, 15290-15300 (1996)
      516. K. Binder “Theoretical Concepts on the Glass Transition of Polymers and Their Test by Computer Simulation” Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 100, 1381-1387 (1996)
      517. N. B. Wilding, K. Binder “Finite-Size scaling for near-critical fluids at constant pressure” Physica A231, 439-447 (1996)
      518. V. Tries, W. Paul, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Modeling Polyethylene with the Bondfluctuation Model” J. Chem. Phys.106, 738-748 (1997)
      519. A. Werner, F. Schmid, K. Binder, M. Müller “Diblock copolymers at a homopolymer-homopolymer-interface: A Monte Carlo simulation” Macromolecules 29 (1996) 8241 - 8248
      520. K. Eichhorn, K. Binder “Monte Carlo investigation of the three-dimensional random-field three-state Potts model” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 8 (1996) 5209-5227.
      521. K. Binder, M. Müller “Interfaces between Coexisting Phases of Polymer Mixtures: Comparison between Monte Carlo Simulations and Theoretical Predictions” Proc. 2nd Internat. Symposium on Order and Mobility in Polymeric Systems, St. Petersburg, 21.-24. May 96, Macromolecular Symposia 113, 207-220 (1997)
      522. K. Binder, M. Müller, N. B. Wilding “Polymeric Alloys: Model Materials for the Understanding of the Statistical Thermodynamics of Mixtures” In “Properties of Complex Inorganic Solids” (A. Gonis, A. Meike, P.E.A. Turchi,eds.), Proc. 1st International Alloy Conference, Athens, Greece, June 16-21, 96, Plenum Publ. Corp., 197-206 (1997)
      523. E. Luijten, H. W. Blöte, K. Binder “Medium-range interactions and crossover to classical critical behavior” Phys. Rev. E 54 (1996) 4626 - 4636
      524. K. Binder, J. Baschnagel, W. Kob, K. Okun, W. Paul, K. Vollmayr, M. Wolfgardt “Computer Simulation of Models for the Structural Glass Transition” in Proc. XIV Sitges Conference, 10-14 June, 1996 “Complex Behavior of Glassy Systems” M. Rubi and C. Perez - Vicente, eds., Springer, Berlin, p. 22-43 (1997)
      525. R. Martonak, W. Paul, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulation of Crystalline Polyethylene” Computer Physics Communications 99 (1996) 2-8
      526. N. B. Wilding, M. Müller, K. Binder “Chain Length dependence of the polymer-solvent critical point parameters” J. Chem. Phys. 105, 802-809 (1996)
      527. J. Baschnagel, M. Wolfgardt, W. Paul, K. Binder “Entropy Theory and Glass Transition: A Test by Monte Carlo Simulation” (invited paper for APS, DHPP Symposium on “40 years of Entropy and the Glass Transition” J. Res. NIST 102, 159-170 (1997)
      528. K. Binder, W. Paul “Monte Carlo simulations on polymer dynamics: Recent advances” J. Polymer Sci., Part B: Polymer Physics 35, 1 - 31 (1997)
      529. D. P. Landau, W. Schweika, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Studies of Surface Induced Ordering and Disordering” Proc. 2nd East West Surface Science, Workshop, Pamporovo, Bulgarien, Feb. 1996 (M. Michailov, ed.) p. 76-94 (Inst. Phys. Chem., Bulg. Acad. Sci., Sofia 1996)
      530. J. Horbach, W. Kob, K. Binder, C. A. Angell “Finite Size Effects in Simulations of Glass Dynamics” Phys. Rev. E 54, R 5897 - R 5900 (1996)
      531. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Methods: a powerful tool of statistical physics” in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods (MC & QMC96), ed. by H. Niederreiter, P. Hellekalek, G. Larcher and P. Zinterhof (Springer Lecture Notes in Statistics, Springer, Berlin 1998) p. 19-39
      532. K. Okun, M. Wolfgardt, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Dynamics of polymer melts above the glass transition: Monte Carlo studies of the bond fluctuation model” Macromolecules 30, 3075-3085 (1997)
      533. R. Martonak, W. Paul, K. Binder “Constant Volume and Constant Pressure Monte Carlo Simulation of Crystalline Polyethylene” J. Computer-Aided Materials Design 4, 9-18 (1997)
      534. K. Vollmayr, W. Kob, K. Binder “Cooling rate effects in amorphous Silica: A computer simulation study” Phys. Rev. B 54, 15808 - 15827 (1996)
      535. I. M. Neelov, O. V. Borisov, K. Binder “Stochastic dynamics simulation of grafted polymer brushes under the shear deformation” Macromol. Theory & Simul. 7, 141-156 (1998)
      536. K. Binder “Quadrupolar Spin Glasses” in Spin Glasses and Random Fields” World Scientific, Singapore 1998 (A. P. Young, ed.) p. 99-118
      537. E. V. Albano, K. Binder, W. Paul “Capillary condensation in the two-dimensional lattice gas: A Monte Carlo test of fluctuation corrections to the Kelvin equation” J. Phys. A. Math. Gen. 30, 3285-3297 (1997)
      538. V. Yamakov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Inter-chain structure factors of flexible polymers in solutions: A Monte Carlo investigation” Journal de Physique II (Paris) 7, 1123-1139 (1997)
      539. M. H. Müser, D. Löding, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Computer Simulations of a Lennard-Jones model for Ar1-x(N2)x: A Prototype System for Quadrupolar Glasses” Ferroelectrics 208-209 (1998) 293-327
      540. K. Binder, M. Müller, N. B. Wilding “Simulation of Phase Transitions in Polymer Systems”, Proceedings of the International Conference “Multiscale Phenomena and Their Simulation”, Bielefeld, Germany, 30. Sept. - 4. Oct. 1996 (F. Karsch, B. Monien, H. Satz, eds.) p. 100-113 (World Scientific, Singapore 1997)
      541. R. B. Pandey, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Semidilute and Concentrated Polymer Solutions near Attractive Walls: Dynamic Monte Carlo Simulation of Density and Pressure Profiles of a Coarse Grained Model” Macromolecules 30, 1194-1204 (1997)
      542. W. Paul, K. Binder, M. Wolfgardt, J. Baschnagel, V. Tries “Monte Carlo simulations of the polymer glass transition from the test of theories to material modeling” Macromol. Symp. 121, 111-121 (1997)
      543. R. Martonak, W. Paul, K. Binder “Orthorhombic Phase of Crystalline Polyethylene: A Monte Carlo Study” J. Chem. Phys. 106, 8918-8930 (1997)
      544. H. Weber, W. Paul, W. Kob, K. Binder “Small - Angle Excess Scattering: Glassy Freezing or Local Orientational Ordering ?” Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2136-2139 (1997)
      545. K. Binder, H. L. Frisch, S. Stepanow: “Surface effects on block copolymer melts above the order - disorder transition: linear theory of the kinetics of surface - induced ordering” J. Phys. (Paris) II 7, 1353-1378 (1997)
      546. K. Binder, P. Nielaba, V. Pereyra: “Phase coexistence in binary mixtures in thin films with symmetric walls: Model calculations for two- and three-dimensional Ising lattices” Z. Phys. B: Condensed Matter B104, 81-98 (1997)
      547. K. Binder, J. Baschnagel, S. Boehmer, W. Paul: “Simulations of the Glass Transition in Polymeric Systems: Evidence for an Underlying Phase Transition?” (Proc. Andalo Workshop, March 2 - 6, 1997) Philos. Mag. B77, 591-608 (1998)
      548. J. Baschnagel, K. Okun, M. Wolfgardt, K. Binder: “Monte Carlo - Simulation of Stretched Exponential Relaxation near the Glass Transition" (invited paper, ESF Workshop on “Nonexponential Relaxation and Rate Behaviour, Duisburg, March 1997) Phase Transitions 65, 263-278 (1998)
      549. K. Binder, M. Müller, F. Schmid, A. Werner: “Interfaces in partly compatible polymer mixtures: a Monte Carlo simulation approach” (invited paper, Vth Bar-Ilan-Conference on Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics, March 31 - April 3, 1997, Ramat-Gan, Israel) Physica A249, 293-300 (1998)
      550. K. Binder: “Applications of Monte Carlo Methods to Statistical Physics” Reports on Progress in Physics 60 (1997) 487-559
      551. J. Horbach, W. Kob, K.Binder “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Dynamics of Supercooled Silica” (Proc. Andalo Workshop, March 2 - 6, 1997) Philos. Mag. B77, 297-303 (1998)
      552. E. Luijten, H. W. J. Blöte, K. Binder “Nonmonotonical crossover of the effective susceptibility exponent” Physical Review Letters 79, 561-564 (1997)
      553. E. Luijten, H. W. J. Blöte, K. Binder “Crossover scaling in two dimensions” Physical Review E56, (1997) 6540-6556
      554. A. Werner, F. Schmid, M. Müller, K. Binder “Anomalous size-dependence of interfacial profiles between coexisting phases of polymer mixtures in thin film geometry: A Monte Carlo simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 107, 8175-8188 (1997)
      555. K. Binder, J. Baschnagel, S. Boehmer, W. Paul, M. Wolfgardt “Monte Carlo Simulation of the Glass Transition of Polymer Melts: A Tool for Testing Theoretical Concepts” Noncrystalline and Nanoscale Materials, Proc. V. Int. Workshop on Noncrystalline Solids, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 2-5, 97 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1998) p. 252-261, Eds. R. Rivas and M. A. López-Quintela.
      556. K. Binder “Phase Transitions of Polymer Blends and Block Copolymer Melts in Thin Films” Adv. Polymer Science 138, 1-89 (1999)
      557. K. Binder, M. Müller, F. Schmid, A. Werner “Interfaces between coexisting phases in polymer mixtures: what can we learn from Monte Carlo simulations?” (Invited paper for 17th Discussion Conference on Macromolecules, Surface and Interfacial Phenomena in Macromolecular Systems, Prague, Czech Republic, 21-27 July 1997) Macromol. Symp. 139, 1-11 (1999)
      558. S. Puri, K. Binder, H. L. Frisch “Surface Effects on Spinodal Decomposition in Binary Mixtures: The Case with Long-Ranged Surface Fields” Phys. Rev. E56, 6991-7000 (1997)
      559. J. Baschnagel, K. Binder, A. Milchev “Mobility of Polymers near Surfaces” in Polymer Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films (A. Karim and S. K. Kumar, eds.) World Scientific, Singapore
      560. J. Horbach, W. Kob, K. Binder “The Dynamics of Supercooled Silica: Acoustic modes and Boson peak” Proc. 3rd International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems, Vigo, Spain, June 29-July 11, 1997, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 235-237 (1998) 320-324
      561. M. Reuhl, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Slowing down in the three-dimensional three-state Potts glass with nearest neighbor exchange  J : A Monte-Carlo study” European Physical Journal B2, 225-232 (1998)
      562. A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolowski, T. Zientarski, K. Binder “Phase transition in two-dimensional monolayer films on the (110) fcc crystal surface” J. Chem. Phys. 108, 5068-5079 (1998)
      563. R. Martonak, W. Paul, K. Binder “Orthorhombic Phase of Crystalline Polyethylene: A Constant Pressure Path integral Monte Carlo Study” Phys. Rev. E57, 2425-2437 (1998)
      564. K. Binder “Spinodal Decomposition in Confined Geometry” J. Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics 23, 1-44 (1998)
      565. A. Milchev, K. Binder “A polymer chain trapped between two parallel repulsive walls: A Monte-Carlo test of scaling behavior” European Physical Journal B3, 477-484 (1998)
      566. O. Dillmann, W. Janke, K. Binder “Finite-size scaling in the p-state mean field Potts glass: A Monte-Carlo investigation” Journal of Statistical Physics 92 (1998) 57-100
      567. K. Binder, W. Kob “How can computer simulations contribute to understand the static structure of glasses” in Analysis of the Composition and Structure of Glass and Glass Ceramics, ed. by H. Bach and D. Krause (Springer, Berlin 1999), pp. 255-267.
      568. W. Kob, K. Binder “How can computer simulations contribute to the understanding of the dynamics of glasses and glass melts?” in Analysis of the Composition and Structure of Glass and Glass Ceramics, ed. by H. Bach and D. Krause (Springer, Berlin 1999) pp. 344-356.
      569. K. Binder, M. Müller, F. Schmid, A. Werner “Simulations of Interfaces between Coexisting Phases in Materials” in Proc. MIT Conf. on Multiscale Simulation of Materials, Sept. 97, J. Computer-Aided Materials Design 4 (1997) 137-142.
      570. A. M. Ferrenberg, D. P. Landau, K. Binder “First order versus second order interface localization transition of thin Ising films with competing walls” Phys. Rev. E 58 (1998) 3353-3356
      571. M. Müller, K. Binder “Wetting and Capillary Condensation in Symmetric Polymer Blends: A comparison between Monte-Carlo-Simulations and Self-Consistent Field Calculations” Macromolecules 31 (1998) 8323-8346
      572. J. Baschnagel, W. Paul, V. Tries, K. Binder “Static and Dynamics of Bidisperse Polymer Melts: A Monte-Carlo Study of the Bond-Fluctuation Model” Macromolecules 31 (1998) 3856-3867
      573. G. C. Rutledge, D. J. Lacks, R. Martonak, K. Binder “A comparison of quasi-harmonic lattice dynamics and Monte-Carlo simulations of polymeric crystals using orthorhombic polyethylene” Journal of Chemical Physics 108, 10274-10280 (1998)
      574. R. Sprengard, U. Fotheringham, W. Pannhorst, K. Binder “Raman Spectroscopic Characterization of Nuclei Formation in TiO2 Nucleated Lithium Alumino-silicate Glass Ceramics” XVIII International Congress on Glass, San Francisco, 05.-10.07.1998, Proceedings/eds.: M. K. Choudhary, N. T. Huff, C. H. Drummond III (Westerville, Ohio, The American Ceramic Society, 1998, pp. 19-24)
      575. J. Baschnagel, K. Binder, P. Doruker, A. A. Gusev, O. Hahn, K. Kremer, W. L. Mattice, F. Müller-Plathe, M. Murat, W. Paul, S. Santos, U. W. Suter, V. Tries “Bridging the Gap between atomistic and coarse-grained models of polymers: Status and perspectives” Advances in Polymer Science 152, (2000) 41-154.
      576. C. Bennemann, W. Paul, K. Binder, B. Dünweg “Molecular-dynamics simulations of the thermal glass transition in polymer melts: -relaxation behavior” Phys. Rev. E57, 843-857 (1998)
      577. T. Kerle, J. Klein, K. Binder “Effects of finite thickness on interfacial widths in confined thin films of coexisting phases” European Physical Journal B7 (1999) 401-410
      578. V. A. Ivanov, W. Paul, K. Binder “Finite Chain Length Effects on the Coil-Globule Transition of Stiff-Chain Macromolecules: a Monte Carlo Simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 109, 5659-5669 (1998)
      579. O. Dillmann, W. Janke, K. Binder “Monte Carlo study of the p-state mean field Potts glass” in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics XI (Springer Proceedings in Physics, Volume 84) Eds. D. P. Landau and H. B. Schütter (Springer, Berlin 1999, pp. 42-46)
      580. K. Binder “Spinodal decomposition” in Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Supplement I (M. Hazewinkel, ed.) p. 458-459 (Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht 1997)
      581. K. Binder, C. Bennemann, J. Baschnagel and W. Paul “Anomalous diffusion of polymers in supercooled melts near the glass transition” in Anomalous diffusion: from basis to application XI Max Born Symposium, Ladek Zdroj, Poland, May 20-24, 1998 (Lecture Notes in Physics, Springer, Berlin 1999), R. Kutner, A. Pekalski, K. Sznajd-Weron, eds., pp. 124-139
      582. B. Lobe, W. Janke, K. Binder “High-temperature series analysis of the p-state Potts glass model on d-dimensional hypercubic lattices” European Physical Journal B7 (1999) 283-292
      583. H. Weber, W. Paul, K. Binder “Monte Carlo simulations of a lyotropic first-order isotropic-nematic phase transition in a lattice polymer model” Phys. Rev. E59 (1999) 2168-2174.
      584. D. Viduna, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Monte Carlo simulation of micelle formation in block copolymer solutions Macromol.” Theory Simul 7, 649-658 (1998)
      585. T. Gleim, W. Kob, K. Binder “How does the relaxation of a supercooled liquid depend on its microscopic dynamics?” Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 4404-4407 (1998)
      586. A. Werner, M. Müller, F. Schmid, K. Binder “Effect of long range forces on the interfacial profiles in thin binary polymer films” J. Chem. Phys. 110 (1999) 1221-1229
      587. K. Binder, M. Müller, F. Schmid, A. Werner “Interfacial profiles between coexisting phases in thin polymer films: „Cahn-Hilliard treatment versus capillary waves” J. Stat. Phys. 95, 1045-1068 (1999)
      588. I. M. Neelov, O. V. Borisov, K. Binder “Shear deformation of two interpenetrating polymer brushes: Stochastic dynamics simulation” J. Chemical Physics 108, 6973-6988 (1998)
      589. K. Binder, H. L. Frisch, “Surface effects on phase transitions of modulated phases and at Lifshitz points: A mean field theory of the ANNNI model” Eur. Phys. J. B 10, 71-90 (1999)
      590. Chr. Rickwardt, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Path integral Monte Carlo simulations of silicon and silicates” in Proceedings of the 9th CIMTEC, Advances in Science and Technology 18, Part F “Computational Modeling and Simulation of Materials”, P. Vincenzini and A. Degli Esposti, Eds. (Techna. S.r.l, Faenza, Italy 1999, pp. 411-416)
      591. M. Müller, K. Binder, A. Werner “Asymmetric Polymer Mixtures and the Effective -Parameter: A Monte Carlo Study” ACS Abstracts 215 (1998) 63-64.
      592. E. Luijten and K. Binder “Nature of crossover from classical to Ising-like critical behavior” Phys. Rev. E 58 (1998) R4060-R4063
      593. K. Binder “Ising model” Encyclopedia of Mathematics, Suppl. Vol. 2 (R. Hoksbergen, ed.) p. 279-281 Kluwer Acad. Publ. Dordrecht (2000)
      594. I. Neelov, F. Sundholm, K. Binder “Stochastic dynamics of Polymer brushes under shear deformation” J. Noncryst. Solids 235-237 (1998) 731-736.
      595. E. Luijten, K. Binder, H. W. J. Blöte “Finite-size scaling above the upper critical dimension revisited: The case of the five-dimensional Ising model” European Physical Journal B 9 (1999) 289-297
      596. J. Horbach, W. Kob, K. Binder “The specific heat of amorphous silica within the harmonic approximation” J. Phys. Chem. B103 (1999) 4104-4108.
      597. K. Binder, J. Baschnagel, C. Bennemann, W. Paul “Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Glass Transition of Polymers” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 11, A47-A55 (1999)
      598. K. Binder: “Understanding the glass transition and the amorphous state of matter: can computer simulation solve the challenge?” Computer Physics Communications 121-122 (1999) 168-175
      599. Chr. Bennemann, W. Paul, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Investigating the influence of different thermodynamic paths on the structural relaxation in a glass forming polymer melt” J. Phys. Condens. Matter 11 (1999) 2179-2192
      600. W. Paul, H. Weber, K. Binder “Gas transport through polymer membranes and the free volume percolation” Annalen der Physik 7, 554-563 (1998)
      601. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Formation of Surfaces Micelles from adsorbed block copolymers: A Monte Carlo study” Langmuir 15, 3232-3241 (1999)
      602. A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolowski, T. Zientarski, K. Binder “On the commensurate-incommensurate transition in adsorbed monolayers” Surface Science 421 (1999) 308-319
      603. W. Kob, J. Horbach, K. Binder “The Dynamics of Non-crystalline Silica: Insight from Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulations” AIP Conf. Proc. 469, “Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems: Eighth Tohwa University International Symposium”, ed. by M. Tokuyama and I. Oppenheim, pp. 441-451 (American Inst. Phys., Woodbury 1999)
      604. K. Binder, S. Puri, H. L. Frisch “Surface Directed Spinodal Decomposition versus Wetting Phenomena: Computer Simulations” Faraday Discussions 112, 103-117 (1999)
      605. K. Binder, C. Bennemann, J. Baschnagel, W. Paul “Simulation Studies of the Glass Transition of Polymers : Recent Progress” AIP Conf. Proc. 469, 193-204 (1999)
      606. P. Scheidler, W. Kob, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Frequency Dependent Specific Heat of Amorphous Silica: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation” Proceedings of “Neutrons and Numerical Methods”, Grenoble 1998 (H. G. Büttner et al., eds.)
      607. J. Horbach, W. Kob, K. Binder “The Boson Peak in Amorphous Silica: Results from Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulations” Proceedings of “Neutrons and Numerical Methods”, Grenoble 1998 Eds. M. R. Johnson, G. L. Kearley, and H. G. Büttner, AIP Conf. Proc. 479, pp. 136-141 (1999)
      608. A. Milchev, V. Yamakov, K. Binder “Escape Transition of a Polymer Chain: Phenomenological Theory and Monte Carlo Simulations” Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics (PCCP) 1, 2083-2091 (1999)
      609. A. Milchev, V. Yamakov, K. Binder “Escape Transition of a Compressed Polymer Mushroom Under Good Solvent Conditions” Europhysics Letters 47 (1999) 675-680
      610. A. Werner, F. Schmid, M. Müller, K. Binder: “ 'Intrinsic' profiles and capillary waves at homopolymer interfaces: a Monte Carlo study” Phys. Rev. E59 (1999) 728-738
      611. K. Binder, M. Müller, F. Schmid “How simulations can clarify phase transitions of complex materials” Computing in Science and Engineering 1, Nr. 3, 10-12 (1999)
      612. J. Horbach, W. Kob, K. Binder: “Computer Simulations of the Dynamics of Amorphous Silica” in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 98 (E. Krause, W. Jäger, Eds.) Springer, Berlin (1999) pp. 186-195.
      613. A. Werner, F. Schmid, M. Müller, K. Binder: “Interfaces in immiscible polymer blends: A Monte Carlo simulation approach on the CRAY T3E” in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 98 ((E. Krause, W. Jäger, Eds.) Springer, Berlin (1999) pp. 176-185)
      614. M. A. Anisimov, E. Luitjen, V. A. Agayan, J. V. Sengers, K. Binder “Shape of crossover between mean-field and asymptotic critical behavior in a three-dimensional Ising lattice” Physics Letters A 264 (1999) 63-67
      615. A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolowski, T. Zientarski , K. Binder “Monte Carlo study of dense monolayer and bilayer films on the (100) plane of face-centered cubic crystals” Langmuir 15, 3642-3652 (1999)
      616. C. Bennemann, J. Baschnagel, W. Paul, K. Binder “Molecular-Dynamics Simulation of a Glassy Polymer Melt: Rouse Model and Cage Effect”, Comp. Theo. Polymer Sci. 9, (1999) 217-216
      617. F. F. Haas, F. Schmid, K. Binder “Surface induced disorder in body-centered cubic alloys” Phys. Rev. B61, 15077-15091 (2000)
      618. T. Geisinger, M. Müller, K. Binder “Symmetric diblock copolymers confined into thin films: A Monte Carlo investigation on the CRAY T3E” in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 99 (E. Krause, W. Jäger, Eds.) Springer, Berlin
      619. W. Paul, H. Weber, K. Binder “Competition Between Liquid-Crystalline Ordering and Glassy Freezing in Melts of Semiflexible Polymers: A Monte Carlo Simulation” Macromolecular Symposia 146 (1999) 227-233.
      620. S. Sengupta, P. Nielaba, M. Rao, K. Binder “Elastic constants from microscopic strain fluctuations” Phys. Rev. E61 (2000) 1072-1080
      621. T. Geisinger, M. Müller, K. Binder “Symmetric Diblock Copolymers in Thin Films (I): Phase Stability in Self-Consistent Field Calculations and Monte Carlo Simulations” J. Chem. Phys. 111, 5241-5250 (1999)
      622. T. Geisinger, M. Müller, K. Binder “Symmetric Diblock Copolymers in Thin Films (II): Comparison of Profiles between Self-Consistent Field Calculations and Monte Carlo Simulations” J. Chem. Phys. 111, 5251-5258 (1999)
      623. K. Binder, M. Müller “Monte Carlo simulation of polymer mixtures: recent progress” Macromolecular Symposia 149, 1-10 (2000)
      624. E. Luijten, K. Binder “Do crossover functions depend on the shape of the interaction profile?” Europhysics Letters 47, 311-317 (1999)
      625. F. F. Haas, F. Schmid, K. Binder “Order and disorder phenomena at surface of binary alloys” in Properties of Inorganic solids 2, p. 77 (Kluwer, New York, 2000)
      626. K. Binder, E. Luijten, M. Müller, N. B. Wilding, H. W. J. Blöte “Monte Carlo investigation of phase transitions: status and perspectives” Physica A281, 112-128 (2000)
      627. J. Baschnagel, C. Bennemann, W. Paul, K. Binder “Dynamics of a supercooled polymer melt above the mode-coupling critical temperature: cage versus polymer-specific effects” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 12, 6965-6374 (2000)
      628. A. Brandt, J. Bernholc, K. Binder (eds.) „Multiscale Computational Methods in Chemistry and Physics” NATO Series III: Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol. 177 (IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2001) pp. 1-363.
      629. D. P. Landau, K. Binder “A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2000; pp. 1-384.
      630. A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolovski, K. Binder “Phase transitions in adsorbed layers formed on crystals of square and rectangular surface lattice symmetry” Surface Science Reports 37, 207-344 (2000)
      631. J. Horbach, W. Kob, K. Binder “Structural and dynamical properties of sodium silicate melts: An investigation by molecular dynamics computer simulation” Chemical Geology 174, 87-101 (2001)
      632. K. Binder “Some unsolved challenges in the computer simulation of condensed matter systems” European Journal of Physics 20 (1999) 389-399.
      633. K. Binder, J. Baschnagel, W. Kob, W. Paul “Glass Physics – Still Not Transparent” Physics World 12 (1999) 54.
      634. V. A. Ivanov, M .R. Stukan, V. V. Vasilevskaya, W. Paul, K. Binder “Structures of Stiff Macromolecules of Finite Chainlength Near the Coil-Globule Transition: A Monte Carlo Simulation” Macromolecular Theory and Simulation 9 (2000) 488-499.
      635. K. Binder “Computer Simulations of Undercooled Fluids and the Glass Transition” Proc. IXth Internat. Conf. Physics of Noncrystalline Solids, Tucson, Arizona, Oct. 1999, J. Noncryst. Solids 274 (2000) 332-341.
      636. H. L. Frisch, J. C. Kimball, K. Binder “Surface Critical Behavior near the uniaxial Lifshitz point of the ANNNI model“ Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12 (2000) 29-42
      637. M. Müller, K. Binder and E. V. Albano “Finite size effects on the phase diagram of a binary mixture confined between competing walls” Physica A 279 (2000) 188-194
      638. W. Kob, T. Gleim, K. Binder “Numerical Tests of Mode coupling Theory” in Physics of Glasses. Structure and Dynamics. Cargèse, Corsica, May 1999 (P. Jund and R. Jullien, eds.) AIP Conf. Proc. 489 (Am Inst. of Physics, Melville, N. Y. 1999), p. 68-79.
      639. K. Binder, E. Luijten “Monte Carlo test of theoretical predictions for critical phenomena: Still a problem?” Computer Physics Communications 127 (2000) 126-130. (Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Physics, CCP 99, Atlanta, 20-26 March (1999)
      640. F. Varnik, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Molecular dynamics of supercooled polymer films” in the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Dynamics in Confinement, Grenoble, January 26-29, 2000, Journal de Physique IV, 10, Pr7-239-Pr7-242 (Editors: R. Frick, R. Zorn, H. Büttner) EDP Sciences, Les Ulis (2000)
      641. J. Baschnagel, C. Mischler, K. Binder “Dynamics of confined polymer melts: Recent Monte Carlo simulations results” in the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Dynamics in Confinement, Grenoble, Jan. 26-29, 2000. Journal de Physique IV, 10, Pr7-9-Pr7-14 (Editors: R. Frick, R. Zorn, H. Büttner) EDP Sciences, Les Ulis (2000)
      642. E. V. Albano, K. Binder and W. Paul “Monte Carlo studies of d = 2 Ising strips with long range boundary fields” J. Phys.: Condensed Matter, 12 (2000) 2701-2723.
      643. O. Dillmann, M. Müller, W. Janke, K. Binder “Monte Carlo study of critical point shifts in thin films” in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics XI. Editors S. P. Lewis, D. P. Landau, and H. P. Schüttler (Springer, Berlin 2000, pp. 124-128).
      644. A. Milchev, V. Yamakov, K. Binder “Escape Transition of a Grafted Polymer Chain” in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics XI (Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 85) Eds. D. P. Landau, S. P. Lewis and H. B. Schüttler (Springer, Berlin 2000, pp. 199-210).
      645. S. Sengupta, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Elastic moduli, dislocation core energy and melting of hard disks in two dimensions” Phys. Rev. E61, 6294-6301 (2000)
      646. S. Sengupta, P. Nielaba, K. Binder “Defect fugacity, Helicity Modulus and Tc of the 2-d Planar Rotor Model” Europhys. Lett. 50, 668-673 (2000).
      647. M. Müller and K. Binder “Interfaces in polymer blends” (Proceedings of IPC 99, Yokohama, Japan 1999) Macromolecular Symposia 159 (2000) 97 -
      648. J. Horbach, W. Kob, K. Binder “High Frequency sound and the boson peak in Amorphous Silica”, Eur. Phys. J. B19, 531-543 (2001)
      649. L. González MacDowell, M. Müller, C. Vega, K. Binder “Equation of state and critical behavior of polymer models: A quantitative comparison between Wertheim’s thermodynamic perturbation theory and computer simulations”. J. Chem. Phys. 113 (2000) 419 - 433
      650. P. Scheidler, W. Kob, K. Binder “Static and dynamical properties of a supercooled liquid confined in a pore” in the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Dynamics in Confinement, Grenoble, Jan. 26-29, 2000, Journal de Physique IV, 10, Pr7-33-Pr7-36. (Editors: R. Frick, R. Zorn, H. Büttner) EDP Sciences, Les Ulis
      651. R. Sprengard, K. Binder, M. Brändle, U. Fotheringham, J. Sauer, W. Pannhorst “On the interpretation of the experimental Raman-spectrum of -eucryptite LiAlSiO4 from atomistic computer modeling” J. Noncryst. Solids 274 (2000) 264-270
      652. M. Müller, E. V. Albano, K. Binder “A symmetric polymer blend confined into a film with antisymmetric surfaces: interplay between wetting behavior and phase diagram” Physical Review E62 (2000) 5281-5295.
      653. A. Milchev, A. Bhattacharya, K. Binder “Formation of block copolymer micelles in solution: A Monte Carlo study of chain length dependence” Macromolecules 34, 1881-1893 (2001)
      654. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Off-Lattice Monte Carlo Methods for coarse-grained models of polymeric materials and selected applications” Journal of computer-Aided Materials Design 9, 33-74 (2002)
      655. K. Binder, E. Luijten “Monte Carlo Tests of Renormalization Group Predictions for Critical Phenomena in Ising Models” Physics Reports 344, 179-253 (2001)
      656. J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “On the Glass Transition in Polymer Films: Recent Monte Carlo Results” in Dynamics in Small Confining Systems IV edited by J. M. Drake, G. S. Grest, J. Klafter and R. Kopelman (MRS Symposium Proceedings Series, Vol. 543, Warrendale 1999) pp. 157-162
      657. M. Müller, K. Binder, L. Schäfer “Intra-and interchain correlations in semidilute polymer solutions: Monte Carlo Simulations and Renormalization Group results” Macromolecules 33, 4568-4580 (2000)
      658. M. Müller, K. Binder and E. V. Albano “Non-monotonous crossover between capillary condensation and interface localization/delocalization transition in binary polymer blends” Europhysics. Lett. 50, 724-730 (2000)
      659. K. Binder “Simulations of Interfaces Between Coexisting Phases: Multiscale Aspects” Invited paper at the NATO ARW, Eilat, Israel, April 4-8, 2000 “Multiscale simulations in chemistry and biology”, IOS Press (A. Brandt, J. Bernholc, K. Binder, eds.) p. 207 – 220 (2001)
      660. Chr. Rickwardt, P. Nielaba, M. H. Müser, K. Binder “Path integral Monte Carlo simulations of silicates”, Phys. Rev. B63 (2001) 045204 (1-8)
      661. F. Varnik, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Molecular dynamics results on the pressure tensor of polymer films” Journal of Chemical Physics 113 (2000) 4444-4453.
      662. K. Binder “Commentary to “Glass transitions in thin polymer films” by P. G. de Gennes, Europ. Phys. J. E2, 204 (2000)
      663. K. Binder, M. Müller “Monte Carlo simulation of block copolymers” Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 5, 315 – 323 (2000)
      664. C. Mischler, J. Baschnagel, and K. Binder “Polymer films in the normal-liquid and supercooled state: a review of recent Monte Carlo simulation results” Adv. Coll. Interf. Sci. 94, 197-227 (2001)
      665. T. Kreer, J. Baschnagel, M. Müller, K. Binder “Monte Carlo simulation of long chain polymer melts: Crossover from Rouse to reptation dynamics” Macromolecules 34, 1105-1117 (2001)
      666. K. Binder, J. Baschnagel and M. Müller “Polymer models on the lattice” in M. J. Kotelyanskii and D. N. Theodorou (eds) Simulation Methods for Polymers (M. Dekker, New York, 2004), pp. 125-146
      667. S. Puri and K. Binder “Power laws and crossovers in off-critical surface-directed spinodal decomposition” Phys. Rev. Lett. 86,1797 – 1800 (2001)
      668. K. Binder, M. Müller, F. Schmid, A. Werner “Intrinsic” profiles and capillary waves at interfaces between coexisting phases in polymer blends“ Adv. Coll. Interf. Sci. 94, 237-248 (2001)
      669. K. Binder “How Monte Carlo simulations can clarify complex problems in statistical physics” L. H. Y. Chen, J. Packer Jesudason, C. H. Lai, C. H. Oh., K. K. Phua and Eng-Chye Tan (Eds.) “Challenges for the 21st Century, Fundamental Sciences: Mathematical and Theoretical Physics” in Proceeding of the International Conference on Fundamental Science: Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, 13th – 17th March 2000, pp. 253-275, Singapore, World Scientific, Singapore, (2001), and in Int. J. Mod. Phys. B12, No 9 (2001) 1193-1211
      670. M. Müller, K. Binder, and E. V. Albano “Phase diagram of polymer blends in confined geometry” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Modern Problems in Soft Matter Theory, Lviv, Aug. 27-31, 2000, J. Molec. Liquids 92 (2001) 41-52
      671. P. Scheidler, W. Kob, A. Latz, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Frequency dependent specific heat of viscous silica” Phys. Rev. B63, 104204, 1-14 (2001)
      672. K. Binder, M. Müller “Computer simulation of profiles of interfaces between coexisting phases: Do we understand their finite size effects” Int. J. Modern Physics C, 11, 1093-1114 (2000)
      673. E. Reister, M. Müller, K. Binder “Spinodal decomposition in binary polymer blends: Monte Carlo simulations and Dynamic mean field theory” High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 3, p. 3-12. (E. Krause and W. Jäger, Eds.) Springer, Berlin, 2001
      674. K. Binder, P. C. Hohenberg “Statistical Physics at the Turn of the XXth Century” in Physics 2000 as it Enters a New Millenium (P. Black, G. Drake, and L. Jossem, ed.) I.U.P.A.P. Nr. 36, 2000, p. 11-19.
      675. M. H. Müser, K. Binder “Molecular Dynamics Study of the  transition in quartz: Elastic properties, finite size effects, and hysteresis in the local structure” Phys. Chem. Minerals 28, 746-755 (2001)
      676. O. Dillmann, W. Janke, M. Müller, K. Binder “A Monte Carlo test of the Fisher-Nakanishi-Scaling Theory for the Capillary Condensation Critical Point” J. Chem. Phys. 114, 5853-5862 (2001)
      677. K. Vollmayr-Lee, W. Kob, K. Binder, and A. Zippelius “Cooling Rate Dependence and dynamic Heterogeneity below the glass transition in a Lennard-Jones Glass” Int. f. Mod. Phys. C10, 1443-1451 (1999)
      678. C. Brangian, W. Kob, K. Binder “Finite-size scaling at the dynamical transition of the mean-field 10-state Potts glass” Europhys. Lett 53, 756-761 (2001)
      679. K. Binder “Glass formation in polymers: Theory of glass transition” in Encyclopedia of Materials Science, E. J. Kramer, A. H. Windle Eds., Elsevier Amsterdam (2001) 3553-3559.
      680. M. Müller, K. Binder “Interface localization-delocalization transition in a symmetric polymer blend: a finite size scaling Monte Carlo study” Phys. Rev. E63, 021602-1-021602-16 (2001)
      681. K. Binder, M. Müller, E. V. Albano “Symmetric binary polymer blends confined in thin films between competing walls: Interplay between finite size and wetting behavior”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 3, 1160-1168 (2001)
      682. F. Varnik, P. Scheidler, J. Baschnagel, W. Kob, K. Binder, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Confined Glass Forming Liquids” Invited Paper at MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Nov. 27th – Dec. 1, 2000, in Dynamics in Small Confining Systems VI (J. Drake, J. Klafter, P. Levitz, R. M. Overney and M. Urbakh, eds) Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 651, T3.1.1-1.6 (2001)
      683. P. Scheidler, W. Kob and K. Binder “The relaxation dynamics of a simple glass former confined in a pore”, Europhysics Lett. 52 (2000) 277 – 283.
      684. A. Roder, W. Kob, K. Binder “Structure and Dynamics of Amorphous Silica Surfaces” J. Chem. Phys. 114, 7602-7614 (2001)
      685. A. Patrykiejew, A. Salamacha, S. Sokolowski, T. Zientarski, K. Binder, “On the orientational effect in monolayers of diatomic molecules”, J. Chem. Phys. 115, 4839-4849 (2001)
      686. K. Binder, F. F. Haas, F. Schmid “Critical phenomena at the surface of systems undergoing a bulk first order transition: are they understood?” in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics XIV, Eds. D. P. Landau, S. P. Lewis, and H. B. Schüttler (Springer, Heidelberg 2002) pp. 85-96.
      687. A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolowski, K. Binder “On the ground state structure of adsorbed monolayers: Can one find them by Monte Carlo simulation?” in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics XIV, Eds. D. P. Landau, S. P. Lewis, and H. B. Schüttler (Springer, Heidelberg 2002) pp. 57-60.
      688. D. P. Landau, A. M. Ferrenberg, K. Binder “The Ising model as a playground for the study of wetting and interface behavior” Brazilian Journal of Physics 30, 748-753 (2000)
      689. P. Scheidler, W. Kob, K. Binder, G. Parisi “Growing length scales in a supercooled liqud close to an interface” cond-mat/0104382, Philos. Mag. B82, 283-290 (2002)
      690. C. Brangian, W. Kob, K. Binder “The high temperature dynamics of a mean field Potts glass” cond-mat/014355, Phil. Mag. B82, 283-290 (2002)
      691. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Polymer melt droplets adsorbed on a solid wall: A Monte Carlo simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 114, No 19, 8610-8618 (2001)
      692. A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolowski, K. Binder “On the ground state structure of monolayers on the (100) face of fcc crystals” J. Chem. Phys. 115 (2001) 983-993
      693. C. Brangian, W. Kob, K. Binder “Statics and dynamics of the 10-state mean field Potts glass model: A Monte Carlo study” J. Physics A: Math. and General 35, 191-216 (2002)
      694. C. Brangian, W. Kob, K. Binder “Monte Carlo study of the dynamic and the static glass transitions in the 10-state Potts glass: A scenario for the structural glass transition?” In Proceedings of the NATO ARW on New kinds of phase transitions in disordered substances, Russia, May 24-28, 2001; Kluwer Acad. Publ., V. V. Brazhkin et al. (eds.), pp. 517-526 (Dord-recht, 2002)
      695. K. Binder, J. Baschnagel, W. Paul “Glass transition of polymer melts: test of theoretical concepts by computer simulation” Progr. Polymer Science 28, 115-172 (2003)
      696. T. Kreer, M. H. Müser, K. Binder, J. Klein “On frictional drag mechanisms between polymer bearing surfaces” Langmuir 17, 7804-7813 (2001)
      697. C. Brangian, W. Kob, K. Binder “Static and dynamic glass transitions in the 10-state Potts glass: What can Monte Carlo simulations contribute?” in Proceedings of the STATPHYS 21 Satellite Conference “Computational Statistical Mechanics: Challenges for the 21st Century” Computer Physics Communications, 146, 9-15 (2002)
      698. M. Müller, K. Binder, E. V. Albano “Phase equilibria in thin polymer films” Int. J. Modern Physics B15, 1867-1903 (2001)
      699. E. Reister, M. Müller, and K. Binder “Spinodal decomposition in a binary polymer mixture: Dynamic self-consistent field theory and Monte Carlo simulations” Phys. Rev. E64 (2001) 041804 (17)
      700. K. Binder “From orientational glasses to structural glasses: “What computer simulations have contributed to understand experiments” J. Noncryst. Solids 307-310 (2002) 1-8
      701. K. Binder, P. Fratzl “Spinodal Decomposition” in Phase Transformations in Materials (G. Kostorz, ed.) Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2001), pp. 409-480.
      702. K. Binder, D. W: Heermann “Quantum Monte Carlo simulations: An introduction” in Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics. (4th edition) Springer, Berlin (2002) pp. 137 – 158.
      703. J. Baschnagel, H. Meyer, F. Varnik, S. Metzger, M. Aichele, M. Müller, K. Binder “Computer Simulations of Polymers Close to Solid Interfaces: Some Selected Topics” Interface Science 11, 159-173 (2003)
      704. K. Binder “Simulations of phase transitions in macromolecular systems” in the Proceedings of the Europhysics Conference on Computational Physics, Aachen, Germany, 5-8 September 2001, Computer Physics Commun. 174 (2002) 22-33
      705. K. Vollmayr-Lee, W. Kob, K. Binder, A. Zippelius “Dynamical heterogeneity below the glass transition” J. Chem. Phys. 116, 5158-5166 (2002)
      706. K. Binder, S. Sengupta, P. Nielaba “The liquid solid transition of hard disks: first order transition or KTHNY-scenario? Proceedings of the STATPHYS 21 Satellite Conference” Scaling and Complex Systems”, Merida, Mexico, 9-14 July 2001, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 14, 2323-2334 (2002)
      707. F. Varnik, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Reduction of the glass transition temperature in polymer films: A Molecular Dynamics study” Physical Review E65, 021507(14), (2002)
      708. F. Varnik, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Static and Dynamic Properties of supercooled thin polymer films”, European Physical Journal E8, 175-192 (2002)
      709. K. Binder “Ordnungs-Unordnungs-Phasenübergänge”, in Effekte der Physik und ihre Anwendungen (M. v. Ardenne, G. Musiol, and V. Klemradt, eds.) p. 1083-1088 (Harri Deutsch, Frankfurt 2005)
      710. K. Binder, W. Paul, S. Santos, U. W. Suter “Coarse-graining techniques” in M. J. Kotelyanskii and D. N. Theodorou (eds.) Simulation Methods for Polymers (M. Dekker, New York, 2004), pp. 491-510
      711. C. Mischler, J. Baschnagel, S. Dasgupta, K. Binder, “Structure and dynamics of thin polymer films: A case study with the bond-fluctuation model” Polymer 43 (2002) 467-476.
      712. K. Binder “Statistical Theories of Phase Transitions” in Phase Transformations in Materials (G. Kostorz, ed.) Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2001), pp. 239-308.
      713. B. J. Schulz, K. Binder, M. Müller “Flat histogram method of Wang-Landau and N-fold way” Int. J. Mod. Phys. C13, 477-494 (2002)
      714. F. Varnik, K. Binder “Shear viscosity of a supercooled polymer melt via non-equilibrium MD simulations” J. Chem. Phys. 117, 6336-6349 (2002)
      715. J. Horbach, C. Mischler, W. Kob, K. Binder “Multiscale Computer Simulations in Physics, Chemistry and Biology: The example of Silica” in Frontiers in Molecular-Scale Science and Technology of Nano Carbon, Nano Silicon and Biopolymer Multifunctional Nanosytems (E. Buzaneva and P. Scharff, eds.) Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2002) pp. 1-15
      716. A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolowski, K. Binder “Incommensurate phases in adsorbed monolayers: Structure and energy of domain walls” Surface Science, 512, 1-15 (2002)
      717. A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolowski, K. Binder “Phase behavior of films adsorbed on model crystal surfaces” J. Chem. Phys. 117, 3369-3382 (2002)
      718. C. Brangian, W. Kob, K. Binder “Ergodicity breaking in a mean field Potts glass: A Monte Carlo investigation” Computer Physics Comm. 174 (2002) 154-157
      719. P. Virnau, M. Müller, L. Gonzalez MacDowell, K. Binder “Phase diagrams of hexadecane-CO2 mixtures from histogram-reweighting Monte Carlo” Computer Physics Commun. 147 (2002) 378-381
      720. C. Mischler, W. Kob, K. Binder “Classical and ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of an amorphous silica surface” Computer Physics Commun. 147 (2002) 222-225
      721. T. Kreer, M. H. Müser, K. Binder “Frictional drag between polymers bearing surfaces” Computer Physics Commun. 147 (2002) 358-361.
      722. F. Varnik, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Glassy Dynamics in thin polymer films: Recent MD Results” J. Noncryst. Solids 307-310, 524-531 (2002)
      723. K. Binder, J. Houdayer, E. Luijten, M. Müller “Critical phenomena and „crossover scaling“ in model systems for soft condensed matter”, NIC Symposium 2001, 5-6 December 2001, Jülich, Germany, Proceedings (H. Rollnik, D. Wolf, eds.), NIC Jülich, 2002, p. 373-383
      724. K. Binder, J. Horbach, W. Kob “Numerical Investigations of the Glass Transitions and Glassy State of Structural Glasses and Spin Glasses”, NIC Symposium 2001, 5-6 December 2001, Jülich, Germany, Proceedings (H. Rollnik, D. Wolf, eds.), NIC Jülich, 2002, p. 247-257
      725. F. Varnik, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder “Glass Transition in Thin Polymer Films: A Molecular Dynamics Study” Int. J. Mod. Phys. C13, 799-804 (2002)
      726. K. Binder, J. Baschnagel, W. Kob and W. Paul “Simulation of models for the glass transition: Is there progress?” in Bridging Time Scales: Molecular Simulations for the Next Decade (P. Nielaba, M. Mareschal, G. Ciccotti, eds.) Springer Berlin 2002, p. 199-228
      727. K. Binder, J. Horbach, W. Kob, F. Varnik “Atomistic simulation of transport phenomena in simple and complex fluids and fluid mixtures” in Interface and Transport Dynamics: Computational Modelling (H. Emmerich, B. Nestler, M. Schreckenberg, eds.) p. 226-248 (Springer, Berlin, 2003)
      728. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Momentum-dependent interfacial tension in polymer solutions” Europhysics Letters 59, 81-86 (2002)
      729. C. Brangian, W. Kob, K. Binder “Evidence against a glass transition in the 10-state shortrange Potts glass”, Europhysics Letters 59, 526-532 (2002)
      730. K. Binder, D. Landau, M. Müller “Monte Carlo studies of wetting, interface localization and capillary condensation” J. Stat. Phys. 110, 1411-1514 (2003)
      731. M. Müller, L. G. MacDowell, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Interface properties and bubble nucleation in compressible mixtures containing polymers” J. Chem. Phys. 117 (2002) 5480-5496
      732. L. G. MacDowell, P. Virnau, M. Müller, K. Binder “Critical Lines and Phase Coexistence of Polymer Solutions: A quantitative comparison between Wertheim’s thermodynamic perturbation theory and computer simulations” J. Chem. Phys. 117, 6360-6371 (2002)
      733. K. Binder, J. Baschnagel, M. Müller, W. Paul “Phase transitions in macromolecular systems: Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulation of coarse-grained models” NIC Symposium 2001, 5-6 December 2001, Jülich, Germany, Proceedings (H. Rollnik, D. Wolf, eds.) NIC-Jülich, 2002, p. 363-372
      734. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Droplet spreading: A Monte Carlo test of Tanner’s law” J. Chem. Phys. 116, 7691-7694 (2002)
      735. J. Horbach, W. Kob, K. Binder “Dynamics of Sodium in Sodium Disilicate: Channel Relaxation and Sodium Diffusion” Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, Nr. 125502 (2002)
      736. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Polymer nanodroplets adsorbed on nanocylinders: A Monte Carlo study” J. Chem. Phys. 117, 6852-6862 (2002)
      737. P. Scheidler, W. Kob, K. Binder “Cooperative motion and growing length scales in supercooled confined liquids”, Europhysics Letters 59, 701-707 (2002)
      738. L. G. MacDowell, M. Müller, K. Binder “How do droplets on a surface depend on the system size?” Colloids and Surfaces A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 206, (2002) 277-291.
      739. B. J. Schulz, K. Binder, M. Müller “Flat Histogram Method of Wang-Landau and N-fold Way”
        in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics XV (D. P. Landau, S. M. Lewis, and B. J. Schüttler, eds) Springer, Berlin (2003) 200-204.
      740. J. Horbach, A. Winkler, W. Kob, K. Binder “The importance of intermediate range order in silicates: molecular dynamics simulation studies” In High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’02 (E. Krause and W. Jäger, eds.) pp. 109-121 (Springer Berlin, 2003)
      741. A. Milchev, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Nanodroplets on a solid plane: wetting and spreading in a Monte Carlo simulation” Computer Physics Communications 146, 38-53 (2002)
      742. M. R. Stukan, V. A. Ivanov, A. Yu. Grosberg, W. Paul, K. Binder “Chain Length Dependence of the State Diagram of a Single Stiff-Chain Macromolecule: Theory and Monte Carlo Simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 118, 3392-3400 (2003)
      743. A. Cavallo, M. Müller, and K. Binder “Anomalous scaling of the critical temperature of unmixing with chain length for two-dimensional polymer blends” Europhys. Letters 61, 214-220 (2003)
      744. S. Metzger, M. Müller, K. Binder, J. Baschnagel “Adsorption transition of a polymer chain to a weakly attractive surface: Monte Carlo simulation of off-lattice models” Macromol. Theory Simul. 11, 985-995 (2002)
      745. K. Binder, J. Horbach, W. Kob, A. Winkler “Computer Simulation of Molten and Glassy Silica and its Mixtures with Sodium Oxide and Aluminium Oxide”, in Properties of Complex Inorganic Solids III, Proceedings of the Third International Alloy Conference, IAC-3, Estoril, Portugal, July 1-5, 2002, P. E. A. Turchi, A. Gonis, K. Rajan, and A Meike, eds. (Springer Berlin, 2005) Pp. 35-53.
      746. J. Buchholz, W. Paul, F. Varnik, K. Binder “Cooling rate dependence of the glass transition temperature of polymer melts: A Molecular Dynamics study” J. Chem. Phys. 117, 7364-7372 (2002)
      747. S. Puri, K. Binder “Surface-Directed Phase Separation with Off-Critical Composition: Analytical and Numerical Results” Phys. Rev. E66, 061602 (1-10) (2002)
      748. K. Binder “Scaling Concepts for Polymer Brushes and Their Test by Computer Simulation” European Physical Journal E9, 293-298 (2002)
      749. K. Binder “Theory of the evaporation/condensation transition of equilibrium droplets in finite volumes” Physica A319, 99–114 (2003)
      750. S. Pal, D. P. Landau, K. Binder “Dynamical Scaling of Surface Growth in Simple Lattice Models” Phys. Rev. E68, 021601, 1-13 (2003)
      751. A. A. Darinskii, I. M. Neelov, A. Zarembo, N. K. Balabaev, F. Sundholm, K. Binder “Computer simulation of the liquid crystal formation in a semiflexible polymer system” Macromol. Symposia 191, 191-200 (2003)
      752. M. R. Stukan, V. A. Ivanov, M. Müller, W. Paul, and K. Binder “Finite size effects in pressure measurements for Monte Carlo simulations of lattice polymer-models” J. Chem. Phys. 117, 9934-9941 (2002)
      753. K. Binder “Classical statistical mechanics” in “Computer Simulations of Surfaces and Interfaces” (B. Dünweg, D. P. Landau and A. Milchev, eds.) Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003), p. 3-35.
      754. E.V. Albano, A. de Virgiliis, M. Müller, K. Binder “Corner wetting in the two-dimensional
        Ising model: Monte Carlo results” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, 333-345 (2003)
      755. P. Scheidler, W. Kob, K. Binder “Influence of confining walls on the dynamics of
        supercooled simple liquids” in Computer Simulations of Surfaces and Interfaces (B. Dünweg, D. P. Landau, and A. Milchev, eds.) Kluwer Acad. Publ. Dordrecht, 2003, p. 297-312.
      756. J. Horbach, K. Binder “Amorphous silica between confining walls and under shear: A
        computer simulation study” J. Chem. Phys. 117, 10796-10804 (2002)
      757. K. Binder “Finite Size Effects in Thin Film Simulations” in “Computer Simulations of Surfaces and Interfaces” (B. Dünweg, D. P. Landau, and A. Milchev, eds.) Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht (2003) p. 275-286.
      758. K. Binder, J. Horbach, W. Kob, A. Winkler “The interplay between structure and ionic motions in glasses” Computing in Science and Engineering (2003); 5, No 2, p. 60-66.
      759. J. Horbach, W. Kob, K. Binder “The Dynamics of Glasses Containing Mobile Ions: Computer Simulations of Sodium Silicates” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, S903-908 (2003)
      760. P. Scheidler, W. Kob, K. Binder “The relaxation dynamics of a confined supercooled simple liquid” Proceedings of “2nd International Workshop on Dynamics in Confinement”, Grenoble, Jan. 22-25, 2003, Eur. Phys. JE12, 5-9 (2003)
      761. K. Binder, J. Horbach, W. Kob, W. Paul, F. Varnik “Molecular Dynamics Simulations”
        Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16, S429-S453 (2004)
      762. S. Metzger, M. Müller, K. Binder, J. Baschnagel “Surface excess in dilute polymer solutions, and the adsorption transition versus wetting phenomena” J. Chem. Phys. 118, 8489-8499 (2003)
      763. A. Milchev, M. Müller, K. Binder, D. P. Landau “Interface localization – delocalization in a double wedge: A new universality class with strong fluctuations and anisotropic scaling”
        Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 136101 (1-4)
      764. F. Varnik, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder, M. Mareschal “Confinement effects on the slow dynamics of a supercooled polymer melt: Rouse modes and the incoherent scattering function” Eur. Phys. J. E12, 167-171 (2003)
      765. C. Brangian, W. Kob, K. Binder “Statics and Dynamics of the ten-state nearest neighbour Potts glass on the simple cubic lattice” J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36 (2003) 10847-10866
      766. A. Milchev, M. Müller, K. Binder, D. P. Landau “Wedge filling and interface delocalization in finite Ising lattices with antisymmetric surface fields” Phys. Rev. E68, 031601 (2003), 1-14
      767. A. Winkler, J. Horbach, W. Kob, K. Binder: “Structure and Diffusion in amorphous aluminium silicate: A molecular dynamics computer simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 120, 384-393 (2004)
      768. J. Horbach, T. Stühn, C. Mischler, W. Kob, K. Binder “Amorphous silica at surfaces and
        interfaces: simulation studies” in E. Krause, W. Jäger, M. Resch (eds) High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 03 (Springer Berlin, 2003), pp. 167-179
      769. K. Binder: “Reply to Comment on “Theory of the evaporation/condensation transition of equilibrium droplets in finite volumes”, Physica A327 (2003) 589-592
      770. T. Kreer, K. Binder, M. H. Müser “Friction between polymer brushes in good solvent conditions: Steady-state sliding versus transient behaviour” Langmuir 19, 7551-7559 (2003)
      771. S. K. Das, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Transport phenomena in partially miscible binary fluids: A Molecular Dynamics study of the symmetrical Lennard-Jones mixture”, J. Chem. Phys. 119, 1547-1558 (2003)
      772. V. A. Ivanov, M. R. Stukan, M. Müller, W. Paul, K. Binder “Phase Diagram of Solutions of Stiff-Chain Macromolecules: A Monte Carlo Simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 118, 10333-10342 (2003)
      773. P. Virnau, M. Müller, L. Gonzalez MacDowell, K. Binder “Phase separation kinetics in compressible polymer solutions: Computer simulation of the early stages” New Journal of Physics (2004) 6, 7 [http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/6/7]
      774. K. Binder, M. Müller “Phase Transformations” Encyclopaedia of Polymer Science and Technology”, 3rd ed. (H. E. Mark, ed.) J. Wiley, New York (2003), Vol. 10, pp. 766-784.
      775. J. Horbach, A. Winkler, W. Kob, K. Binder “Intermediate Range Order in Silicate Melts and Glasses: Computer Simulation Studies“ Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 754, 147-152 (2003)
      776. P. Virnau, L. G. MacDowell, M. Müller, K. Binder “The droplet evaporation/condensation transition in a finite volume” in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics XVI (D. P. Landau, S. M. Lewis and B. J. Schüttler, eds.) Springer, Berlin 2004
      777. J. Yaneva, A. Milchev, K.Binder “Dynamics of a spreading Nanodroplet- a MD simulation” Macromolecular Theory & Simulation 12, 573-581 (2003)
      778. K. Binder “Computer Simulation Techniques in Condensed Matter Physics” in Encyclopaedia of Condensed Matter Physics (M. Ruck, ed.) Elsevier, Amsterdam (2005), pp. 211-219
      779. B. J. Schulz, K. Binder, M. Müller, D. P. Landau „Avoiding boundary effects in Wang-Landau sampling“ Phys. Rev. E67, 067102 (2003) 2 pages
      780. P. Scheidler, W. Kob, K. Binder „The relaxation dynamics of a supercooled liquid confined by rough walls“ J. Phys. Chem. B108, 6673-6686 (2004)
      781. L. Salamacha, A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolowski, K. Binder “Lennard-Jones fluids confined in nanoscopic slits: Evidence for re-entrant filling transitions”, Eur. Phys. J. E13, 261-265 (2004)
      782. J. Horbach, S. K. Das, H. Knoth, K. Binder “Computer Simulations of the Phase Behavior and Transport Phenomena in Multicomponent Melts” NIC Symposium 2004, 17-18 Febr. 2004, Jülich, Germany, Proceedings (D. Wolf, G. Minster, M. Kremer, eds) p. 215-226 (NIC, Jülich, 2004)
      783. K. Binder, S. K. Das, J. Horbach, M. Müller, R. Vink, P.Virnau “Simulation of Transport in Partially Miscible Binary Fluids: Combination of Semigrandcanonical Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Methods” in Multiscale Modelling and Simulation (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 39) S. Attinger and P. Koumoutsakos, Eds. (Springer, Berlin 2004) pp. 169-185.
      784. K. Binder: “Statistical Mechanics of Undercooled Fluids and the Glass Transition: Testing theoretical concepts by computer simulation” Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Course CLV, F. Mallamace and H.E. Stanley, Eds., IOS Press, Amterdam 2004, p. 17-82.
      785. L. Salamacha, A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolowski, K. Binder “The structure of fluids confined in crystalline slit-like nanoscopic pores: bilayers”, J. Chem. Phys. 120, 1017-1030 (2004)
      786. K. Binder, M. Müller, P. Virnau, L. G. MacDowell „Polymer + solvent systems: Phase diagrams, interface free energies, and nucleation“ Adv. Polymer Science 173, 1-110 (2005)
      787. M. R. Stukan, V. A. Ivanov, M. Müller, W. Paul, K. Binder “Phase Diagram of a Solution of Stift-chain Macromolecules: A Monte Carlo Simulation” Zhurnal Fisicheskoj Chimii (in Russian) 78, 2204-2208 (2004) [engl. Transl.: Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry 78, 1950-1953 (2004)]
      788. K. Binder, F. Varnik, J. Baschnagel, P. Scheidler, W. Kob „Computer Simulation of the Glass Transition in Thin Films“ in Proc. Conf. on Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems, Sendai, Nov. 3-9, 2003, AIP Conf. Proc. 708, 509-514 (2004) [M. Tokuyama and I. Oppenheim, eds.)
      789. T. Kreer, S. Metzger, M. Müller, K. Binder, J. Baschnagel „Static properties of end-tethered polymers in good solution: A comparison between different models” J. Chem. Phys. 120, 4012-4023 (2004) [also in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, March 1, 2004]
      790. E. V. Albano, A. de Virgiliis, M. Müller, K. Binder «Study of the Dynamical Approach to the Interface Localization-Delocalization Transition of the Confined Ising Model” J. Physics: Condensed Matter 16, 3853-3867 (2004)
      791. K. Binder “Overcoming the Limitation of Finite Size in Simulations: From the Phase Transition of the Ising Model to Polymers, Spin Glasses, etc.” in The Monte Carlo Method in the Physical Sciences (J. E. Gubernatis, ed.) AIP Conf. Proc. 690, 74-84 (2003)
      792. W. Paul, M. Müller, K. Binder, M. R. Stukan, V. A. Ivanov “Monte Carlo Simulations of Semi-Flexible Polymers” Computational Methods for Polymers and Liquid Crystals (ed. By P. Pasini, C. Zannoni, and S. Zumer) Kluwer, Dordrecht (2004), pp. 171-190.
      793. M. R. Stukan, V. A. Ivanov, M. Müller, W. Paul, and K. Binder “On the kinetics of the Nematic Ordering in Solutions of Semiflexible Macromolecules: a Monte Carlo Simulation” e-Polymers, article No. 062 (2003) [http://www.e-polymers.org/papers/stukan\211103.pdf]
      794. A. Cavallo, M. Müller, K. Binder “Monte Carlo simulations of two-dimensional polymer blends” in Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi” Course CLV, F. Mallamace and H.E. Stanley, eds., IOS Press, Amsterdam 2004, p. 531-536.
      795. P. Virnau, L. Gonzalez McDowell, M. Müller, K. Binder “How Do Droplets Depend on the System Size? Droplet Condensation and Nucleation in small Simulation Cells” in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering 03 (E. Krause, W. Jäger, M. Resch) pp. 125-135 (Springer, Berlin 2003)
      796. Müller, M., and Binder, K. “The Interplay between wetting and phase behavior in binary polymer films and wedges: Monte Carlo simulations and mean field calculations” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17 (2005) S333-S361
      797. L. G. MacDowell, P. Virnau, M. Müller, K. Binder “The Evaporation/Condensation Transition of Liquid Droplets” J. Chem. Phys. 120, 5293-5308 (2004)
      798. K. Binder “Simulations of interfaces between coexisting phases: What do they tell us?” In Handbook of Materials Modelling (S. Yip, ed.), 2787-2791 (Springer, Berlin, 2005)
      799. P. Virnau, M. Müller, L. G. MacDowell, K. Binder “Phase behavior of n-alkanes in supercritical solution: A Monte Carlo Study” J. Chem. Phys. 121, 2169-2179 (2004)
      800. S. K. Das, J. Horbach, K. Binder “The bulk viscosity of a symmetrical Lennard-Jones mixture above and a t liquid-liquid coexistence: A computer simulation study” Phase transitions 77, 823-834 (2004)
      801. N. Attig, K. Binder, H. Grubmüller, K. Kremer (eds) “Computational Soft Matter: From Synthetic Polymers to Proteins” 427 p. (NIC, Jülich, 2004)
      802. K. Binder “Computersimulation: Ein drittes Standbein der Forschung neben dem Experiment und der (analytischen) Theorie” Physik-Journal 3, Nr. 5, 25-30 (2004)
      803. H. Knoth, J. Horbach, K. Binder “The Mixed-Alkali Effect in a Ternary Alkali Silicate Mixture: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study” in Computational Modelling and Simulation of Materials III – Part B (Advances in Science and Technology, Vol. 43), P. Vincenzini and A. Lami, eds. (CIMTEC, Techna Group, 2004) pp. 79-85.
      804. A. Cavallo, M. Müller, K. Binder “Chain conformations and Phase Behavior in Confined Polymer Blends” in E. Krause and W. Jäger (Eds.) High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’04 (Springer, Berlin 2004) pp. 3-15.
      805. A. Milchev, K. Binder, A. Bhattacharya “Polymer translocation through a nanopore induced by adsorption: Monte Carlo simulation of a coarse-grained model” J. Chem. Phys. 121, 6042-6051 (2004).
      806. Y.-C. Lin, M. Müller, K. Binder “Stability of thin polymer films: influence of solvents” J. Chem. Phys. 121, 3816-3828 (2004) [also in Aug. 15, 2004 issue of Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research]
      807. H. Knoth, J. Horbach, K. Binder “The Mixed Alkali Effect in Ternary Alkali Silicate Melts: Insight from Molecular Dynamics Simulations” in E. Krause and W. Jäger (Eds.) High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’04 (Springer, Berlin, 2004) pp. 107-114.
      808. K. Binder, J. Horbach, A. Winkler, W. Kob “Modeling Glass Materials“ Ceramics International. 31, 713-717 (2005)
      809. P. Nielaba, K. Binder, D. Chaudhuri, K. Franzrahe, P. Henseler, M. Lohrer, A. Ricci, S. Sengupta, W. Strepp “Elastic properties, structures and phase transitions in model colloids”
        J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 16, S4115-S4136 (2004)
      810. K. Binder, M. Müller, A. Cavallo, E. V. Albano, “Polymer mixtures in confined geometry: Model systems to explore phase transitions” Proceedings of STATPHYS 22, Bangalore/India, July 4-9, 2004, Pramana 64, 981-989 (2005)
      811. M. Hawlitzky, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Computer simulations of SiO2 and GeO2” in Multiscale Modelling and Simulation (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 39) pp. 187-193, S. Attinger and P. Koumoutsakos, Eds. (Springer, Berlin 2004)
      812. S. Puri, K. Binder “Wetting and Phase Separation at Surfaces” Proceedings of STATPHYS 22, Bangalore/India, July 4-9, 2004, Pramana 64, 881-892 (2005)
      813. J. Yaneva, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Polymer nano-droplets forming liquid bridges in chemically structured slit pores: A computer simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 121, 12632-12639 (2004)
      814. A. Milchev, M. Müller, K. Binder “A New Boundary-Controlled Phase Transition: Phase separation in an Ising Bi-Pyramid with Competing Surface Fields” Europhysics Letters 70, 348-354 (2005)
      815. K. Binder, M. Müller, A. Milchev, D. P. Landau “Monte Carlo simulations of Ising models and polymer blends in double wedge geometry: Evidence for novel types of critical phenomena” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Physics, Genova, Sept. 1-4, 2004 (CCP 2004); Computer Physics Commun. 169, 226-229 (2005)
      816. K. Binder, D. Herzbach, J. Horbach, M.H. Müser “Computer Simulations of Undercooled Fluids and Glasses” in Materials for Tomorrow: Theory, Experimentals and Modelling (S. Gimming, M. Schreiber, J. B. Suck, eds) Springer, Berlin (2007) 1-32.
      817. H. Heinz, W. Paul, U. W. Suter, K. Binder “Analysis of the phase transitions in alkyl-mica by density and pressure profiles” J. Chem. Phys. 120, 3847-3854 (2004)
      818. B. J. Schulz, B. Dünweg, K. Binder, M. Müller “Suppression of Capillary Wave Broadening of Interfaces in Binary Alloys Due to Elastic Interactions” Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 096101, 1-4 (2005)
      819. B. J. Schulz, K. Binder, M. Müller “Study of first order interface localization-delocalization transition in thin Ising films using Wang-Landau sampling” Phys. Rev. E71, 046705 (2005)
      820. L. Salamacha, A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolowski, K. Binder “Phase Behavior of Fluids in Nanoscopic Slit-like Pores” in Computational Modeling and Simulation of Materials (Advances in Science and Technology, Vol 43) P. Vincenzini and A. Lami, eds. (CIMTEC, Techno Group, 2004)
      821. L. Salamacha, A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolowski, K. Binder “The effects of phase shift between the walls on the structure of phases confined in nanoscopic slit-like pores” in Computational Modeling and Simulation of Materials (Advances in Science and Technology, Vol 43) P. Vincenzini and A. Lami, eds. (CIMTEC, Techno Group, 2004)
      822. R. L. C. Vink, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Critical phenomena in colloid-polymer mixtures: interfacial tension, order parameter, susceptibilities, and coexistence diameter” Phys. Rev. E71, 011401 (2005) 1-10.
      823. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Adsorption-induced Polymer Translocation through a Nanopore: A Monte Carlo Investigation” Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Physics, Geneva, Sept. 1-4, 2004 (CCP 2004); Computer Phys. Commun. 169, 107-110 (2005)
      824. C. Mischler, J. Horbach, W. Kob, K. Binder “Water adsorption on amorphous silica surfaces: A Car-Parrinello simulation study”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, 4005-4013 (2005)
      825. A. Cavallo, M. Müller, J. P. Wittmer, A. Johner, K. Binder “Single chain structure in thin polymer films: Corrections to Flory’s and Silberberg’s hypotheses”. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, S1697-S1709 (2005)
      826. J. A. Martemyanova, M. R. Stukan, V. A. Ivanov, M. Müller, W. Paul, K. Binder “Dense orientationally ordered states of a single semiflexible macromolecule: an expanded ensemble Monte Carlo simulation”, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 174907, 1-10 (2005)
      827. A. Cavallo, M. Müller, K. Binder “Unmixing of Polymer Blends Confined in Ultrathin Films: Crossover between Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Behavior”, J. Phys. Chem.
        B109 (2005) 6544-6552.
      828. L. Yelash, M. Müller, W. Paul, K. Binder “A global investigation of phase equilibria using the perturbed chain-statistical-associating-fluid-theory”. J. Chem. Phys. 123, 014908 (2005) 1-15
      829. F. Rampf, W. Paul, K. Binder “On the first-order collapse transition of a three-dimensional, flexible homopolymer chain”, Europhysics Letters 70, 628-634 (2005)
      830. D. Herzbach, K. Binder, M. H. Müser “Comparison of model potentials for molecular
        dynamics-simulation of silica” J. Chem. Phys. 123, 124711, 1-10 (2005)
      831. A. De Virgiliis, E. V. Albano, M. Müller, K. Binder “Interface in the confined Ising system
        with competing surface fields” Physica A352, 477-497 (2005)
      832. L. C. Vink, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Capillary waves in a colloid-polymer interface” J. Chem. Phys. 122, 134905 (1-11), (2005)
      833. L. Salamacha, A. Patrykiejew, S. Sokolowski, K. Binder “The structure of fluids confined in crystalline slitlike nanoscopic pores” J. Chem. Phys. 122, 074703 (1-12) (2005)
      834. A. Milchev, M. Müller, K. Binder “Phase transitions in nanosystems caused by interface motion: The Ising bi-pyramid with competing surface fields“ Phys. Rev. E72, 031603, 1-16 (2005)
      835. U. Fotheringham, K. Binder, W. Kob, J. Horbach „Atomistic simulation of Glasses: Strategic considerations and review of selective results” Glass Science and Technology 78, No5, p. 203-211 (2005)
      836. L. Wenning, M. Müller, K. Binder “How does the pattern of grafting points influence the structure of one-component and mixed polymer brushes?” Europhys. Lett. 71, 639-645 (2005)
      837. A. De Virgiliis, E. V. Albano, M. Müller, K. Binder “Study of the confined Ising magnet with long-range competing boundary fields” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, 4579-4604 (2005)
      838. P. Pfleiderer, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Structure and transport properties of amorphous aluminium silicates: computer simulation studies” Chemical Geology 229 (2006) 186-197
      839. J. Yaneva, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Polymer droplets on substrates with striped surface domains: Molecular dynamics simulations of equilibrium structure and liquid bridge rupture” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, S4199-S4211 (2005)
      840. K. Binder “Computer Simulation von Flüssigkeiten und Festkörpern. Drittes Standbein physikalischer Forschung neben Experiment und Theorie“ Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur, Mainz, Math.-Naturwiss. Klasse, No 3 (2005)
      841. M. Dreher, D. Fischer, K. Franzrahe, R. Henseler, Chr. Kirchner, M. Lohrer, W. Quester, A. Ricci, S. Sengupta, W. Strepp, K. Binder, P. Nielaba “Numerical Investigations of Complex Nano-Systems“ Phase Transitions 78, 751-772 (2005)
      842. K. Binder “Neutrons detect order in glasses. Experiments have revealed previously unseen order over extended scales in glasses” Physics World, Vol. 18, No 7 (July 2005) 23-24.
      843. S. K. Das, S. Puri, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Kinetics of Phase Separation in Thin Films: Simulations for the Diffusive Case” Phys. Rev. E72, 061603, 1-13 (2005)
      844. K. Franzrahe, P. Henseler, A. Ricci, W. Strepp, S. Sengupta, M. Dreher, Chr. Kircher, M. Lohrer, Q. Quester, K. Binder, P. Nielaba “Two-dimensional model colloids and nano-wires: phase transitions, effect of external potentials and quantum effects” Computer Phys. Comm. 169, 197-202 (2005)
      845. W. Rzysko, A. Patrykiejew, K. Binder “Phase transitions in a two-dimensional lattice gas
        model of orientable diatomic molecules” Phys. Rev. B72, 165416, 1-21 (2005)
      846. C. Pastorino, K. Binder, T. Kreer, M. Müller “Static and dynamic properties of the interface between a polymer brush and a melt of identical chains” J. Chem. Phys. 124, 064902 (2006), 1-11.
      847. E. V. Albano, A. De Virgiliis, M. Müller, K. Binder “Study of the dynamic growth of wetting layers in the confined Ising model with competing surface fields” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18, 2761-2775 (2006)
      848. L. Yelash, M. Müller, W. Paul, K. Binder “Artificial multiple criticality and phase equilibria: an investigation of the PC-SAFT approach” Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics 7, 3728-3732 (2005)
      849. K. Binder, J. Baschnagel, M. Müller, W. Paul, F. Rampf “Simulation of phase transitions of single polymer chains: recent advances” Macromolecular Symposia 237, 128-138 (2006)
      850. L. Yelash, M. Müller, W. Paul, K. Binder “How well can coarse-grained models of real polymers describe their structure? The case of polybutadiene” J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2, 588-597 (2006)
      851. A. Milchev, A. De Virgiliis, K. Binder “Ising systems with pairwise competing surface fields” J. Phys: Condens. Matter 17 (2005) 6783-6804
      852. G. Ciccotti, K. Binder, M. Ferrario “Introduction: Condensed Matter Theory by Computer Simulation” in Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter: From Materials to Chemical Biology, Vol. 1 (M. Ferrario, G. Ciccotti, K. Binder, eds.) Springer, Berlin (2006) p. 1-11.
      853. S. K. Das, J. Horbach, K. Binder, S. Puri “Molecular Dynamics Study of Phase Separation Kinetics in Thin Films” Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 016107 [1-4] (2006)
      854. D. P. Landau, K. Binder “A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics, 2nd edition” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2005) [this new and updated edition has 432 pagers, rather than the 384 pages of the first edition]
      855. K. Binder, W. Kob “Glassy Materials and Disordered Solids: An Introduction to Their Statistical Mechanics” World Scientific, Singapore (2005) pp. 1-442
      856. H. Heinz, W. Paul, K. Binder “Calculation of local pressure tensors in systems with many-body interactions” Phys. Rev. E72, 066704 (1-10) (2005)
      857. J. G. Diaz Ochoa, K. Binder, W. Paul “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the embedding of a nanoparticle into a polymer film” J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 18, 2777-2787 (2006)
      858. M. Müller, W. Paul, K. Binder “Phase Transitions in macromolecular systems” NIC Symposium 2006, Proceedings (G. Münster, D. Wolf, and M. Kremer, eds.) pp. 261-268 (NIC, Jülich, 2006)
      859. S. K. Das, S. Puri, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Spinodal decomposition in thin films: Molecular Dynamics simulations of a binary Lennard-Jones fluid mixture” Phys. Rev. E73, 031604, 1-15 (2006)
      860. A. De Virgiliis, K. Binder “Interplay of order-disorder phenomena and diffusion in rigid binary alloys: Monte Carlo simulations of the two-dimensional ABV model” Phys. Rev. B73, 134205, 1-15 (2006)
      861. E. V. Albano, A. De Virgiliis, M. Müller, K. Binder “Properties of the interface in the confined Ising magnet with competing surface fields” Physica B389 (2007) 202-205
      862. R. Vink, A. de Virgiliis, S. Wolfsheimer, T. Schilling, J. Horbach, and K. Binder “Interfacial properties of colloidal model systems” NIC Symposium 2006, Proceedings (G. Münster, D. Wolf, and M. Kremer, eds) pp. 235-242 (NIC, Jülich (2006)
      863. F. Rampf, K. Binder and W. Paul “The phase diagram of a single polymer chain: new insights from a new simulation method” J. Polymer Science, Part B, Polymer Physics 44, 2542-2555 (2006)
      864. A. Ricci, P. Nielaba, S. Sengupta, K. Binder “Lack of Long-Range Order in confined Two-Dimensional Model Colloidal Crystals” Phys. Rev. E, Rapid Comm. 74, 010404, 1-4 (2006)
      865. A. Ricci, P. Nielaba, S. Sengupta, K. Binder “Computer Simulation of Models for Confined Two-Dimensional Colloidal Crystals: Evidence for the Lack of Positional Long Range Order” in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics XIX, Eds. D. P. Landau, S. P. Lewis, and H. B. Schüttler, (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2009)
      866. R. L. C. Vink, K. Binder, J. Horbach: “Critical behavior of a colloid-polymer-mixture confined between walls” Phys. Rev. E73, 056118 (2006) 1-11.
      867. S. K. Das, M. E. Fisher, J. V. Sengers, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Critical Dynamics in a Binary Fluid: Simulations and Finite-Size Scaling” Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 025702 (2006), 1-4.
      868. D. I. Dimitrov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Polymer Brushes in Cylindrical Pores: Simulation versus Scaling Theory” J. Chem. Phys. 125, 034905, 1-15 (2006)
      869. D. I. Dimitrov, A. Milchev, K. Binder, D. W. Heermann “Structure of Polymer Brushes in Cylindrical Tubes: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation” Macromol. Theory & Simul 15, 573-583 (2006)
      870. K. Binder, S. K. Das, J. Horbach, S. Puri “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Surface-Controlled Phase Separation of Binary Fluid Mixtures Confined in Slit Pores”
        Euro. Phys. J. Special Topics 141, s1-s6 (2007) [Online only]
      871. K. Binder, C. Brangian, W. Kob “The Potts glass model: A scenario for the freezing transition of structural glasses” in Rugged Free Energy Landscapes (W. Janke, Ed.) Lect. Notes
        Phys. 736, 47-64, Springer, Berlin (2006)
      872. S. K. Das, J. Horbach, K. Binder, M. E. Fisher, and J. V. Sengers “Static and Dynamic Critical Behavior of a Symmetrical Binary Fluid: A Computer Simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 125, 024506 (2006) 1-12.
      873. M. Müller, K. Binder “Interplay between wetting and phase behaviour in binary polymer films and wedges: Monte Carlo simulations and mean field calculations” Int. J. Thermophysics 27, (2006) 448-466.
      874. K. Binder: “Spinodal Decomposition versus Nucleation and Growth” in Kinetics of Phase Transitions (S. Puri and V. Wadhawan, eds.) CRC Press, Boca Raton (2009) pp. 63-98.
      875. R.L.C. Vink, A. De Virgiliis, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Phase diagram and structure of colloid-
        polymer mixtures confined between walls” Phys. Rev. E 74, 031601 (1-12) (2006); Erratum Phys. Rev. E 74, 069903 (2006)
      876. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder “Intramolecular phase separation of copolymer “bottle brushes”: No sharp phase transition but a tuneable length scale” Europhys. Lett. 76, 526-532 (2006)
      877. A. Cavallo, M. Müller, K. Binder “Formation of micelles in homopolymer-copolymer mixtures” Macromolecules 39, 9539-9550 (2006)
      878. M. Ferrario, G. Ciccotti, K. Binder (eds.) “Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter: From Materials to Chemical Biology”, Vol. 1, Springer, Berlin (2006) p. 1-711.
      879. M. Ferrario, G. Ciccotti, K. Binder (eds.) “Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter:  From Materials to Chemical Biology”, Vol. 2, Springer, Berlin (2006), p. 1-598.
      880. K. Binder, J. Horbach, A. Milchev, M. Müller, R. Vink “Monte Carlo Simulations of phase transitions of systems in nanoscopic confinement” (Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Physics CCP2006, Korea, 29.08.- Computer Physics Commun. 177, 140-145 (2007)
      881. R. A. L. Vallée, M. Van der Auweraer, W. Paul, K. Binder “Fluorescence lifetime of a single molecule as an observable of meta-basin dynamics in fluids near the glass transition” Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 217801 [1-4] (2006)
      882. R. L. C. Vink, K. Binder, H. Löwen, “Critical behaviour of colloid-polymer mixtures in random porous media” Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 230603 [1-4] (2006)
      883. A. Ricci, P. Nielaba, S. Sengupta, K. Binder “Ordering of Two-Dimensional Crystals Confined in Strips of Finite Width” Phys. Rev. E75, 011405 (2007)
      884. A. De Virgiliis, R. L C. Vink, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Colloid-Polymer Mixtures Confined Between Asymmetric Walls: “Evidence for an Interface Localization Transition”, Europhysics Letters 77, 60002 (2007), p. 1-6.
      885. K. Binder “Demixing” in Enyclopedia of Micro-Fluidics and Nano-Fluidics (D. Li, ed.) Springer, Berlin (2008) pp. 335-348.
      886. K. Binder, J. Horbach, H. Knoth, P. Pfleiderer “Computer simulation of molten silica and related glassforming fluids: recent progress”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, (2007) 205102, 1-9.
      887. E. V. Albano, A. de Virgiliis, M. Müller, K. Binder “Properties of the Ising magnet confined in a corner geometry” Appl. Surf. Sci. 254 (2007) 387-391
      888. W. Paul, T. Strauch, F. Rampf, K. Binder “The Unexpectedly Normal Phase Behavior of Single Homopolymer Chains” Phys. Rev. E75, 060801 (2007) 1-4
      889. M. V. Manias, A. de Virgiliis, E. V. Albano, M. Müller, K. Binder “Dynamical behavior of 3D confined Ising systems with short- and long-range competing surface fields” Phys. Rev. E75, 015603 (2007) 1-8
      890. D. I. Dimitrov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Polymer brushes on flat and curved substrates: Scaling concepts and computer simulations” Macromolecular Symposia 252, 47-57 (2007)
      891. W. Rzysko, A. Patrykiekew, K. Binder “Phase Transitions in a two-dimensional lattice gas model of orientable diatomic molecules. II. Order-disorder transitions of SAF and c (2 x 2)AF phases”. Phys. Rev. B 76, 195409 (2007), 1-15.
      892. W. Paul, F. Rampf, T. Strauch, K. Binder “New Results on the Collapse Transition(s) of Flexible Homopolymers” Macromolecular Symposia 252, 1-11 (2007)
      893. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder “Simulation of Copolymer Bottle-Brushes” Macromolecular Symposia 252, 58-67 (2007)
      894. K. Binder “Critical phenomena without “hyperscaling”: How is the finite size scaling analysis of Monte Carlo data affected?” in Computer Simulation in Condensed Matter Physics XX, Eds. D.P. Landau, S.P. Lewis, and H.-B. Schüttler (Physics Procedia 7, 29-33 (Elsevier, Amsterdam,2010)
      895. M. Ferrario, G. Ciccotti, K. Binder “Condensed Matter Theory by Computer Simulation: From Materials to Chemical Biology” Europhysics News 38, Nr. 3, pp. 18-22 (2007)
      896. C. Pastorino, T. Kreer, M. Müller, K. Binder “Comparison of Dissipative Particle Dynamics and Langevin Thermostats for out-of-equilibrium simulations of polymeric systems” Phys. Rev. E76, 026706 (2007) p. 1-10.
      897. R.A.L. Valleé, M. Van der Auweraer, W. Paul, K. Binder “What can be learned from the
        rotational motion of single molecules in a polymer melt near the glass transition?” EPL 79,
        (2007) 46001, p.1-p.6
      898. H.-P. Hsu, K. Binder, A.M. Skvortsov, L.I. Klushin “What is the order of 2D escape transition?” Phys. Rev. E76, 021108 (2007) 1-14.
      899. D.I. Dimitrov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Capillary Rise in Nanopores: Molecular Dynamics Evidence for the Lucas-Washburn Equation” Phys. Rev. Letters 99 (2007) 054501, p.1 - p.4
      900. K. Binder, S. K. Das, M.E. Fisher, J. Horbach, J.V. Sengers “Interdiffusion in Critical Binary Mixtures by Molecular Dynamics Simulation” in Proceedings of “Diffusion
        Fundamentals II, L’Aquila, Italy, Aug. 26 – 29, 2007”
      901. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics”, Encyclopaedia of Complexity and Systems Science, R.A. Meyers, ed. (Springer, Berlin, 2009)
      902. K. Binder “Double-Well Thermodynamic Potentials and Spinodal Curves: How Real Are They?” Philos. Mag. Letters 87, 799-811 (2007)
      903. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder “One-and Two-Component Bottle Brush Polymers: Simulations Compared to Theoretical Predictions” Macromol. Theory and Simulations 16
        (2007), 660 – 689.
      904. V. A. Ivanov, E. A. An, L. A. Spirin, M. R. Stukan, M. Müller, W. Paul, K. Binder “Equation of State for Macromolecules of Variable Flexibility in Good Solvents: A Comparison of
        Techniques for Monte Carlo Simulations of Lattice Models” Phys. Rev. E76, 026702, 1-15
      905. D. I. Dimitrov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Polymer brushes in solvents of variable quality:
        Molecular Dynamics simulations using explicit solvent” J. Chem. Phys. 127 (2007)
        084905, 1-.9
      906. D. I. Dimitrov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Local viscosity in the vicinity of a wall coated by-
        polymer brush from Green-Kubo relations” Macromol. Theory Simulations 17, 313-318 (2008)
      907. K. Binder, A. R. Khokhlov, V. A. Ivanov, S. I. Kuchanov (Eds.) “Statistical Mechanics of
        Polymers – New Developments” Special Issue of Macromolecular Symposia, Vol. 252, pp.
        1-154. Wiley, Weinheim, (2007)
      908. D. I. Dimitrov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Capillary Rise
        Experiments in Nanotubes Coated with Polymer Brushes” Langmuir 24, 1232-1239 (2008)
      909. S. Jungblut, R. Tuinier, K. Binder, T. Schilling, “Depletion induced isotropic-isotropic phase separation in suspensions of rod-like colloids”, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 244909 (2007), 1-9.
      910. R.A.L. Vallée, W. Paul, K. Binder “Single molecule probing of the glass transition phenomenon: simulations of several types of probes” J. Chem. Phys. 127, 154903 (2007), 1-16.
      911. K. Binder “Monte Carlo methods for the study of phase transitions and phase equilibria” Proceedings of STATPHYS 23 (plenary lecture), Genova, Italy, July 9-13, 2007, L. Pietronero (ed.), Eur. Phys. J.B. 64, 307-314 (2008)
      912. M. Müller, A. Milchev, K. Binder, D.P. Landau “Phase transitions and interface fluctuations in double wedges and bi-pyramids with competing surface fields” Proceedings of STATPHYS 23, Genova, Italy, July 9-13, 2007, L. Pietronero (ed.), Eur. Phys. J.B. 64, 499-503 (2008)
      913. K. Binder, A.P. Young “Disordered and Frustrated Spin Systems”, in Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials (Kronmüller, H., and Parkin, S. eds.) J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK (2007), pp. 398-412.
      914. J. Luettmer-Strathmann, F. Rampf, W. Paul, K. Binder “Transitions of tethered polymer chains” J. Chem. Phys. 128, 064903 (2008) p. 1-15.
      915. B.M. Mognetti, L. Yelash, P. Virnau, W. Paul, K. Binder, M. Müller, L. G. MacDowell “Efficient prediction of thermodynamics properties of quadrupolar fluids from simulation of a coarse-grained model. The case of carbon dioxide” J. Chem. Phys. 128, 104501 (2008), 1-13.
      916. K. Binder, S. K. Das, J. Horbach, S. Puri, “Simulation of surface-controlled phase separation in slit pores: Diffusive Ginzburg-Landau Kinetics versus Molecular Dynamics” Computer Phys. Commun. 179 (2008) 1-7.
      917. K. Binder “Modelling of Wetting in Restricted Geometries” Annual Reviews of Materials Science 38 (2008) 123-142.
      918. A. Kerrache, A. Carré, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulation of Multicomponent Liquids: From Effective Potentials to Crystallization from the Melt” NIC Symposium 2008, 20-21 Febr. 2008, Jülich, Germany, Proceedings (G. Münster, D. Wolf, M. Kremer, Eds.) NIC Jülich, 2008, p. 205-212.
      919. K. Binder, J. Horbach, M. Hawlitzky “Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Glassforming Network Fluids” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1048E, Z. 9.1, pp.1-9
      920. D. I. Dimitrov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Forced Imbibition – a Tool for Determining Laplace Pressure and Drag Force, in Capillary Filling Experiments” PCCP 10, 1867-1869 (2008)
      921. A. Kerrache, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulation of Crystal Growth and Melting in Al50Ni50” EPL 81 (2008) 58001, p. 1  6.
      922. W. Paul, F. Rampf, T. Strauch, K. Binder “Phase transitions in a single polymer chain: A micro-canonical analysis of Wang-Landau simulations” Computer Physics Commun. 179, 17-20 (2008)
      923. K. Binder, W. Paul “Recent Developments in Monte Carlo Simulations of Lattice Models for Polymer Systems”  Macromolecules 41, 4537-4550 (2008)
      924. K. Binder, W. Paul, P. Virnau, L. Yelash, M. Müller, L. G. MacDowell “From atomistic modelling of macromolecules towards equation of state for polymer solutions and melts: How important is the accurate description of the local structure?” In G. Voth (ed.) Coarse-graining of Condensed Phase and Biomolecular Systems (Taylor & Francis, 2008) pp. 399-414.
      925. Y.-H. Chui, S. Sengupta, K. Binder “Soliton Staircases and Standing Strain Waves in Confined Colloidal Crystals” EPL 83 (2008) 58004, p.1 - p.6
      926. A. Milchev, D. I. Dimitrov, K. Binder “Excess free energy of nanoparticles in a polymer brush” Polymer 49, 3611-3618 (2008)
      927. B. M. Mognetti, M. Oettel, L. Yelash, P. Virnau, W. Paul, K. Binder “Spherically averaged versus angle-dependent interactions in quadrupolar fluids” Phys. Rev. E77, 041506 (2008), 1-12.
      928. K. Binder, A. Muramatsu “Condensed Matter: From the Schrödinger Equation of Many Electrons and Nuclei to Fluid Flow” NIC Symposium 2008, 20-21 Febr. 2008, Jülich, Germany, Proceedings, p. 193-195.
      929. A. Cavallo, M. Müller, K. Binder “Monte Carlo simulation of a homopolymer-copolymer mixture interacting with a surface: bulk versus surface micelles and brush formation” Macromolecules 41, 4937-4944 (2008)
      930. K. Binder, J. Horbach, R. Vink, A. De Virgiliis “Confinement Effects on Phase Behavior of
        Soft Matter Systems” Soft Matter 4 (2008) 1555-1568
      931. M. Hawlitzky, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Simulations of Glassforming Network Fluids: Classical Molecular Dynamics versus Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics” in Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter XXI (D.P. Landau, S.P. Lewis, H.-B. Schüttler, eds.) Physics Procedia 6, 7-11 (2010)
      932. M. Hawlitzky, J. Horbach, S. Ispas, M. Krack, K. Binder “Comparative classical and “ab initio” Molecular Dynamics study of molten and glassy germanium dioxide” J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 20 (2008) 285106 (15 pp)
      933. L. I. Klushin, A. M. Skvortsov, H.-P. Hsu, K. Binder “Dragging a polymer chain into a nanotube and subsequent release” Macromolecules 41 (2008) 5890-5898
      934. D. I. Dimitrov, A. Milchev, K. Binder, L. I. Klushin, A. M. Skvortsov “Universal properties of a single polymer chain in a slit: Scaling versus MD simulations” J. Chem. Phys. 128 (2008) 234902, 1-11
      935. S. Jungblut, K. Binder, T. Schilling “Suspensions of rod-like colloids and a depleting agent under confinement” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 404223 (2008), 1-6
      936. K. Franzrahe, P. Nielaba, A. Ricci, K. Binder, S. Sengupta, P. Keim, G. Maret “Field-induced ordering phenomena and non-local elastic compliance in two dimensional colloidal crystals”
        J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 404218 (2008), 1-9.
      937. K. Bucior, L. Yelash, K. Binder “Phase separation of an asymmetric binary fluid mixture confined in a nanoscopic slit pore: Molecular Dynamics Simulation” Phys. Rev. E77, 015602 (2008), p. 1 - 11.
      938. R. L. C. Vink, K. Binder, H. Löwen “Colloid-polymer mixtures in random porous media: Finite size scaling and connected versus disconnected susceptibilities” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 404222 (2008), 1-14.
      939. L. Yelash, P. Virnau, W. Paul, K. Binder, M. Müller “Spinodal decomposition of polymer solutions: A parallelized molecular dynamics simulation” Phys. Rev. E 78, 031801 (2008), 1-9.
      940. S. K. Das, A. Kerrache, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Phase behaviour and microscopic transport processes in binary metallic alloys: Computer Simulations Studies”, in Phase Transformations in Multicomponent Melts /(D. M. Herlach, ed.) Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2008) p. 141-156
      941. S. Jungblut, K. Binder, T. Schilling “Isotropic-isotropic phase separation in mixtures of rods and spheres: Some aspects of Monte-Carlo simulation in the grand canonical ensemble” Computer Phys. Commun. 179 (2008) 13-16
      942. B. M. Mognetti, P. Virnau, L. Yelash, W. Paul, K. Binder, M. Müller, L. G. MacDowell “Coarse-grained models for fluids and their mixtures: Comparison of Monte Carlo studies of their phase behavior with perturbation theory and experiment” J. Chem. Phys. 130, 044101 (2009), 1-17.
      943. C. Pastorino, K. Binder, M. Müller “Coarse-grained description of a brush-melt interface in equilibrium and under flow” Macromolecules 42, 401-419 (2009)
      944. K. Binder, W. Paul, T. Strauch, F. Rampf, V. Ivanov, J. Luettmer-Strathmann: “Phase transitions of single polymer chains and of polymer solutions: Insights from Monte Carlo simulations” Invited paper at the 7th Liquid Matter Conference, Lund, Sweden, June 26- July 1st, 2008; J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 20 (2008) 494215, p. 1 - 8
      945. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder: “Structure of bottle-brush polymers in solution: A Monte Carlo test of models for the scattering function” J. Chem. Phys. 129, 204904 (2008), 1-11.
      946. W. Rzysko, K. Binder “Phase behaviour of heteronuclear dimers in three-dimensional systems: A Monte Carlo study” J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 20, 415101 (2008), 1-9.
      947. V. A. Ivanov, J. A. Martemyanova, M. Müller, W. Paul, K. Binder: “Conformational Changes of a Single Semiflexible Macromolecule near an Adsorbing Surface: A Monte Carlo Simulation” J. Phys. Chem. B 113, 3653-3668 (2009)
      948. D. I. Dimitrov, L. I. Klushin, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Flow and Transport in Brush-Coated Capillaries – A Molecular Dynamics Simulation” Physics of Fluids 20, 092102 (2008) 1-8.
      949. H.-P. Hsu, K. Binder, L.I. Klushin, A.M. Skvortsov “Escape transition of polymer chain from a nanotube: how to avoid spurious results by use of the force-biased pruned-enriched Rosenbluth algorithm” Phys. Rev. E78, 041803 (2008), p. 1 – 11
      950. A. De Virgiliis, R.L.C. Vink, J. Horbach, K. Binder “From capillary condensation to interface localization transitions in colloid polymer mixtures confined in thin film geometry” Phys. Rev. E 78, 041604 (2008) 1-13.
      951. B.M. Mognetti, L.G. MacDowell, M. Müller, W. Paul, P. Virnau, L. Yelash, K. Binder “Coarse-graining dipolar interactions in simple fluids and polymer solutions: Monte Carlo studies of the phase behavior” PCCP 11 (2009) 1923 - 1933
      952. K. Binder “Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulations of Polymers” in Modeling and Simulation of New Materials, Tenth Granada Lectures, Granada, Spain, 15–19. Sept. 2008, P.L. Garrido, P. I. Hurtado, and J. Marro, Eds., AIP Conf. Proc. 1091, 55-78 (2009)
      953. S.K. Das, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Kinetics of Phase Separation in Thin Films: Lattice versus Continuum Models for Solid Binary Mixtures” Phys. Rev. E 79, 021602 (2009), 1-13.
      954. J. Zausch, P. Virnau, K. Binder, J. Horbach, R. L. Vink “Statics and Dynamics of Colloid-Polymer Mixtures Near Their Critical Point of Phase Separation: A Computer Simulation Study of a Continuous AO Model” J. Chem. Phys. 130, 064906 (2009), 1-13.
      955. S. Chibbaro, L. Biferale, F. Diotallevi, S. Succi, K. Binder, D. Dimitrov, A. Milchev, S. Girardo, D. Pisignano “Evidence of thin-film precursors formation in hydrokinetic and atomistic simulations of nano-channel capillary filling” EPL 84 (2008) 44003, p. 1 – p. 5.
      956. K. Bucior, L. Yelash, K. Binder “Molecular Dynamics simulation of evaporation processes of fluid bridges confined in slit-like pore” Phys. Rev. E79 (2009) 031604, 1-12
      957. E.V. Albano, K. Binder “Phase coexistence in nanoscopically thin films confined by asymmetric walls” J. Stat. Phys. 135 (2009) 991-1008
      958. Y.H. Chui, S. Sengupta, I. K. Snook, K. Binder “The observation of formation and annihilation of solitons and standing strain wave superstructures in a two-dimensional colloidal crystal”, J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010) 074701, p. 1-8.
      959. D. I. Dimitrov, L. I. Klushin, A. Skvortsov, A. Milchev, K. Binder, “The escape transition of a polymer: A unique case of nonequivalence between statistical ensembles” Eur. Phys. J. E29, 9-25 (2009)
      960. B. M. Mognetti, M. Oettel, P. Virnau, L. Yelash, K. Binder “Structure and pair correlations of a simple coarse-grained model for supercritical carbon dioxide” Molecular Physics 107, 331-341 (2009)
      961. D. I. Dimitrov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Capillary Rise in Nanotubes Coated with Polymer Brushes” in Interdisciplinary Transport Phenomena V, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1161, 537-548 (2009)
      962. K. Binder, S. K. Das, J. Horbach “Surface-Directed Spinodal Decomposition: Lattice Model versus Ginzburg Landau Theory” Mod. Phys. Lett. B23, 549-565 (2009)
      963. J. Yaneva, D.I. Dimitrov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Nanoinclusions in Polymer Brushes with Explicit Solvent – a Molecular Dynamics investigation” J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 336 (2009) 51-58
      964. P. Virnau, K. Binder, H. Heinz, T. Kreer, M. Müller “Molecular Simulation and Thermodynamics of Polymer Blends and Melts” in Encyclopedia of Polymer Blends (A. I. Isayev, ed.) Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2010) Vol. 1, Fundamentals, pp. 1-44
      965. M. Schrader, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Simulation of Vapor-Liquid Coexistence in Finite Volumes: A Method to Compute the Surface Free Energy of Droplets” Phys. Rev. E79 (2009) 061104, 1-12
      966. D. Winter, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Heterogeneous Nucleation at a Wall Near a Wetting Transition: Monte Carlo Test of the Classical Theory” J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 21 (2009) 464118, 1-15.
      967. T. Zykova-Timan, R. Rozas, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Computer Simulation Studies of Finite-Size Broadening of Solid-Liquid interfaces: From hard spheres to nickel” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 464102 (9pp) (2009)
      968. M.P. Taylor, W. Paul, K. Binder “All-or-none protein-like folding transition of a flexible homopolymer chain” Phys. Rev. E79, 050801 (R), p. 1-4 (2009)
      969. K. Binder, D. W. Heermann “Monte Carlo Methods for the Sampling of Free Energy Landscapes”, Chapter 6 of Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics: An Introduction, 5th ed. (Springer, Berlin 2010)
      970. S. Chibarro, L. Biferale, K. Binder, D. Dimitrov, F. Diotallevi, A. Milchev, S. Succi „Hydrokinetic simulations of nanoscopic precursor films in rough channels“ J. Stat. Mech.: Theory and Expt. (2009) p 06007
      971. K. Binder, Y.-H. Chui, P. Nielaba, A. Ricci, S. Sengupta „Confined Crystals on Substrates: Order and Fluctuations in Between One and Two Dimensions” in Nanophenomena at Surfaces: Fundamentals of Exotic condensed Matter Properties (M. Michailow, Ed.) p. 1-18, (Springer, Berlin, 2011)
      972. K. Binder, B. M. Mognetti, L. G. MacDowell, M. Oettel, W. Paul, P. Virnau, L. Yelash “Towards the Quantitative Prediction of the Phase Behavior of Polymer Solutions by Computer Simulation” Macromol. Symp. 278, 1-9 (2009)
      973. D. Winter, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Test of the classical theory for heterogeneous nucleation barriers” Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 225703, pp. 1-4
      974. M. Schrader, P. Virnau, D. Winter, T. Zykova-Timan, K. Binder “Methods to extract interfacial free energy of flat and curved interfaces from computer simulations” EPJ Special Topics 177, 103-127 (2009)
      975. A. Bhattacharya, W. H. Morrison, K. Luo, T. Ala-Nissila, S.-C. Ying, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Scaling Exponents of Forced Polymer Translocation through a nano-pore” Euro. Phys. J. E. 29, 423-429 (2009)
      976. F. Varnik, K. Binder “Multiscale modelling of polymers at interfaces” Int. J. Materials Research 100 (2009) 1494-1502
      977. M. P. Taylor, W. Paul, K. Binder “Phase transitions of a single polymer chain: A Wang-Landau simulation study” J. Chem. Phys. 131 (2009) 114907,1-9.
      978. H.-P. Hsu, K. Binder, W. Paul „How to Define Variation of Physical Properties Normal to an Undulating One-Dimensional Object“ Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 198301 (2009), pp. 1-4.
      979. P. E. Theodorakis, W. Paul, K. Binder „Microphase separation in bottlebrush polymers under poor solvent conditions“ Europhys. Letters 88 (2009) 63002, pp. 1-6
      980. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder « The Molecular Bottle-Brush Controversy » InSIDE 7, No 2, p. 30 – 35 (2009)
      981. K. Binder, B. Mognetti, W. Paul, P. Virnau, L. Yelash „Computer Simulations and Coarse-Grained Molecular Models Predicting the Equation of State of Polymer Solutions“ Adv. Polym. Sci. 238 (2011) 329-387.
      982. D. P. Landau, K. Binder “A Guide to Monte-Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics, 3rd edition” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009 (471 pages)
      983. R. A. L. Vallée, W. Paul, K. Binder “Probe molecules in polymer melts near the glass transition: A Molecular dynamics study of chain length effects” J. Chem. Phys. 132, 034901 (2010), 1-9
      984. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, S. Rathgeber, K. Binder “Characteristic Length Scales and Radial Monomer Density Profiles of Molecular Bottle-Brushes: Simulation and Experiment” Macromolecules 43 (2010), 1592-1601.
      985. J. Zausch, J. Horbach, P. Virnau, K. Binder “A combined molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo study of the approach towards phase separation in colloid-polymer mixtures” J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 22 (2010) 104120, p.1-11.
      986. K. Binder, S. Puri, S.K. Das, J. Horbach “Phase Separation in Confined Geometries” J. Stat. Phys. 138, 51-84 (2010)
      987. P. E. Theodorakis, W. Paul, K. Binder “Diagram of States of Bottlebrush Polymers under poor Solvent Conditions” ACS Polymer Preprints 51 (2011) 452-453
      988. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, P. E. Theodorakis, K. Binder “Phase Transitions and Relaxation Processes
        in Macromolecular Systems: The case of Bottle-brush Polymers” NIC–Symposium 2010, Proceedings, edited by G. Münster, D. Wolf, M. Kremer (FZ Jülich, 2010) pp. 263-270.
      989. Y.-H. Chui, S. Sengupta, I. K. Snook, K. Binder “Effective interactions and melting of a one-dimensional defect lattice within a two-dimensional confined colloidal solid”, Phys. Rev. E 81 (2010), 020403 (R), p. 1-4.
      990. S. Sengupta, P. Nielaba, M. Rao, K. Binder, “Reply to Comment on ‘Elastic constants from
        microscopic strain fluctuations’”” Phys. Rev. E81 (2010) 013102
      991. R. Wang, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Conformational properties of polymer mushrooms under spherical and cylindrical confinement” Macromol. Theory Simul. 2010, 19, 258-268.
      992. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder “Standard Definitions of Persistence Length Do Not Describe the Local „Intrinsic“ Stiffness of Real Polymer Chains“ Macromolecules 43 (2010) 3094-3102.
      993. L. Spirin, A. Galuschko, T. Kreer, A. Johner, J. Baschnagel, K. Binder „Polymer-brush lubrication in the limit of strong compression“ Europ. Phys. J. E33, 307-311 (2010).
      994. K. Binder, A. Muramatsu: “Condensed Matter: From deep-quantum to classical many-body systems” In NIC-Symposium 2010, Proceedings, 24-25 Febr. 2010, Jülich, Germany; edited by G. Münster, D. Wolff, M. Kremer (FZ Jülich 2010), pp. 215-217
      995. A. Milchev, D. I. Dimitrov, K. Binder “Molecular Dynamics Study of Polymer Brushes with Nanoinclusions Under Shear” Biomicrofluidics 4 (2010) 032202, p. 1-8
      996. P. E. Theodorakis, W. Paul, K. Binder “Interplay between Chain Collapse and Microphase Separation in Bottle-Brush Polymers with Two Types of Side Chains” Macromolecules 43 (2010) 5137-5148
      997. D. I. Dimitrov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Method for Wettability Characterization Based on Contact Line Pinning” Phys. Rev. E81, 041603 (2010), 1-6
      998. T. Zykova-Timan, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Monte Carlo simulation of the solid-liquid transition in hard spheres and colloid-polymer mixtures” J. Chem. Phys. 133, 014705 (2010), 1-10.
      999. A. Milchev, L. Klushin, A. Skvortsov, K. Binder “Ejection of a Polymer Chain from a
        Nanopore: Theory & Computer Experiment”, Macromolecules 43 (2010) 6877-6885
      1000. L. Yelash, P. Virnau, K. Binder, W. Paul “A slow process in polymer composites: layer exchange dynamics at a polymer solid interface”, Phys. Rev. E82 (2010), 050801 (R) 1-4
      1001. A. Bhattacharya, K. Binder: “Out of Equilibrium Characteristics of a Forced Translocating Chain Through a Nanopore” Phys. Rev. E81, 041804 (2010), 1-10.
      1002. K. Binder “Computer simulations of critical phenomena and phase behaviour of fluids” Molecular Physics 108, 1797-1815 (2010)
      1003. F. LoVerso, S. A. Egorov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Spherical Polymer Brushes Under Good Solvent Conditions: Molecular Dynamics Results Compared to Density Functional Theory” J. Chem. Phys. 133, 184901 (2010), 1-10.
      1004. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulations in Polymer Science” in Comprehensive Polymer Science, 2nd Ed., Vol. 1 (A. Khokhlov and F. Kremer, Eds.). Elsevier Science, Amsterdam (2012)
        Chapter 1.17, p. 461-474.
      1005. D. Wilms, A. Winkler, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Rounding of Phase Transitions in Cylindrical Pores”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 045701 (2010), 1-4.
      1006. M. P. Taylor, W. Paul, K. Binder “Two-state protein-like folding of a homopolymer chain” in Physics Procedia, Vol. 4, Recent Developments in Computer simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics, edited by D. P. Landau, S. P. Lewis and H,.-B. Schüttler (Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2010) 151-160
      1007. A. Winkler, D. Wilms, P. Virnau, K. Binder „Capillary Condensation in Cylindrical Pores: Monte Carlo Study of the Interplay of Surface and Finite Size Effects“ J. Chem. Phys. 133, 164702 (2010) p. 1-15
      1008. D. Winter, P. Virnau, J. Horbach, K. Binder „Finite-Size Scaling Analysis of the Two-Dimensional Ising Model Under Shear“ EPL 91, 60002 (2010), 1-6.
      1009. P. E. Theodorakis, W. Paul, K. Binder „Pearl-Necklace Structures of Molecular Brushes with Rigid Backbone under Poor Solvent Conditions: A Simulation Study“, J. Chem. Phys. 133 (2010) 104901, 1-9.
      1010. B. J. Block, S. K. Das, M. Oettel, P. Virnau, K. Binder: „Curvature Dependence of Surface Free Energy of Liquid Drops and Bubbles: A Simulation Study“ J. Chem. Phys. 135, 154702 (2010) p. 1-12
      1011. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder “Conformational studies of bottle-brush polymers adsorbed on a flat solid surface” J. Chem. Phys. 133, 134902 (2010), p. 1-14
      1012. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder “Polymer Chain Stiffness versus Excluded Volume: A Monte Carlo Study of the Crossover towards the Wormlike Chain Model” EPL 92 (2010) 28003, 1-6.
      1013. R. A. L. Vallée, W. Paul, K. Binder “Single molecules probe the freezing of polymer melts: A Molecular Dynamics study for various molecule-chain linkages” Macromolecules 43 (2010) 10714-10721
      1014. K. Binder, S. K. Das “Computer Simulations of Phase Diagrams, Critical Phenomena and Interfacial Properties of Fluids” in Condensed Matter Physics.Proceedings of the IV Mexican Meeting on Mathematical and Experimental Physics, edited by M. Martinez-Mares and J.A. Moreno-Razo, AIP Conf. Proc. 1319 (2010) 124-140.
      1015. R. L. C. Vink, T. Fischer, K. Binder „Finite size scaling in Ising-like systems with quenched random fields: evidence of hyperscaling violation“ Phys. Rev. E82 (2010) 051134, 1-17.
      1016. A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, K. Binder “Absorption/expulsion of oligomers and linear macromolecules in a polymer brush” J. Chem. Phys. 132, 184905 (2010), 1-11.
      1017. S.K. Das, K. Binder: “Does Young’s equation hold on the nanoscale? A Monte Carlo test for the binary Lennard-Jones fluid” EPL 92 (2010) 26006, 1-6.
      1018. K. Binder, P. Virnau, D. Wilms, A. Winkler „Spurious Character of Singularities Associated with Phase Transitions in Cylindrical Pores“ EPJ ST 197 (2011) 227-241.
      1019. I. Erukhimovich, P. E. Theodorakis, W. Paul, K. Binder “Mesophase Formation in Two-Component Cylindrical Bottle-Brush Polymers” J. Chem. Phys. 134 (2011) 054906, 1-22
      1020. S. K. Das, K. Binder “Simulation of Binary Fluids Exposed to Selectively Adsorbing Walls: A Method to Estimate Contact Angles and Line Tensions” Molec. Phys. 109, 1043-1056 (2011)
      1021. S. Medina Hernando, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Confined Binary Two-Dimensional Colloid Crystals: Monte Carlo Simulation of Crack Formation” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011) 035105, 1-12
      1022. D. Wilms, A. Winkler, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Monte Carlo simulations of the 2d-Ising model in the geometry of a long stripe” Computer Physics Communications 142 (2011) 1892-1895
      1023. L. Pang, D. P. Landau, K. Binder “Simulation evidence for nonlocal interface models: Two correlation lengths describe complete wetting” Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 236102 (4 pages) 2011
      1024. Hsiao-Ping Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder “Understanding the multiple length scales describing the structure of bottle-brush polymers by Monte Carlo simulation methods” Macromol. Theory and Simulations 20 (2011) 510-525
      1025. K. Binder, T. Kreer, A. Milchev ²Polymer brushes under flow and in other out-of-equilibrium conditions“ Soft Matter 7 (2011) 7159-7172
      1026. S. A. Egorov, A. Milchev, L. Klushin, K. Binder “Structural properties of concave cylindrical brushes interacting with free chains” Soft Matter 7 (2011) 5669-5676
      1027. L. Spirin, A. Galuschko, T. Kreer, K. Binder, J. Baschnagel, „Polymer-brush lubricated surfaces with colloidal inclusions under shear inversion“ Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 168301 (2011), p. 1-4.
      1028. K. Binder, B. Block, S. K. Das, P. Virnau, D. Winter „Monte Carlo methods for estimating interfacial free energies and line tensions“ J. Stat. Phys. 144 (2011) 690-729
      1029. D. Deb, A. Winkler, M. H; Yamani, M. Oettel, P. Virnau, K. Binder „Hard sphere fluids confined between soft repulsive walls: A comparative study using Monte Carlo and density functional methods“ J. Chem. Phys. 134 (2011) 217406, p.1-9
      1030. P. E. Theodorakis, W. Paul, K. Binder „Analysis of the cluster formation in two-component cylindrical bottle-brush polymers under poor solvent conditions: A simulation study“ Europ. Phys. J. E 34, 52 (2011) p. 1-12.
      1031. D. Reith, A. Milchev, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Anomalous Structure and Scaling of Ring Polymer Brushes” EPL 95 (2011) 28003, p. 1-6.
      1032. K. Binder, M. Müller, R. L. C. Vink „Phase behavior of polymer-containing systems: recent advances by computer simulation“ Macromol. Theory Simul. 20 (2011) 600-613.
      1033. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder „Structure of bottle brush polymers on surfaces: Weak versus strong adsorption“ J. Phys. Chem. B 115 (2011), 14116-14126
      1034. K. Binder, W. Kob, “Glassy Materials and Disordered Solids. An Introduction to Their Statistical Mechanics“ Revised Edition (World Scientific, Singapore, 2011) pp. 1-547.
      1035. V.A. Ivanov, A.S. Rodionova, E.A. An, J.A, Martemyanova, M.R. Stukan, M. Müller, W. Paul, K. Binder “Orientational Ordering Transitions of Semiflexible Polymers in Thin Film. A Monte Carlo Simulation” Phys. Rev. E 84, 041810 (2011), 1-15
      1036. F. LoVerso, L. Yelash, S. A. Egorov, K. Binder “Interactions Between Polymer Brush-Coated Spherical Nanoparticles: The Good Solvent Case” J. Chem. Phys. 135, 214902 (2011), p. 1-10
      1037. L. Pang, D. P. Landau, K. Binder „Phase Transitions in Thin Films with Competing Surface Fields and Gradients“ Phys. Rev. E 84, 041603 (2011), 1-8
      1038. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder „Breakdown of the Kratky-Porod Wormlike Chain Model for Semiflexible Polymers in Two Dimensions“ ‘EPL 95 (2011) 68004, pp. 1-5
      1039. S. K. Das, K. Binder “Thermodynamic Properties of a Symmetrical Binary Mixture in the Coexistence Region” Phys. Rev. E 84, 061607 (2011), 1-10
      1040. A. M. Skvortsov, L. I. Klushin, A. A. Polotsky, K. Binder “Mechanical Desorption of a Single Chain: Unusual aspects of phase coexistence at a First Order Transition” Phys. Rev. E85, 031803 (2012), p. 1-16
      1041. D. Winter, J. Horbach, P. Virnau, and K. Binder „Active non-linear rheology in a glass-forming Yukawa fluid“ Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 028303 (2012), 1-5
      1042. F. LoVerso, L. Yelash, K. Binder, S. A. Egorov “Effect of the solvent quality on the structural rearrangement of spherical polymer brushes: Coarse-grained models.” Soft Matter 8 (2012)
      1043. L. Yelash, P. Virnau, K. Binder, W. Paul „Three-step decay of time correlations at polymer solid interfaces“ EPL 98, 28006 (2012), 1-5.
      1044. S. K. Das, K. Binder, “Universal critical behavior of curvature dependent interfacial tension”
        Phys. Rev. Letters 107, 235702 (2011), 1-4
      1045. D. Deb, D. Wilms, A. Winkler, P. Virnau, K. Binder „Monte Carlo Simulation Studies of Interfacial Free Energies in Colloidal Dispersions“ NIC Symposium 2012 (K. Binder, G. Münster, M. Kremer (eds)) p. 235 – 242 (NIC, Jülich 2012)
      1046. A. Tröster, M. Oettel, B. Block, P. Virnau, K. Binder „Numerical Approaches to Determine the Interface Tension of Curved Interfaces from Free Energy Calculations“ J. Chem. Phys. 136,
        064709 (2012), 1-16.
      1047. D. Deb, D. Wilms, A. Winkler, P. Virnau, K. Binder „Methods to compute pressure and wall tension in fluids containing hard particles“ Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 23, 1240011 (2012), 1-13
      1048. W. Paul, L. Yelash, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Structure and Dynamics at Polymer-Solid Interfaces: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation of 1,4-Polybutadiene at Graphite” NIC Symposium 2012 (K. Binder, G. Münster, M. Kremer, eds) p. 285 – 292 (NIC, Jülich, 2012)
      1049. K. Binder “Discussion Notes on “Thoughts on some outstanding issues in the physics of equilibrium wetting and conceptual understanding of contact lines”, by K. Sefiane”, Eur. Phys. J. ST 197 (2011) 161-162.
      1050. A. Tröster, K. Binder “Positive Tolman Length in a Lattice Gas with Three-Body Interactions” Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 265701 (2011), 1-4
      1051. H.-P. Hsu, K. Binder “Stretching semiflexible polymer chains: Evidence for the importance of excluded volume effects from Monte Carlo simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 136, 024901 (2012), 1-20
      1052. D. Reith, K. Bucior, L. Yelash, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Spinodal decomposition of polymer solutions: Molecular Dynamics simulations of the two-dimensional case” J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 24 (2012) 115102, p. 1-15.
      1053. P. K. Jaiswal, K. Binder, S. Puri „Phase separation of binary mixtures in thin films: Effects of an initial concentration gradient across the film“  Phys. Rev. E85, 041602 (2012), 1-6.
      1054. P.E. Theodorakis, H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder “Computer simulation of bottle-brush polymers with flexible backbone: Good solvent versus theta conditions” J. Chem. Phys. 135, 164903 (2011), 1-13
      1055. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Kinetics of Polymer Ejection From Capsid Confinement: Scaling Considerations and Computer Experiment” Int. J. Mod. Phys. C. 23 (2012) 1240005, 1-11.
      1056. A. Tröster, K. Binder “Microcanonical Determination of the Interface Tension of Flat and Curved Interfaces from Monte Carlo simulations” J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 24 (2012) 284107
      1057. R. Wang, S.A. Egorov, A. Milchev, K. Binder „Stretching of free chains confined in concave brush-coated nanocylinders’’ Macromolecules 2012, 45, 2580-2587
      1058. D. Reith, A. Milchev, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Computer Simulations of Chain Dynamics in Polymer Brushes’’ Macromolecules 45, 4381-4393 (2012)
      1059. K. Binder, G. Münster, M. Kremer (Eds.) NIC Symposium 2012, 25 years HLRZ (NIC, 7-8 February 2012) Jülich, Germany Proceedings (NIC Scientific Council, Jülich 2012)
      1060. E.V. Albano, K. Binder “Wetting transition in the Two-Dimensional Blume-Capel Model: A Monte Carlo Study” Physical Review E85 (2012), 061601, p. 1-14.
      1061. D. Deb, A. Winkler, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Simulation of fluid-solid coexistence in finite volumes: A method to study the properties of wall-attached crystalline nuclei” J. Chem. Phys. 136 (2012) 134710, p. 1-14.
      1062. D. Wilms, N.B. Wilding, K. Binder “Transitions between imperfectly ordered crystalline structures: A phase switch Monte Carlo study” Phys. Rev. E85, 056703 (2012), 1-15.
      1063. D. Wilms, P. Virnau, S. Sengupta, K. Binder “Langevin Dynamics simulations of a 2-dimensional colloidal crystal under confinement and shear” Phys. Rev. E85, 061406 (2012),
      1064. D. Wilms, S. Deutschländer, U. Siems, K. Franzrahe, P. Henseler, P. Keim, N. Schwierz, P. Virnau, K. Binder, G. Maret, P. Nielaba “Effects of Confinement and External Fields on Structure and Transport in Colloidal Dispersions in Reduced Dimensionality” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 464119 (2012), 1-13.
      1065. A. Statt, A. Winkler, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Controlling the wetting properties of the AO model and applications to spherical confinement” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 464122 (2012) 1-8.
      1066. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Semiflexible Polymer Grafted to a Solid Planar Substrate: Changing the Structure from Polymer Brush to “Polymer Bristle” ”J. Chem. Phys. 136, 194901 (2012) 1-8.
      1067. E. V. Albano, K. Binder, “Finite-Size Scaling Approach for Critical Wetting: Rationalization in Terms of a Bulk Transition with an Order Parameter Exponent Equal to Zero” Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 036101 (2012)
      1068. K. Binder, A. Milchev “Polymer Brushes on Flat and Curved Surfaces: How Computer Simulations Can Help to Test Theories and to Interpret Experiments” J. Polymer Sci. B, Polymer Physics 2012, 50, 1515-1555
      1069. P.K. Jaiswal, K. Binder, S. Puri “Formation of Metastable Structures by Phase Separation Triggered by Initial Composition Gradients in Thin Films”, J. Chem. 137 (2012) 064704, 1-15.
      1070. S.A. Egorov, K. Binder “Effect of Solvent Quality on the Dispersibility of Polymer-Grafted Spherical Nanoparticles in Polymer Solutions” J. Chem. Phys. 137, 094901 (2012), 1-8
      1071. A. Winkler, P. Virnau, K. Binder, R.G. Winkler, G. Gompper, “Confinement-Induced Screening of Hydrodynamic Interactions and Spinodal Decomposition: Multiscale Simulations of Colloid-Polymer Mixtures” EPL 100, 16003 (2012), 1-6.
      1072. F. LoVerso, S.A. Egorov, K. Binder “Interaction Between Polymer Brush-Coated Spherical Nanoparticles: Effect of Solvent Quality” Macromolecules 45, 8892-8902 (2012)
      1073. K. Binder, B.J. Block, P. Virnau, A. Tröster “Beyond the van der Waals Loop: What can be Learned from Simulating Lennard-Jones Fluids Inside the Region of Phase Coexistence” Amer. J. Phys. 80, 1099-1109 (2012)
      1074. A. Winkler, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Spinodal Decomposition Kinetics of Colloid-Polymer Mixtures Including Hydrodynamic Interactions”, in High-Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, ’12 (W. Nagel et al., eds.) Springer, Berlin, 2013, 29-38.
      1075. D. Wilms, P. Virnau, I.K. Snook, K. Binder “Motion, Relaxation Dynamics and Diffusion Processes in Two-Dimensional Colloidal Crystals Confined between Walls” Phys. Rev. E86, 051404, (2012), 1-14.
      1076. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder „Scattering function of semiflexible polymer chains under good solvent conditions” J. Chem. Phys. 137 (2012) 174902, 1-19.
      1077. A. Winkler, P. Virnau, K. Binder, R.G. Winkler, G. Gompper “Hydrodynamic Mechanisms of Spinodal Decomposition in Confined Colloid-Polymer Mixtures: A Multiparticle Collision Dynamics Study” J. Chem. Phys. 138, 054901 (2013), 1-14.
      1078. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder “Estimation of Persistence Lengths of Semiflexible Polymers: Insight from Simulations” Polymer Science C (Russia) 55 (2013), 39-55.
      1079. M.P. Taylor, W. Paul, K. Binder “Applications of the Wang-Landau algorithm to phase transitions of a single polymer chain” Polymer Science C (Russia) 55 (2013), 23-38.
      1080. K. Binder “Monte Carlo Methods”, in M. Grinfeld (ed.) Mathematical Tools for Physicists,
        2nd ed. (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2015) p. 39-71.
      1081. A. Winkler, A. Statt, P. Virnau, K. Binder „Phase transitions and phase equilibrium in spherical confinement“ Phys. Rev. E 87 (2013) 032307, 1-13.
      1082. L.I. Klushin, A.A. Polotsky, H.-P. Hsu, D.A. Markelov, K. Binder, A.M. Skvortsov „Adsorption of a Single Polymer Chain on a Surface: Effects of the Potential Range” Phys. Rev. E 87, 022604 (2013). 1-15.
      1083. H.-P. Hsu, K. Binder “Effect of Chain Stiffness on the Adsorption Transition of Polymers” Macromolecules 46, 2496-2515 (2013)
      1084. A. Winkler, P. Virnau, K. Binder, R. G. Winkler, G. Gompper „Phase Separation in Colloidal Suspensions by Collective Growth of Domains“ INSIDE 11, No 1 (2013) p. 30-35.
      1085. K. Binder, W. Paul, M. Solar, P. Virnau, L. Yelash „Structure and Dynamics at a Polymer-Solid Interface“ INSIDE (Innovative Supercomputing in Deutschland) 11, No 1 (2013) p. 36-41.
      1086. F. LoVerso, L. Yelash, K. Binder “Dynamics of macromolecules grafted in spherical brushes under good solvent conditions” Macromolecules 2013, 46 (11), pp 4716 – 4722.
      1087. D. Wilms, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Stick-slip motion and plastic flow of a two-dimensional colloidal crystal confined between moving corrugated rigid boundaries” Molecular Physics 12, 2013; 111 (22-23) 3418-3429.
      1088. V. A. Ivanov, A. S. Rodionova, J. A. Martemyanova, M. R. Stukan, M. Müller, W. Paul, K. Binder “Wall-Induced Orientational Order in Athermal Semidilute Solutions of Semiflexible Polymers: Monte Carlo Simulations of a Lattice Model” J. Chem. Phys. 138 (2013) 234903, 1-10
      1089. F. Schmitz, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Monte Carlo tests of nucleation concepts in the lattice gas model” Phys. Rev. E 87, 053302 (2013), 1-15.
      1090. S.K. Das, S. Egorov, B. Trefz, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Phase Behavior of Active Swimmers in Depletants: Molecular Dynamics and Integral Equation Theory” Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (2014) 198301, 1-5.
      1091. H.-P. Hsu, K. Binder “Semi-flexible polymer chains in quasi one-dimensional confinement: A Monte Carlo Study on the Square Lattice” Soft Matter 9, 10512–10521 (2013)
      1092. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Bending or Buckling: Compression-Induced Phase Transition in a Semi-Flexible Brush” EPL 102 (2013) 58003, 1-6.
      1093. J. Paturej, A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, K. Binder “Star Polymers confined in a Nanoslit: A Simulation Test of Scaling and Self-Consistent Field Theories” Soft Matter 9, 10522 (2013).
      1094. P. Bryk, K. Binder “Non mean-field behavior of critical wetting transition for short-range forces” Phys. Rev. E86, (2013) 030401 (R), 1-4.
      1095. P.K. Jaiswal, S. Puri, K. Binder “Phase Separation in Thin Films: Effect of Temperature Gradients” EPL 103 (2013) 66003, 1-6.
      1096. A.M. Skvortsov, L.I. Klushin, A.A. Polotsky, K. Binder “Can one Detach a Fully Adsorbed Chain by an Ultra-Small External Force?” EPL 104 (2013) 18009, 1-5.
      1097. H.-P. Hsu, K. Binder “Semiflexible macromolecules with discrete bond angles confined in nanoslits: A Monte Carlo test of scaling concepts” Macromolecules 46 (2013), 8017-8025.
      1098. M. Solar, E.Z. Mapesa, K. Binder, F. Kremer, W. Paul “The dielectric  -relaxation in polymer films: A comparison between experiments and atomistic simulations” EPL 104 (2013) 66004, 1-6.
      1099. K. Binder, H.-J. Butt, G. Floudas, H. Frey, H.-P. Hsu, K. Landfester, U. Kolb, A. Kühnle, M. Maskos, K. Müllen, W. Paul, M. Schmidt, H.W. Spiess, P. Virnau “Structure Formation of Polymeric Building Blocks: Complex Polymer Architectures’’ Adv. Polym. Sci. 260 (2014) 115-210.
      1100. R. Berger, K. Binder, G. Diezemann, J. Gauss, M. Helm, H.-P. Hsu, A. Janshoff, T. Metzroth, I. Mey, A. Milchev, W. Paul, V.G. Rostiashvili, T.A. Vilgis “Mechanical Properties of Single Molecules and Polymer Aggregates’’ Adv. Polym. Sci. 260 (2014) 1-60.
      1101. T. Schilling, S. Dorosz, M. Radu, M. Mathew, S. Jungblut, K. Binder “Mixtures of Anisotropic and Spherical Colloids: Phase behavior, confinement, percolation phenomena, and kinetics” EPJ-ST 222, 3039-3052 (2013)
      1102. A. Winkler, D. Winter, P. Chaudhuri, A. Statt, P. Virnau, J. Horbach, K. Binder “Computer Simulations of Structure, Dynamics, and Phase Behavior of Colloidal Fluids in Confined Geometry and Under Shear” EPJ-ST 222, 2787-2801 (2013)
      1103. S. Deutschländer, U. Siems, B. Heinze, K. Franzrahe, P. Henseler, P. Keim, N. Schwierz, P. Virnau, D. Wilms, K. Binder, G. Maret, and P. Nielaba “Effects of boundaries on structure formation in low-dimensional colloid model systems near the liquid-solid-transition in equilibrium and in external fields and under shear”, EPJ-ST 222, 2973-2993 (2013)
      1104. A. Huang, R, Adhikari, A. Bhattacharya, K. Binder “Universal monomer dynamics of a two-dimensional semiflexible chain” EPL 105 (2014) 18002, p. 1 – 6.
      1105. A. Milchev, K. Binder, “Adsorption of Oligomers and Polymers into a Polymer Brush Formed form Grafted Ring Polymers” Macromolecules 46 (2013) 8724 – 8731.
      1106. J. Paturej, A. Milchev, S. Egorov, K. Binder “The escape transition of a compressed star polymer: Self-consistent field predictions tested by simulation” Macromolecules 46 (2013)
        8009 – 8016.
      1107. H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul, K. Binder ``Pulling single adsorbed bottle-brush polymers off a flat surface: A Monte Carlo Simulation” Macromolecules 47 (2014) 427 – 437.
      1108. K. Binder “Simulations of Interfacial Phenomena in Soft Condensed Matter and Nanoscience”
        CCP 2013 Conference Proceedings, J. Phys.: Conference Series 510 (2014) 012002, p. 1-5.
      1109. V.A. Ivanov, A.S. Rodionova, J.A. Martemyanova, M.R. Stukan, M. Müller, W. Paul, K. Binder “Conformational Properties of Semiflexible Chains at Nematic Ordering Transitions in Thin Films: A Monte Carlo Simulation” Macromolecules 47, 1206-1220 (2014)
      1110. B.-J. Block, D. Deb, F. Schmitz, A. Statt, A. Tröster, A. Winkler, T. Zykova-Timan, P. Virnau, K. Binder „Computer simulation of heterogeneous nucleation of colloidal crystals at planar walls” EPJST 223 (2014) 347-361.
      1111. K. Binder, A. Muramatsu: “Condensed Matter: Structure and Properties Explained by Simulations Based on Many-Body Quantum Mechanics” NIC Symposium 2014 Proceedings
        p. 241 – 242 (K. Binder, G. Münster, M. Kremer, eds.) NIC Jülich (2014)
      1112. M. Solar, K. Binder and W. Paul, “Dielectric relaxation of a polybutadiene melt at a crystalline graphite surface: atomistic Molecular Dynamics simulations” in Dynamics in Geometrical Confinement (F. Kremer. Ed.) Springer, Berlin 2014, pp.1-15.
      1113. K. Binder, G. Münster, M. Kremer (eds.) NIC Symposium 2014 Proceedings (NIC Jülich 2014) p. 1 – 424.
      1114. A. Statt, A. Winkler, P. Virnau, K. Binder „Phase Separation of Colloid Polymer Mixtures Under Confinement” in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’13 (W.E. Nagel et al., eds.) Springer, Berlin (2014), p. 19-31.
      1115. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Unconventional ordering behavior of semi-flexible polymers in dense brushes under compression” Soft Matter 10 (2014), 3783-3797.
      1116. A. Huang, A. Bhattacharya, K. Binder “Conformations, Transverse Fluctuations, and Crossover Dynamics of a Semi-Flexible Chain in Two Dimensions” J. Chem. Phys. 140, 214902 (2014), 1-12.
      1117. L.I. Klushin, A.M. Skvortsov, A.A. Polotsky, H.-P. Hsu, K. Binder “Coil-bridge transition in a single polymer chain as an unconventional phase transition: Theory and simulation” J. Chem. Phys. 140, 204908 (2014), 1-11.
      1118. F. Schmitz, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Determination of the origin and magnitude of logarithmic finite size effects on interfacial tension: Role of interfacial fluctuations and domain breathing” Physical Review Letters 112, 126701 (2014)
      1119. K. Binder, J. Horbach, P. Virnau, D. Winter „Nonlinear Response of Single Particles in Glassforming Fluids in External Forces” INSIDE 12, No1, p. 49-51 (2014)
      1120. E.V. Albano, K. Binder “Critical and Tricritical Wetting in the Two-Dimensional Blume-Capel Model J. Stat. Phys. 157 (2014), 436-455.
      1121. M. Solar, L. Yelash, P. Virnau, K. Binder, W. Paul „Polymer Dynamics in the Polymer-Solid Interphase: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of 1,4 Polybutadiene at Graphite” Soft Materials (2014) 12, S80-S89.
      1122. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Polymer Absorption in Dense Polymer Brushes Versus Polymer Adsorption on the Brush-Solvent Interface“ EPL 106 (2014) 58001, 1-6.
      1123. A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, K. Binder “Critical Absorption of a single macromolecule in polymer brushes” Soft Matter 10 (2014) 5974-5990.
      1124. F. Schmitz, A. Statt, P. Virnau, K. Binder „Investigation of finite-size effects in determination of interfacial tensions” in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering’14 (W. Nagel et al., eds.) Springer, Berlin (2015)
      1125. M.L. Trobo, E.V. Albano, K. Binder “First-order and tricritical wetting transitions in the two-dimensional Ising model caused by interfacial pinning at a defect line” Phys. Rev. E90, 022406 (2014), 1-11.
      1126. F. Schmitz, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Logarithmic Finite-Size Effect on Interfacial Free Energies: Phenomenological Theory and Monte Carlo Studies” Phys. Rev. E90 (2014) 012128, 1-19.
      1127. K. Binder, P. Virnau, A. Statt “Perspective: The Asakura-Oosawa Model, A Colloid Prototype for Bulk and Interfacial Phase Behavior” J. Chem. Phys. 141 (2014) 140901, 1-10.
      1128. J. Luettmer-Strathmann, K. Binder “Transitions of tethered chain molecules under tension” The Journal of Chemical Physics 141, 114911 (2014), 1-8.
      1129. K. Binder “Commentary: Simulations clarify when supercooled water freezes into glassy structures” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 111, 9374 (2014)
      1130. B.J. Block, S. Kim, P. Virnau, K. Binder „Anisotropic Interfacial Tension, Contact Angles, Line Tensions: A GPU-based Monte Carlo study of the Ising model” Phys. Rev. E90 (2014) 062106, 1-13.
      1131. D. P. Landau, K. Binder “A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics” 4th Ed. (Cambridge, Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2015) 519 pages.
      1132. A. Statt, P. Virnau, K. Binder „Finite Size Effects on liquid-solid phase coexistence and the estimation of crystal nucleation barriers” Phys. Rev. Letters 114, 026101 (2015), 1-5.
      1133. S.A. Egorov, H.-P. Hsu, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Semiflexible Polymer Brushes and the Brush-Mushroom Crossover” Soft Matter 11, 2604-2616 (2015)
      1134. A. Statt, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Crystal nuclei in melts: A Monte Carlo simulation of a model for attractive colloids” Molecular Physics 113, 2556-2570 (2015)
      1135. K. Binder “Simulations of critical phenomena: From Ising models to fluids” Molecular Physics 113, 2389-2390 (2015)
      1136. P. Virnau, F. Schmitz, K. Binder „The ensemble switch method and related approaches to obtain interfacial free energies between coexisting phases from simulations: A brief review”. Molecular Simulation 42, 549-562 (2016)
      1137. A. Statt, F. Schmitz, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Monte Carlo Simulation of Crystal-Liquid Phase Coexistence’’ in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering’ 15 (W. Nagel et al., eds) Springer, Berlin (2016)
      1138. A. Huang, H.-P. Hsu, A. Bhattacharya, K. Binder “Semiflexible macromolecules in quasi-one-dimensional confinement: discrete versus continuous bond angles” J. Chem. Phys. 143, 243102 (2015), 1-14.
      1139. K. Binder “Book Review: Colloids and the Depletion Interaction by Henk N.W. Lekkerkerker and Remco Tuinier” Eur. Phys. J.E. (2015) 38, 73.
      1140. M.P. Taylor, W. Paul, K. Binder “On the polymer origins of protein folding thermodynamics”
        J. Chem. Phys. 145, 174903 (2016), p. 1-10.
      1141. K. Binder, S.A. Egorov, A. Milchev “Polymer Brushes on Flat and Curved Substrates: What can be Learned from Molecular Dynamics Simulation’’ in Polymer and Biopolymer Brushes: Fundamentals and Applications in Materials Science and Biotechnology (O. Azzaroni and I. Szleifer, eds.) J. Wiley & Sons, New York (2018) 141-159
      1142. B. Trefz, S.K. Das, S.A. Egorov, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Activity Mediated Phase Separation: Can we understand phase behavior of the nonequilibrium problem from an equilibrium approach?” J. Chem. Phys. 144, 144902 (2016), 1-11.
      1143. K. Binder, M. Müller “Phase Transformation” in Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Engineering, 4th edition (J. Wiley & Sons)
      1144. K. Binder, H.-P. Hsu, W. Paul „Understanding the stiffness of macromolecules: from linear chains to bottle-brushes” European Physical Journal-Special Topics 225 (2016) 1663-1671.
      1145. S.A. Egorov, A. Milchev, K. Binder, “Anomalous fluctuations of nematic order in solutions of semiflexible polymers” Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 187801 (2016), 1-5.
      1146. S.A. Egorov, A. Milchev, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Semiflexible Polymers Under Good Solvent Conditions Interacting With Repulsive Walls” J. Chem. Phys. 144, 174902 (2016), 1-14.
      1147. K. Binder, M. Müller, M. Kremer, A. Schnurpfeil (Eds.) “NIC Symposium 2016, 11-12 February 2016, Jülich, Germany, Proceedings” Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich (2016), pp.1-417.
      1148. K. Binder “Condensed Matter. Introduction” in NIC Symposium 2016, 11 February 2016, Jülich, Germany, Proceedings (K. Binder, M. Müller, M. Kremer, A. Schnurpfeil (Eds.), pp. 227-228 (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, 2016)
      1149. M.L. Trobo, E.V. Albano, K. Binder “Droplets Pinned at Chemically Inhomogeneous Substrates: A Simulation Study of the Two-Dimensional Case” Phys. Rev. E 93 (2016) 052805
      1150. S.A. Egorov, A. Milchev, P. Virnau, K. Binder “A New Insight into Isotropic-Nematic Phase Transition in Lyotropic Solutions of Semiflexible Polymers: Density Functional Theory tested by Molecular Dynamics”, Soft Matter 12 (2016) 4944-4959
      1151. S.A. Egorov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Capillary Nematization of Semiflexible Polymers” Macromolecular Theory & Simulation 2017, 26, 1600036, 1-11.
      1152. K. Binder, P. Virnau “Overview: Understanding nucleation phenomena from simulations of lattice gas models” J. Chem. Phys. 145, 211701 (2016), 1-23.
      1153. S.A. Egorov, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Semiflexible Polymers in the bulk and confined by planar walls” Polymers 8 (2016), 296, 1-26.
      1154. A. Statt, P. Koß, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Estimation of Nucleation Barriers from Simulations of Crystal Nuclei surrounded by Fluid in Equilibrium” in High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ‘16 (W. Nagel et al., eds) Springer, Berlin (2017)
      1155. A. Nikoubashman, A. Milchev, K. Binder “Dynamics of single semiflexible polymers in dilute solution” J. Chem. Phys. 145, 234903 (2016), 1-13.
      1156. B. Trefz, J.T. Siebert, T. Speck, K. Binder, P. Virnau “Estimation of the critical behavior in an active colloidal system with Vicsek-like interactions” J. Chem. Phys. 146, 074901 (2017), 1-9.
      1157. M. Solar, K. Binder, W. Paul “Relaxation Processes and Glass Transition of Confined Polymer Melts: A Molecular Dynamcis Simulation of 1,4 polybutadiene between Graphite Walls”
        J. Chem. Phys. 146, 203308 (2017), 1-13.
      1158. E.V. Albano, L. Luque, M.L. Trobo, K. Binder “Numerical Evidence of hyperscaling violation in wetting transitions of the Random Bond Ising Model in d=3 dimensions” Phys. Rev. E95, 022801 (2017), 1-8.
      1159. K. Binder “Viewpoint: Coniglio-Klein droplets: a fruitful concept to understand phase transitions geometrically” J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50 (2017) 061001, p. 1-3.
      1160. A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, K. Binder “Semiflexible polymers confined in a slit pore with attractive walls: Two-dimensional liquid crystalline orders versus capillary nematization” Soft Matter (2017) 13, 1888-1903.
      1161. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Smectic C and nematic phases in strongly adsorbed layers of semiflexible polymers” Nano Letters 17  (2017) 4924-4928.
      1162. A. Nikoubashman, D.A. Vega, K. Binder, A. Milchev “Semiflexible polymers in spherical confinement: bipolar orientational versus tennis-ball states”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (2017) 217803, 1-5.
      1163. A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, A. Nikoubashman, K. Binder: “Conformations and orientational ordering of semiflexible polymers in spherical confinement” J. Chem. Phys. 146 (2017) 194907, 1-12.
      1164. J.T. Siebert, F. Dittrich, F. Schmid, K. Binder, T. Speck, P. Virnau “Critical behavior of active Brownian particles” Phys. Rev. E98 (2018) 030601(R), 1-6.
      1165. P. Koß, A. Statt, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Free Energy Barriers for Crystal Nucleation from Fluid Phases” Phys. Rev, E 96 (2017) 042609, 1-15.
      1166. K. Binder, S.A. Egorov, A. Milchev “Slit Pore Confinement of Semiflexible Polymers – Interplay of Adsorption and Liquid-Crystalline Order” in (P. Huber, ed.) Soft Matter under Confinement and at Interfaces (World Scientific, Singapore, 2018)
      1167. A. Tröster, F. Schmitz, P. Virnau, K. Binder “Equilibrium between a droplet and surrounding vapor: A discussion of finite size effects” J. Phys. Chem. B 122, (2018) 3407-3417.
      1168. X. Wang, C. Chen, K. Binder, U. Kuhn, U. Pöschl, H. Su, and Y. Cheng “Molecular
        dynamics simulation of the surface tension of aqueous NaCL” Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18, 17077-17086 (2018)
      1169. M.L. Trobo, E.V. Albano, K. Binder “Heterogeneous Nucleation of a Droplet Pinned at a Chemically Inhomogeneous Substrate: A Simulation Study of the Two-Dimensional Case”
        J. Chem. Phys. 148, 114701 (2018), 1-19.
      1170. A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, D. Vega, K. Binder, A. Nikoubashman „Densely packed semiflexible macromolecules in a rigid spherical capsule” Macromolecules 51 (2018) 2002-2016.
      1171. A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, A. Nikoubashman, K. Binder, “Adsorption and structure formation of semiflexible polymers on spherical surfaces” Polymer 145 (2018) 463-472.
      1172. S.K. Das, S.A. Egorov, P. Virnau, D. Winter, K. Binder “Do the contact angle and line tension of surface-attached droplets depend on the radius of curvature?” J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 30
        (2018) 255001, 1-13.
      1173. P. Koss, A. Statt, P. Virnau, K. Binder, K. Binder “The phase coexistence method to obtain surface free energies and nucleation barriers: A brief review.” Molecular Physics 116 (2018) 2977-2986.
      1174. A. Milchev, S.A. Egorov, K. Binder, and A. Nikoubashman “Nematic order in solutions of semiflexible polymers: Hairpins, elastic constants, and the nematic-smectic transition” J. Chem. Phys. 149 (2018) 174909, p.1-17.
      1175. X. Wang, K. Binder, C. Chen, T. Koop, U. Pöschl, H. Su, Y. Cheng “Second inflection point of water surface tension in deeply supercooled regime revealed by entropy anomaly and surface structure” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) 21, 3360-3369 (2019)
      1176. K. Binder, M. Müller, A. Trautmann (Eds.) NIC Symposium 2018. Proceedings
        (Forschungsgemeinschaft Jülich, Jülich 2018) pp. 1-448.
      1177. K. Binder, “Condensed Matter: Towards an Understanding of the Properties of Solids from First Principles”, in NIC Symposium 2018. Proceedings (K. Binder, M. Müller, A. Trautmann, Eds.) pp. 271-272. (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich 2018)
      1178. J. Xu, S.-H. Tsai, D. Landau, K. Binder “Finite size scaling for a first order transition where a continuous symmetry is broken: The spin-flop transition in the 3D XXZ Heisenberg antiferromagnet” Phys. Rev. E99, 0233309 (2019), 1-17.
      1179. A. Milchev, A. Nikoubashman, K. Binder “The smectic phase in semifleixble polymer materials: A large scale Molecular Dynamics study” Comput. Mat. Sci. 166, 230 (2019)
      1180. D. Messner, C. Böttcher, H. Yu, A. Halperin, K. Binder,  M. Kröger. A.D. Schlüter “Native 3D conformations of thick synthetic polymers chains observed by cryogenic electron microscopy” ACS Nano 13, 3466 (2019)
      1181. A. Milchev, K. Binder, “Linear Dimensions of Adsorbed Semiflexible Polymers: What can be learned about their persistence length”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 128003 (2019)
      1182. L. Pang, D.P. Landau, K. Binder “Probing predictions due to the nonlocal interface Hamiltonian: Monte Carlo simulations of interfaces fluctuations in Ising films” Phys. Rev. E. 100, 023303 (2019)
      1183. K. Binder, D.W. Heermann “Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics. An Introduction” 6th Edition (258 pages; contains chapters 7 and 8, not contained in the 5th Edition) Springer Nature, Switzerland (2019)
      1184. J. Midya, S.A. Egorov, K. Binder, A. Nikoubashman “Phase behavior of flexible and semiflexible polymers in solvents of varying quality” J. Chem. Phys. 151, 034902 (2019)
      1185. J. Xu, S.-H. Tsai, D.P. Landau, K. Binder “A New Universality at a First-Order Phase Transition: The Spin-Flop Transition in an Anisotrope Heisenberg Antiferromagnet” in Proceedings of the 10th Brazilian Meeting on Simulational Physcis
      1186. A. Milchev, K. Binder “How does stiffness of polymer chains affect their adsorption transition?” J. Chem. Phys. 152, 064901 (2020)
      1187. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Semiflexible polymers interacting with planar surfaces: weak versus strong adsorption” Polymers 12, 255 (2020)
      1188. M. Müller, K. Binder, A. Trautmann (Editors) „NIC Symposium 2020, Proceedings“ (Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52425 Jülich, 2020) 424 pages
      1189. K. Binder, F. B. Anders „Theoretical Condensed Matter: Introduction” in NIC Symposium 2020, Proceedings (M. Müller, K. Binder, A. Trautmann, Eds) p. 245–246 (Forschungszentrum Jülich, 52425 Jülich, 2020)
      1190. S. A. Egorov, K. Binder „When does Wenzel’s extension of Young’s equation for the contact angle of droplets apply? A density functional study” J. Chem. Phys. 152, 194707 (2020)
      1191. K. Binder, S. A. Egorov, A. Milchev, A. Nikoubashman „Understanding the properties of liquid-crystalline polymers by computational modeling” IOP Materials 3, 032008 (2020)
      1192. A. Milchev, S. A. Egorov, J. Midya, K. Binder, A. Nikoubashman „Entropic Unmixing in Nematic Blends of Semiflexible Polymers”, ACS Macro Letters  9, 1779-1784 (2020)
      1193. C. Chuchu, W. Xiaoxiang, K. Binder, M. Ghahremanpour, D. van der Spoel, U. Pöschl, H. Su, Yafang Cheng „Energetic analysis of succinic acid in water droplets: insight into the size-dependent solubility of atmospheric nanoparticles” Environmental Science & Technology, preprint (2021)
      1194. S. A. Egorov, A. Milchev, A. Nikoubashman, K. Binder „Phase separation and nematic order in lyotropic solutions: Two types of polymers with different stiffness in a common solvent” J. Phys. Chem. B125, 956-969 (2021)
      1195. K. Binder, P. Virnau, “Phase Transitions and Phase Coexistence: Equilibrium Systems versus Externally Driven or Active Systems – Some Perspectives” Soft Materials 19, 267 (2021)
      1196. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Cylindrical confinement of solutions containing semiflexible macromolecules: Surface-induced nematic order versus phase separation” Soft Matter 17, 3443-3454 (2021)
      1197. A. Milchev, S. A. Egorov, and K. Binder, “Phase separation in a binary mixture of semiflexible polymers confined in a repulsive sphere”, Macromolecules 54(13), 6312 (2021)
      1198. A. Milchev, S. A. Egorov, J. Midya, K. Binder and A. Nikoubashman “Blends of Semiflexible Polymers: Interplay of nematic order and phase separation”, Polymers  13(14), 2270 (2021)
      1199. D. P. Landau, K. Binder “A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics, 5th edition” (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2021) 564 p.
      1200. A. Milchev, K. Binder “Adsorption of semi-flexible polymers in cylindrical tubes”. Langmuir 37(40), 11759 (2021)