Public transportation from Frankfurt Airport to the University of Mainz
From Frankfurt/Airport your destination is Mainz Central Train Station (Hbf). You find train schedules at:
At Frankfurt Rhein/Main Airport follow the signs to Regionalbahnhof. They will guide you to the regional railways station (tracks 1-3). Please take S Bahn Number 8 – destination Wiesbaden. Your stop is Mainz Central Train station. You can buy your ticket over the counter in the travel center (Reisezentrum) which is located to your right hand side when coming down the escalator into the station. Credit cards are accepted. Please ask for a "RMV" ticket (€ 4,80). You can also buy the ticket from a vending machine. Enter the destination code for Mainz “65” and press the button for an adult single ticket. You will be asked if you prefer to go via Rüsselsheim (1) or Frankfurt (2). Please select (1). The machine will accept coins and bank notes up to € 20. The ticket is valid on any type of trains stopping in this station as well as on Mainz local buses and street cars to the university. It is valid only for traveling immediately after purchase and on the shortest route to your final destination only. There is no possibility to buy tickets inside the trains - not having a valid ticket carries a fine of € 60,00.
Note, there is another international airport, which is situated in the Hunsrück some 70 km west of Mainz. Between Mainz Hbf and that airport there are several direct bus connections, the travel time is 70 min, the fare € 13,50. The buses also stop at Mainz University bus stop “Friedrich-von-Pfeiffer-Weg”.
By bus
The following streetcar lines stop at the University, Main Entrance, Forum, Saarstraße
- 51 (streetcar Direction: Finthen/Poststraße/Hindemithstraße, Univ. streetcar track “B”)
- 53 (streetcar: Direction: Lerchenberg/Hindemithstraße, Univ. streetcar track “B”)
Campus Bus Line:
- 78 (Direction: Hochschule Mainz, Univ. bus track “I” (also stops at Staudinger Weg, our Institute)
From the Central Railway Station (Mainz Hauptbahnhof) you reach the University by the following streetcars:
- 51 (streetcar: Direction: Lerchenberg/Hindemithstraße, streetcar track “A”, Bahnhofsplatz)
- 53 (streetcar: Direction: Lerchenberg/Hindemithstraße, streetcar track “L”, Alicenstr.)
Additional bus lines to the University please find under:
University streetcar stop “Friedrich von Pfeiffer Weg” follows directly after Univ. streetcar stop B at Saarstraße. Please follow the red marked path on the campus map from “Friedrich von Pfeiffer Weg” to our Institute.
Ticket costs: The "short trip ticket/Kurzstreckenticket" (valid from the central train station to University bus stop A and B/ streetcar stop) costs € 1,70. The regular ticket for € 2,80 is valid in the whole Mainz/Wiesbaden area. You can also buy a bundle of 5 single tickets for € 11,20. Alternatively, you can buy daily tickets (€ 6,70 for 1 and € 10,10 for 5 persons). If you arrive with an RMV or RNN Verkehrsverbund ticket, no extra bus ticket is necessary. The tickets are available from the bus driver or the vending machines.